Amanda Linette Meder

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Symptoms Of A Karmic Relationship

Photo of white lily on white backdrop by Evie Shaffer from Pexels

Updated 2022.06.18

A karmic relationship is a romantic bond that you form with someone in your soul group in order to heal the unhealthy patterns that have been formed in lives past. 

Karmic partner relationships are the type of soulmate relationships that no one wants, but everyone has, and they are just one of the many types of soul connections you can have with another person.

They can be difficult, and feel emotionally taxing, abusive, controlling or manipulative and they can heal lifetimes of unbalanced karma, stimulating transformational healing on all sides.

In every first respect, karmic relationships can look good on the inside, and they can be great for your soul’s evolution.

Characteristics of Karmic Relationships

Benefits of karmic relationships. This post discusses the signs you’re in a karmic bond and what it means. Photo of white lily on white background by Evie Shaffer from Pexels.

Karmic bonds are usually formed with fireworks and end in flames

There are sparks in the air, it feels like love, you feel like you’ve known this person forever. Karmic partners will feel that you are their God, and you owe them their happiness.

Karmic partners put you on a pedestal, which can feel good. Yet, when you try to break it off, a karmic partner will say that they want the best for you, while at the same time, make every attempt to sabotage your happiness.

Each person in the Karmic relationship is in the relationship to break a pattern

In a karmic relationship, both people come together to break a pattern that has transcended centuries, and this is generally considered a fact widely agreed upon by psychics and healers everywhere.

We all have unhealthy patterns, ways of thinking and ways of viewing ourselves that we form in our lifetimes and in a karmic relationship, your partner is your mirror.

Through your relationship with them, they will help you realize through action what unhealthy pattern is being brought out in you so that you can heal it.

Karmic relationships often bring out the worst in us, so it can be illuminated, resolved and cleared forevermore.

Karmic relationships teach love worthiness

Most karmic relationships come together because they are teaching one or the other person that they are worthy of meaningful, peaceful, joyful love.

Karmic relationships can at times, be the opposite of peaceful love. This is because karmic relationships are fueled by centuries of connection. It is through learning what true love is not, that the karmic partner can find what true love really is.

When you re-enter into a karmic relationship with a person from your soul group, pain is thrown all about - at the walls, at each other, at yourself.

As pain is expressed, old ties, soul bonds and contracts are brought to the surface, realized, and healed. In this, karmic relationships are an opportunity for you and your partner to heal what has not been healed in previous lifetimes.

Sometimes this healing is through teaching us what to not put up with in real love. In the direct contrast of witnessing what love is not, we often learn what love exactly is and put ourselves on a mission to seek it.

Which is why…

You often find long-term love through a Karmic relationship

Most people will enter into a karmic relationship in the years prior to meeting their actual, real soulmate - not their karmic one - but the soulmate who is meant to be their life partner, this is known as the twin flame or the ascended relationship.

In the twin flame-ascended relationship, both parties come together to fulfill a higher spiritual purpose. It is a relationship with the person who is going to value, love and respect you, just for you.

This often comes after you heal a karmic bond. It is only after you have experienced a relationship filled with unhealthy karmic love, that you notice and truly appreciate a relationship filled with actual love.

Finally, let’s talk about the symptoms of most karmic relationships.

What are the signs and symptoms you’re in a karmic relationship?

Photo of purple flower on light green background by Evie Shaffer from Pexels

You'll know you're in a karmic relationship if…

  1. It is on-again/off-again.

  2. It feels primal driven, with emotions.

  3. Offenses that hurt your feels are continually repeated without regard.

  4. You’ve tried to convince them why they should love you/stay with you.

  5. Your mood is strongly affected by the other person’s moods.

  6. Your karmic partner doesn’t listen to you or your feelings.

  7. You feel like you’re being used.

If those signs make sense to you, you’re likely dealing with a karmic relationship.

There is a purpose to a karmic relationship and below are a few of the tell-tale signs of how these relationships are formed and why they exist.

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