Amanda Linette Meder

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How To Get Grounded Spiritually

Photo of mushrooms in patch of forest greens with red clay and olive green background by adege from Pixabay

Updated 2021.12.09

This article discusses what grounding is and how you can tap into for accessing your highest good.

Grounding is a term used to mean recentering and reconnecting with the Earth.

Refocusing and re-establishing yourself to a state where you feel:

  • Centered whole and complete in who you are

  • Confident in your life path

  • Satisfied with where you are at this moment in your life

When you are grounded, it can feel as though you have everything you need, so some sense it as a sense of contentment. 

Grounding techniques are all ways to get grounded and become re-rooted to your physical self, by reconnecting with the physical world. 

The easiest way to describe grounding is actually in a feeling. You are grounded when you feel calm, peaceful, and centered in where you are and your space in time.

When Grounded, you are stable and observant like a tree in an open grassland plain, unmoving, and utterly content.

In this post, we're going to how-to get to this energetic state of being. 

Since being grounded is one of the first steps to opening up the chakras related to your expanded intuitive senses, knowing how to get here is the heart of many spiritual practices. 

First, let's talk about when you ground, the benefits, and then we'll talk about how to do it.

When do you ground? 

Photo of of golden light along forest path by Michael Schwarzenberger from Pixabay

Whenever you want to come back to your 'centered' place whenever you feel off-balance, it is a good time to ground. 

Anytime anything in your life feels as though it could use more balance, grounding is a good idea. Once grounded and centered, the soul usually knows exactly where it's North Star is and will automatically start aligning in that direction.

Meaning, grounding a lot can promote re-balancing of anything that needs to come back to the center. 

Is there a best time to ground?

During the golden hour and in the morning, are usually the best times for grounding your energy. But anytime you think about it, it's also usually a great time.

If it crosses your mind to ground, though, that's a cue to reconnect yourself to the Earth. 

These opportunities are great for grounding:

Before an event

Right before you go somewhere where you need to be in a spiritual, emotional, and physical state that requires your undivided attention, you may like to ground before teaching or getting on a Conference Call, for example.

For example, I've found it helpful before meeting with a client before leading a presentation.

After an event

Immediately after intermingling your energy with anyone else, it's a great time to re-anchor your soul to the Earth. 

After a big business meeting is an example of when I've found grounding helpful, another time is when meeting new people or after introducing new things into your energy field.

Other best times to ground are

  • As you leave the house

  • You have a heart-to-heart conversation

  • You have to do something where you want to focus

These are just a few examples of times when I find this energy activity helpful. 

There are many more excellent times to ground, but my rule of thumb is - ground any time you want to return to a centered state of mind. 

What are the benefits of Grounding techniques?

Photo of dirt forest road surrounded by mossy forest floor and tall trees with light on horizon by Pexels from Pixabay

  • It can support improved feelings of peace

  • It may increase emotional and mental clarity

  • It can enhance your ease at standing your ground, boundaries

  • It may promote a clearer ability to speak your truth calmly and lovingly

  • It can encourage energetic awareness and presence

  • It can support a more positive mindset

  • It can support feelings of calm and contentedness

Below, I now want to talk about a few different ways you can ground your energy.

I don't use them all at once, usually, but you can. You absolutely can. 

The 3 Best Ways To Ground Your Energy

Photo of foggy forest path surrounded by palms and tree branches by 272447 from Pixabay

#1 Surround yourself in physical elements of nature

Connect with Nature and the Earth. You can do this in just a few minutes, and it doesn't require a weekend getaway. 

Find a tree outside, a small planting of flowers, or a short nature trail behind your house. Take 3-minutes and just sit with any of these things. 

If you are on a trail, walk, and find a place to sit. Preferably, on the ground. If not on the ground, at least have your feet on the ground. 

Take your shoes off.

Enjoy the sun and sit peacefully with your feet flat on the ground and breathe deeply in and out.

As much as you can, you want your physical body to connect with the Earth. Touch some flowers, bask in some sunlight, place your feet on the grass.

If you will be inside all day, I suggest wearing earthy colored patterns, such as the color green, tops with flowers or leaves on them, or other garments with these patterns. 

The energy of clothing, mainly designs made to showcase the Earth, brings the element of nature to your body and thus the designs become grounding tools. 

For example, wearing tropical or earthy patterns are an excellent substitute for a bouquet on a desk or a tree out a window. 

Your grounding exercise can be a 5-minute walk around the park, or it is changing your top for the day. 

Step one of grounding is always bringing Mother Earth energy into you. You can get creative, depending on what is needed at the time. 

It can be a break from technology for the afternoon while you casually decide what herbs you'd like to place in your garden this year, then back to work. 

#2 Visualize yourself connected to the ground through roots

This is another way to ground. 

Imagine that you are a tree or imagine that you are sitting on a throne hollowed out in a tree and then visualize your roots going down to the Earth.

Notice when they get to Earth, what those roots are connected to, and then trace them back up to you in your mind's eye. 

After this, do something to connect to tree energy - for example, smell some Tea Tree, Pine or Cypress.

#3 Listen To Drumming Music

Drumming music, depending on the tempo, can mirror the energies of the heart and thus the energies of the Earth. 

Think of the drumming of a woodpecker, when you hear it. It's instantly calming and balancing. It brings you into the present moment. You forget whatever you were worrying about and you become here. 

Any sound with a beat, a steady drum, in the background, can be grounding to the energy field. It shakes out stuck energies and replaces it with the primordial sounds of Mother Earth's energy. 

The good news is that this last technique can affect the whole body since the ears capture only a portion of sound. The rest is felt through the bones of the body, then, onto the energy field.

Energy Clearing Techniques / Grounding Your Energy Tips. Photo of mushrooms in patch of forest greens with red clay and olive green background by adege from Pixabay with text overlay - Grounding - What Is It, What Are The Benefits, And How Do You Do It?

So to recap, three ways to ground are

  • By connecting to nature, through traveling there or bringing it to you

  • By envisioning nature in a meditation visualization

  • By using a steady beat to harmonize the energy

Ideally, if you have time, maybe a couple of hours, you do all three of these things. 

You walk outside barefoot or wear earth patterns if you're at work, then you do a visualization. Follow it with a few minutes taking in any sound that has a drum to it. 

It could be a woodpecker. It could be an excellent beat on the radio, whatever is available to you at the time is typically, what will work best.

Grounding can benefit you by promoting calmness and spiritual awareness. It can also enhance serenity around directions and decision-making since it promotes present moment awareness. 

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