Amanda Linette Meder

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Seeing Static Energy Dots? Spiritual Meaning of Visual Snow

Have you been seeing fuzzy dots when you open your eyes? What about when you connect to your third eye? Static TV like air, which is actually a fairly common thing to see, can mean you have clairvoyance. This article about Visual Snow provides just one more perspective and solution for an otherwise untreatable condition! Photo: Pixabay eluela31

Updated 2022.04.06 and just as an fyi, this article is about a spiritual orb experience. This article is not intended to cure, treat, or heal any disease. It represents personal opinions and viewpoints stemming from a lifelong journey of interacting with The Spirit World. If you see Visual Snow and it’s spiritual, for example related to orbs, it is often a temporary experience. If the situation persists, consider seeing a medical doctor.

Have you ever heard of something called Visual Snow? It can be an exciting spiritual experience and can appear very similar to seeing static in the air. 

In my post about a tickle in the throat, I discuss how physical things can sometimes be spiritual in origin. I also discuss how things that are spiritual in origin can sometimes manifest physically. I also discuss how occasionally, some things could be just plain physical.

Visual Snow is one of these things. But in my experience, it can also be the outcome of a spiritual event.

Due to my job teaching and bringing through Spirit, I have spent hours and hours focusing and observing changes in:

  • The energetic space

  • My biological body

  • My mind

Before and after making Spirit connections. 

I am also a little bit obsessed with research. 

So with each connection, I observe and record notes on my surroundings, bodily changes and phenomena, before, during and after bringing through a Spirit. 

My entire office closet is filled with notes in this regard. 

Through these observations and notes, I've found that in the moments just before a Spirit visually appears, static-like energy appears in the space.

Seeing static, fuzzy or cloudy, more dense-like air in a certain area of a room or moving through an area of a room is one of the many ways that Spirit manifests visually. 

Spirits do not always look like white ghosts.

Though they can, I've found that there is a coming in and a going out phase to apparitions. 

What could visual snow be, spiritually?

Spiritual Symbolism! Seeing Static? The Possible Spiritual Meaning Behind Visual Snow text over glowy green and purple light and swords.

When Spirits are trying to appear as full form, there is a 'coming in' and 'going out' phase. 

The 'coming in' of a Spirit is what can promote full-scale visual energy distortions, such as lights or orbs in a collection, in my personal experience. 

Visual distortions of incoming spirit energy can include

  • Wavy-like light

  • Sparkly light

  • Orbs, however faint

  • Apparitions, both dark and light

What it looks like to you, spiritual created distortions are normally temporary. I talk more about how one can see the various energies of Spirit in this post. But to focus here, in a coming in or going out phase, a typical full-body apparition can look like static.

An example of how apparitions come in and out

Just like when a radio station is coming in and going out, you hear static overtop of what you would typically hear.

For another example, remember Mike Tee Vee, the little boy in the original Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, who gets sucked into the TV?

In this film, a little boy gets transmuted and reconstituted when he is sucked into a television. When the boy reappears, he appears first as static, then as a fuller figure, then as a full form. 

So, seeing static dots in the air, temporarily, can explain spiritual experience in the right circumstances. 

I've noticed that typically when visual static is a spiritual event, there are other clair-sensory cues that you are dealing with someone or something energetic. 

For example, you may experience clairsentient feelings, receive clairaudient information, or see other clairvoyant visions along with the static. 

When this happens, just to rule anything out, I like to provide support and positive reinforcement to my physical body. 

I ground myself by eating, taking some vitamins, and stepping outside.

This can all help promote balance with the reception of any incoming information, no matter what the source. 

When visual "snow" is spiritual, it usually has these characteristics

Photo of bokeh light orbs in green, red and white by Barry Plott from Pexels

  • It's temporary

  • It happens before or after a religious-spiritual experience

  • It is often accompanied by other clair-sensory validators

Visual Snow, also called Spirit Static, is often temporary, can be a sign Spirit Energy is coming in. 

Since writing that post, people have asked if visual static is a sign one spirits visiting you or if more than one. And it can be both. 

Some people, like myself, believe that all Spirits are an extension of Source, and their energy often appears white or gold.

If you have a Spirit Cloud appear to you, and you want to differentiate, you can sometimes separate the energy by asking for Spirit to stand in different spots. 

Visual orbs are not a new thing when it comes to the Spirit community

In the early days of mediumship, any physical mass, including orbs of light, that semi-materialized in the presence of spirits or in the collection of Spirit energy was called ectoplasm, a term coined from the Greek word ektos meaning outside and something formed and molded (Source: Wikipedia). 

Why you may be seeing static air

If you see static-y like air and it's just after the passing of a friend or family member, this could be a sign these spirits may be attempting to visit you. 

Hazy energy in your visual field could also be a sign your spiritual sight is expanding, providing evidence to support spiritual awakening

If neither has happened and you see these things... it could be a sign that clairvoyant abilities are coming in or that your spirit guides want to contact you. 

Seeing a lot of Visual Snow around you is for the clairvoyant what hearing ringing in the ears is for a clairaudient. 

It can be a sign you're piercing the veil and tapping into the Spirit world. Which can happen either intentionally or unintentionally, depending on how you want to look at it. 

Visual clouds and physical manifestations of Spirit like this were widespread back in the hey-day of the mediumship era around the 1850s and through the early 1900s and they were called ectoplasm. 

Typically ectoplasm looks more like a white cloud or a stream of energy, but it can come in and out in a lot of exciting ways.

Meaning, it can look like a fuzz-cloud. 

Nowadays, most spirits communicate through voice and sound. This is known as mental spirit manifestation, as this is the more preferred method of mediums to gain evidence in recent years. 

Because trends go in and out, I imagine the trend of physical manifestations will come back in popularity once again, as many people are still catching these sights on camera today. 

What you can do if you see Spirit static

Time Lapse Photo of Lights by by Pixabay from Pexels

If I am having a lot of physical experiences I can't explain, I usually take this time to support my mind, body, and spiritual health. Spirit usually has messages regarding this, so when the unexplainable occurs, I try to ground my energy and amp up my physical self-care.

I may then use this time to tune in with other support practitioners. Connecting with my community allows me to get clear on what my body, my spirit team, or the universe at large, is trying to say by communicating through these signs. 

Any incoming energy, whatever the Source, is usually trying to tell us something.

Spiritual related visual stuff tends to be temporary. If what you experience goes on for an extended period, you may benefit from meeting with someone in the health and wellness fields.

If it is temporary and you believe spiritual, seeing manifestations can be a magical experience, validated by other sensory phenomena, such as clairsentient feelings or emotions.

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