Amanda Linette Meder

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Protector Spirits: Meet Your Protector Spirit Guide

Article: Protector Spirit Guides: What Is Their Purpose? How Can You Meet One? Photo by joel herzog on Unsplash of a lion family, lions and large cats often appear as Protector Guides in Spirit.

Updated 2021.12.27

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In this post, of the many different Spirit Guides, we discuss meeting your Protector Spirit Guide.

Protector Spirit Guides help you boost your spiritual protection and your feeling and experience of safety in the physical. Another name for Protector Spirit Guides is Guardian Spirits

I met one of my first Protector Guides in meditation.

To meet a Spirit Guide in meditation, you set the intention that you will work with Spirit, calm down your breathing, and allow whatever arises to arise. 

Protector Guides are Spirit Guides that assist with discernment of what's healthy for you, guiding you to physical safety.

They can often appear in Native or Traditional Clothing from your family's background or from the land you reside in. Sometimes they appear as large cats or other protective, larger-than-you animals.

When a Protector Guide steps forward in your mind's eye, you may feel a rush of warmth, protection, and love. They may offer you a gift in the form of a symbol representing what they have arrived to assist you with. 

Protector Spirit Guides are responsible for your safety and well-being and often help you make decisions requiring discernment.

They are always supportive, calm, and gentle and tend to guide a person with feelings or gentle nudges. 

Protector Guides can help you stay safe while traveling and provide wise guidance when making difficult decisions such as traveling or new relations.

When you develop a working relationship with your Protector Guide, they can and will help you in difficult situations like these, both in the world of Spirit or in the Physical World.

You can ask a Protector Guide for help guarding and shielding you from negativity and absorbing energy that isn't yours. You can ask them to reinforce your energetic boundaries and for ideas on strengthening your Aura. 

You can also ask your Protector Guide for advice on new business partnerships, romantic relationships, and friendships. Your Protector Guide can assist with guiding you to anything that will make you feel safe.

These are just a few ideas, but there are many more ways and reasons to call upon Protector Guides. 

So, ready to meet your Protector Guide?

5 Steps To Meeting Your Protector Spirit Guide

5 Tips For Connecting With Your Protector Spirit Guide. Photo by Alice Donovan Rouse on Unsplash of horses on a hill. Protector Spirit Guides will appear as horses, especially if they are leading you out of a situation.

1 - Set The Intention To Meet Them

Only say to yourself that you intend to meet your Protector Spirit Guide, and what role you would like them to play in your life. 

2 - Sit Down To A Meditation

Settle into meditation, and imagine yourself traveling to a natural space that you dream about and perhaps have already been. It's a place of magic for you. Once you arrive, ask your guides to appear before you.

Take note of any bodily sensations, feelings, colors, scents, words, or images that come into your mind.

  • What does the ecosystem look like?

  • What season is it?

  • Is it daytime or night?

  • Are you cold or warm?

  • What do you see or sense?

Take it all in.

These hints are symbolic cues for who your Guide is, their purpose, and what they're here to help you with.

Ask for your Guide's name, and trust the first thing that comes to your mind, whatever it is. 

Next, ask your Guide to step forward, to stand directly in front of you, in your energy field. Take an inventory of your sensations and witness any changes you experience. Do this at least three more times, ask your Guide to step in and out. 

The impressions, words, or images that you receive when in meditation with a guide could be their calling card – the unique method they let you know of their presence. 

Each Guide has a unique calling card they identify themselves with. 

The more you call in your Protector Guide, the easier it will be to feel moving forward.

3 - Develop Your Relationship

To do this, all you have to do is listen and set aside time to tune in.

Most of the time, Spirit Guides communicate with us through an 'inner voice' - that thing inside us that calmly, quietly, and wisely speaks the truth. 

Some of us hear this voice. Some of us feel it in our bones. Some of us just know.

Begin to trust this voice and listen to it. I usually sort it out by figuring out what side of my body I hear it on.

Either way, the more you pay attention to it, the stronger and more direct the guidance will be.

As you put your trust in Spirit, they, too, put their trust in you. I like to begin trusting my guides by going within and asking, then taking three steps and seeing how it feels. 

I do this daily and suggest setting a time to tune in to Spirit at least once a week and, ideally, once a day. 

4 - Pay Attention To Your Dream World

You can also receive guide transmissions through your dreams. Spirit Guides love to communicate in the dream world or at least by providing peaceful dreaming.

You can sleep next to record crystals such as Danburite to connect with Spirit Guides in your dreams.

See this content in the original post

The above oils are just suggestions for scents that are both grounding and opening. This is the type of energy that's best to have when connecting with a Protector Guide.

5 - Finally, Ask Your Protector Guide To Assist With Boosting Your Energy

Your Spirit Guide wants to help protect you from those things that do not serve your Spirit or the growth of your soul. 

They often delight in showing you where you need more protection and boundaries or by taking things out of your life that distracts from your highest self.

I talk about this in the Spiritual Security eBook, how protection is really a matter of boosting your energy from within. You can ask your Protector Guide for assistance drawing in positive, healthy energy.

Article: Protector Spirit Guides: What Is Their Purpose? How Can You Meet One? Photo by joel herzog on Unsplash with text overlay of text: Protector Guides - 5 Steps To Meeting Your Protector Spirit Guide.

So to recap, to meet a Protector Guide

  • Set the intention to meet them

  • Sit down to a meditation

  • Cultivate your relationship

  • Pay attention to your dream world

  • Ask for a boost in energy

Continue on with life and see what results from this spiritual practice.

When starting to work with a Protector Guide, you may suddenly realize something you want protection from. After all, they can't protect you if you don't know what, and when you see it, affirm it. Identifying what you need assistance with can also help strengthen your connection.

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