Amanda Linette Meder

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What Is After Death Communication With Loved Ones?

Image of couple walking down road looking at the galaxy by beate bachmann from on Pixabay

After Death Communication with your loved ones is a connection method the Spirit of your loved one, their soul, will use to let you know they are still around and have safely transitioned to the Other Side.

They may attempt to communicate with you using non-physical and physical means when you need support or specifically speak to them in your thoughts.

After Death Communications can happen in a variety of ways and they are very common.

Below are a few examples of After Death Communication.

You may experience After Death Communication in any of these forms:

Image of couple walking down road looking at the galaxy by beate bachmann from on Pixabay with text overlay What is After Death Communication with Loved Ones?


You may have dreams of your loved one, even many years after their passing. This method of communication is called a Visitation Dream and it’s often pleasant.

Sensing Their Presence

You can feel the presence of a loved one who’s passed away and may sense their energy near you.

Tactile Sensations

You may feel a touch on your cheek, back or shoulder or movement in the bed or on the couch near you.

Smelling Their Scent

You may come home one day and smell their fragrance, even years and many house cleanings after they have departed. Even after you move to a new place.

Visual Images

You could catch a flash of them out of the corner of your vision, see them as a hologram for a few seconds or in your mind’s eye when you close your eyes to sleep, pray or meditate.

Auditory Noises

You may hear sounds of them moving in the house, think you hear them call your name or hear their voice in your inner mind.

Symbolic Signs & Synchronicities

You may see a certain special bird or butterfly at the moment you’re thinking of them or have an impulse to get into the car and turn on the radio, only to hear their song at that moment.

Image of woman with wings inside bubble in clouds by beate bachmann from on Pixabay

All of these communication methods are normal.

The forms of after death communication you will receive will depend on what you are most open to receive, what will be easiest for you to identify and what your loved one knows how to do.

How do you connect with someone who has passed away?

Think of an After Death Communication type you’d like to receive - like a dream, a symbolic sign or tactical sensation.

Next, start a daily meditation practice and ask your loved one to join you in this sacred space.

During your meditation time, speak to your loved one in your thoughts, and let them know you would like to continue your bond with them.

Notice if you feel any sensations, see any images in your mind’s eye or start to receive signs. Ask them if they have any messages for you.

Continue this meditation practice anytime you want to connect, while staying open to any form of communication and remaining patient.

Some people receive communication within hours of a loved ones’ passing, other people may not receive major communications until after a large part of their grief has lifted.

You can continue your bond with a loved one who’s now in the non-physical, and it can be a healthy, enjoyable way to accept the new form that relationships take after death.

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