Amanda Linette Meder

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Spirit Signs: Symbolism Of A Meaningful Song On The Radio

Article: Signs from Spirit: A Meaningful Song on the Radio. Hearing a song in your head then you hear it on the radio? Image by Andrzej Rembowski from Pixabay photo of microphone in audio booth

Updated 2022.03.15

Keep hearing the same song on the radio? Waking up with songs in your mind?

Say, for example, this morning, you woke up with a song in your head, and upon thinking about it, you can't remember the last time you ever heard this song - anywhere. 

Or you turned on the radio, and there's that song you were thinking about. 

Spirit can communicate with you through songs, lyrics, and quotes. 

If you've been waking up with a song in your head, it could be a message from Universal Consciousness, Your Spirit Guides, or even a Deceased Loved One. 

After a loved one transitions, it's common for some of the first signs from them to be songs that include their messages to you. It’s also a way Angels communicate.

The songs that are most meaningful to me are the ones you hear the exact time you’re thinking about your loved ones or asking a question to Spirit.

To move through the feeling, see if you can identify which exact lyric or quote keeps popping up because this could include the message. If you keep hearing the same song, find a full track and listen to it. 

Once you hear the full message, whoever is wanting to get the message to you will usually be satisfied that the message has been heard and stop the delivery of the message. 

Article: Signs from Spirit: A Meaningful Song on the Radio. Hearing a song in your head then you hear it on the radio? Image by Andrzej Rembowski from Pixabay photo of microphone in audiobooth with textoverlay, Spirits from Spirit: The Symbolism Of A Meaningful Song On The Radio

If you hear a song on the radio, and it strikes a chord in your soul

You may have been guided by Spirit to turn on the station to listen to that song. 

This could be a message for your soul. The notes of music can act as sound therapy, that can bring out certain emotions, beliefs, and ideas for examination and resolution.

Just like how a sound bath session can sometimes bring to the surface energy ready to be released in the recipient, as can some songs on the radio.

Sometimes you hear a song on the radio, and it just feels too synchronistic to be true. All the words call out to you. You get shivers up and down your body. The words appear to be precisely on the mark to a question you were seeking the answer.

What is the meaning of it, when you keep hearing a song internally, and then it plays? 

Throughout the day, you find yourself singing this song in your head or out loud and asking people you know if they remember it. 

If the song is pretty old, and not a new release, there is a chance that someone is trying to get your attention. 

Hearing synchronistic songs can also be a sign your spiritual awareness is increasing. As you open up to Spirit, your ability to manifest synchronicities like this also increases.

Usually, experiencing synchronicities like a song sign is a clue you're on the right path. Song messages, when heard internally, could also be a sign you’re clairaudient or have a gift in music.

Decoding the message: what are you doing when you hear the song? 

This may tell you what the message means and where Spirit hopes you apply it when you hear the song, pause and reflect on what you're doing, and how you're feeling.

How you respond emotionally may contain information about the message.

Spirit likes to provide answers to the question. So, what just happened in your life? What were you just concerned about when you heard the song?

The answer to these questions is typically the message the song you hear will be attempting to answer. Your Loved Ones, Spirit Guides, and Angels frequently use songs and music to deliver messages to you.

If you ask, often, they may even play songs on the radio per your request.

Need a pick me up from a friend on The Other Side? Ask them to get your dance song on the radio. Need guidance on endings or beginnings of any kind? Ask your Guides to share with your wisdom through a song.

There is always the factor of chance, but also you have to factor in probability.

What are the chances of you turning the radio to this station and this unique song to play right at this moment? Or for lyrics to show up in your head from out of nowhere?

Why does Spirit use music to deliver their messages? 

Spirit can use the energy in electronics to send you messages. 

Energy, which travels through the wavelengths of air, is easily altered by Spirit and elements in the Universe, whose entire operation is in the realm of Energy.

Connecting with you through a meaningful song on the radio is one of the most favored forms of communication by your Loved Ones. 

With how easy it is to get you to tune in, right at the right time, they love it. Our intuition guides most of us to songs that have the right message for us, so it is a divine arrangement. 

Songs can elicit in all of us intense positive emotions and stir up wonderful memories, so they can be a great way to get a message across. Songs can also cause you to rethink things, too.

They can shift your outlook, mood, and entire day - which is why they are a very typical ‘sign’ that is sent. They activate the soul.

When to expect a song sign

Photo of musical notes in outer space by Fine Mayer from Pixabay

Song signs are most common after the death of a loved one when grief is at its heaviest point, which can last up to six months. Also when:

  • You’re undergoing a spiritual transformation

  • Receiving Spirit messages from others proves to be typically challenging, such as the times when you lose faith

  • Those you love in Spirit are popping in to cheer our mood

So to recap, when you hear a song sign

The radio and those who are at its helms can be excellent channels for Spirit. Photo of person in purple top holding a radio outside by Israa Ali on Unsplash

If you can't stop a song from playing in your head, listen to it. Absorb the message. Pay attention to the lyrics you hear and ‘get’ the message. If you hear a song on your radio, and it strikes your soul, it could be a message from your Spirit Team.

Allow the emotions to release and wellness to return. If you hear the song synchronistically, this is a sign that you are becoming more in touch with your life path, keep going.

I call synchronistic signs trail markers, and the more you see, the more this is a sign you are on the right track. Sometimes these are the messages to listen to and not mere chance. 

The Universe and the entities that operate in the non-physical reality will interact and play with you if you allow them to. Many like to do this through dance, music, and the higher vibrational realms of sound. 

So, next time you hear an unexpected song or suddenly find lyrics trapped in your head, take a moment, and consider that it may not just be a lucky chance. 

It could be a genuine concentrated effort to grab your attention from your intuition, The Spirit World, or the Universe at large. 

Just as much as you want to connect with Spirit, they also want to communicate with you. 

Music, a conduit that transcends time and space, where distance is of no issue, is usually considered just the perfect tool.

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