Amanda Linette Meder

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Can A Person Be A Portal? Is My House A Portal?

What is a spirit portal? Do you have one in your home? Photo of brown wooden door shaped like sun by Pixabay from Pexels

Updated 2022.04.04

When I was a teenager, I visited a manufacturing plant where they turned giant trees into paper. I remember the first time I walked into the harvesting room. It was a multi-floor operation, and I felt as small as an ant.

It was both one of the greatest and eye-opening things I'd ever seen. I changed my college major from fashion to ecological preservation as a result of the experience.

The plants converting trees to paper still exist today. They are also big energetic centers for the environments they are in. 

So much so, that some would call paper plants, portals, due to all the energy that runs through them.

A portal is a doorway, a gateway from one place to another place.

It's a location where energy, matter, people, and Spirits can transfer between one side and another. It's a crack in the veil, a place with a large funnel of energy coming in.

Portals are openings in the Universe through which energy and information flow. 

The type of information and energy that comes through a portal is

Photo of spiral light oak colored stairs by Jimmy Chan from Pexels

  • Hopes and desires of the collective unconscious

  • Fears of the collective unconscious

  • Revelations

  • Divine energy

  • Energy from The Spirit World

  • Spirits of all kinds

Portals are points with high currents, spiritual, and energetic activity.

An individual, house, or location in the physical world containing this singular point of energy flow can often feel as though energy is drawing, swirling, or magnified in their space.

People who live in and near energy portals tend to feel more energetic and productive than others. They also tend to get a lot of creative work done. 

Portals are often great centers for the arts, for this reason, and they are sometimes geographic, but they can also be created.

How portals can be man-made

Photo of black hole in a rainbow galaxy by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Usually, a transformative, precipitator event causes energy to suddenly flow in a funnel shape.

With a precipitator event, a large amount of energy moves or has rushed through space. A portal can be created from that swift-moving energy.

It happens in place-time, and it also occurs in space-time. 

Have you ever heard of a dramatic change in a person's life, that time seems to speed up? 

Occasionally, a portal opens within a place or a single being's energy field during these moments of sudden change.

Portals can exist any time you have a dense layer, adjacent to a more quickly moving spiritual layer, and a barrier between them breaks away. 

Because of this, portals can exist in both physical locations, as well as in physical bodies.

In the case of physical location portals, these types of things can open a portal

  • Large geologic events

  • Large atmospheric events

  • Mass transition events

  • Emotional events

Are of the above all events, which can all cause an energy portal to open up.

High energy centers, also known as portals, are also found in natural places such as

  • Canyons

  • Mountains

  • Other geologic formations, no matter how ancient

These are often called vortices or vortexes, places where energy from across the veil can come in and leave the physical world naturally.

Energy Portals, known as vortexes or vortices, exist in places with high geologic activity. 

Do you live near any geological features above? Has your environment experienced one of the recent events listed above?

If you, so you may have a portal near your place of living or on your property.

How A Property Can Become A Portal

Photo of white walkway with green plants and lots of sunlight by Johannes Rapprich from Pexels

If a cataclysmic event happened on your property, usually quite a deal of energy was expended during that event.

As that energy is released, it may get translated to the geology, plants, and animals in your neighborhood, who all encode information as they receive feedback about their environment. 

Over time, these creatures' interpretation of the event can magnify, along with yours, and create a self-generating energy center. 

As long as the area goes undisturbed, this energy center has time to strengthen and grow. The more stories are told about the area, the more a certain idea is reinforced in that spot, the more the energy grows. 

This is why lore locations can often be easily identified by energy sensors, dowsers, and land readers. 

Once a portal has been opened, you can block it off, close your eyes, and walk away from it. 

But it typically doesn't go away, and resisting it can sometimes make it more of a bother than anything else.

In my opinion, portals are more natural to work with and tap into than try to "get rid of."

Think about it like this:

If you had a geothermal pool near your house that generated lots of heat, and it was safe to use, would it be better to bask in it? Or better try to pretend it didn't exist? 

If you find that your home is an energy center or on one, I recommend you step into the energy stream and connect with the Universal flow of Divine Light.

Some highly charged areas can be very healing. 

People can also become portals.

How People Can Become Portals

Angel wings overing over rocky mountain range

Have you ever found yourself next to a high energy source? 

How did you feel about it at first? How long did it take you to get comfortable with it? 

Has a large amount of energy ever come through you where you felt different?

People who are portals are also known as energy generators in this lifetime.

If you had a soul sudden transformative event, your Spirit is broken free from prior perceptions limitations. 

When this happens, a portal can be created within you, connecting you directly to Spirit.

Self portal creating-events may include

  • The birth of a child

  • The transition of a loved one

  • A major breakup or divorce

  • A career shift or a move

  • A major change in physical health

  • A spiritual awakening event

If you've experienced any of these things and noticed a heightened level of spiritual activity around you afterward, you may be the portal. 

Whenever the events above happen, a large amount of transformational energy flows through us. When that happens, your energy body is then open for other energies to flow through, making it easier for you to be a conduit for any energy around.

When you step into and acknowledge your body's portal, this is sometimes called stepping into the Power or stepping into the Light. Some also say when you step into your energy as it opens, it is called spiritual ascension.

It can seem like a rush of awareness and energy at first when you discover a portal, also known as a fast-moving stream of energy, and that's completely understandable. 

Portals usually represent a lot of energy flowing into one spot at one time.

If you think the portal's energy feels negative, you can clear it and shift it towards positive.

You can do this by taking positive steps to improve your thoughts and your mood. 

Changing the overall energy circulating in the area and encouraging those around the area to do the same will amplify the effect. 

If you feel you have a lot of energy around you as a portal, anything that you can do promotes

  • Peace

  • Positivity

  • Good enthusiasm 

While you sense it, it can help you tap into it and have a better experience.

I like to open the windows to promote nice flow and amplify positive energy as much as possible, to help keep the portal flowing in a good direction - a list of some activities you can do to shift a portal towards positive can be found here: How To Raise Your Energy, Your Vibration & Your Mood.

Can portals be more local than the ones we know about, like Area 51? In this post we discuss - Photo of brown wooden door shaped like sun by Pixabay from Pexels with text overlay Doorways To The Other Side / Am I A Portal? Is My House A Portal?

So to end, the two most common sources for a portal are

  • A specific location in the physical world where lots of energy has been expended often called a vortex, this can be on your property, in a natural location or urban location

  • A place within you, after the release and transformation of energy

When a portal opens, some people feel it can sound like a loud pop or feel like a lot of weight releasing from your body at once. If you think you may be a portal, this often means you are a conduit for energy, also called a medium.

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