Amanda Linette Meder

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5 Clear Signs From The Universe

Photo of multicolored bokeh lights on dark background by Thor Alvis on Unsplash

Updated 2022.06.18

Looking for a few strong signs from Spirit, you're on the right path?

In this post, we discuss the most common Synchronicities from Spirit that validate this. Inside are signs from your Guides, Angels and Ancestors and the collective that appear as confirmation.

Signs from Spirit typically come in threes, and they can act as confirmation you're on the right path. 

Decoding these signs is where most people get caught up. 

Still, the reality is, when a sign comes in, all you have to do is pay attention to how you feel and notice the first impressions that come in energetically to determine what it means energetically. 

Whenever you get a sign from the Universe, pause, tune-in, and ask what is this telling me? 

Then move toward or away from it, as your body responds to your answer. 

Interpreting signs is easier when your energy is clear.

You can do this with a walk alone, or with the infusion of some positive ion therapy, like standing at a waterfall or going to a salt cave. 

From here, our energy is open when we can ask the Universe what it means, and we can hear the answer. 

How do you know Spirit or the Universe has a message for you, or are they trying to reach you with a confirmation?

Outside of seeing a medium to communicate this to you externally, there are usually signs that appear, and below are the five most common ways Spirit attempts to validate your path and your intuition to you. 

5 Clear Signs From The Universe

Photo of light blue teal multi light reflecting surface up close by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

#1 Messages Received In A Series

This sign appears when you have specifically been asking for a direction to take and pulling oracle cards to help you decide. 

If you receive a message from more than three to five people, or more than three to five places, about the same thing, know Source and Universal Forces often work through others. 

Think about the past few messages, pieces of advice, or answers you've received to questions you've had. 

Even if the messages are something you haven't heard before, take a step towards the information and see how it feels. If your body opens to it, this usually is confirmation to take the next step. 

#2 Synchronistic Meeting Of New People

Spirit, The Universe, may send meaningful people in your direction, such as teachers, business partners, and friends. 

Pay attention to people who show up who appear to answer your prayers. They may have been guided to be at that place also to meet you.

People can seemingly coincidentally meet and become partners in co-evolution, even if they meet just once. 

#3 Déjà Vu

Repeating situations often appear when people move up to their next level of soul growth. 

Déjà vu is often a sign that your soul is growing, and it can be a foretelling of where you are going next - emotionally, physically, or even mentally. 

Pay attention to how you feel when you encounter Déjà vu, as can appear as a confirmation sign from the Universe you're headed in the right direction and on the exact path meant for you. 

It can also show you how much you've grown since the last time you were in this situation. 

#4 Unexpected Resources Show Up

When you're on the right path, often, others will sense your alignment with your true soul nature and offer their resources, unconsciously or consciously, to promote and celebrate this. 

Are you starting a new project and unexpected hands, resources, or tools show up to assist? 

This can be a sign of support and positive confirmation that you're going in the right direction. 

#5 An Invitation To Pivot Arrives

Commitment to your path often takes overcoming particular soul level challenges we are each given in our lifetimes to heal and grow.

As you evolve and grow on your soul path, overcoming these challenges and commitment to your truth may result in situations that feel like a test. 

You may get confronted with some old pattern that you need to overcome, or a situation arrives that acts as an invitation into some old archetype you're transcending. 

One way the Universe gets your attention is with these moments. 

You'll feel them when they come and remember to pat yourself on the back when they arrive. 

Not everyone will get why they feel so lovely once they pass the test, but afterwards, you usually feel some sort of bliss, and you'll know it has passed. 

Tests are personal breakthroughs the Universe sends to reward a soul for how far they've come and experiencing one can feel like a small victory. 

To recap, five strong signs from the Universe you are supported are

Law of Attraction. Looking for confirmations from the universe and Spirit you’re on the right path? This post discusses 5 Strong Signs From The Universe you are! Photo of multicolored bokeh lights on dark background by Thor Alvis on Unsplash with text overlay of 5 Clear Signs You’re From The Universe.

  1. Messages Are Received In A Series

  2. Synchronistic Meetings of People

  3. Déjà vu

  4. Unexpected Resources Show Up

  5. An Invitation To Pivot Arrives

When you get tested, you'll know why, and when you receive these messages, if you get them enough, you'll eventually act on them. 

The Universe doesn't give up on people.

Have you received any of these signs?

Take a walk in the woods, step away from electronics, go outside and smell the fresh air, and absorb the feeling of the Universe supporting you. 

Envision your Guides and Angels around you and call them in. 

With the Universal Sign of support you've received, take action on it. 

Then, pay attention to the next signs you get for clues on where to go after that. It's a journey, and these are just a few of the signs the Universe, your Spirit Team, or your Ancestors use to show you their support along the way. 

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