Amanda Linette Meder

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Spirits Are Waking Me Up At Night: How Do I Get It To Stop?

Photo of two flower lamps in low lit red-brown rust background by Niek Verlaan from Pixabay

Updated 2021.12.28

The most common time for someone to sense the presence of a Spirit is at night.

Those in Spirit will visit you at the time of day when it is easiest to get your attention and with the hectic, urban, busy and energy-intensive days of modern society, it is no surprise that it is easier to capture the attention of someone when the rest of the world is quiet.

Why Night Visitations Are Preferred 

On your end, sensing the presence of a Spirit - a subtle, energetic body - takes focus, attention and complete clarity of mind and space. So few times during everyday life, do we set aside time for this, besides when we are asleep or in the semi-sleeping state. 

On Spirit’s end, manifesting as a sensible, palpable energetic being in your space takes time, energy and focused concentration.

Because of this, most of those in Spirit will want to only dedicate this energy to get your attention, when you are most likely to notice it and pay attention to it. 

When alone, with no other distraction, it’s hard to ignore something you feel or see in your space that is not normally there. Most of us are alone at night, even if we live with others and we wake, we are awake alone. 

In addition, often other energy wave interference is lower, so it may be easier for you to sense a Spirit present, at night due to this.

When appearing in the middle of the night, with most of the world asleep, there are fewer electronic, noise or external interferences that may compete with your ability to sense, see or feel the presence of a Spirit.

During the Night, you are accessible to them because your energy is open and rested, and the room may be free of interference, so it is easier to appear.

Don’t want Spirits to visit you at night? Or want to receive their vistations, but while awake?

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Vertical photo of lamp along pink wall in low lit room next to a bed by Chanita Sykes from Pexels

Step 1. Set boundaries with them

Just because you don’t want Spirits visiting you at night, doesn’t mean all Spirits know that.

In order to get the Spirit World to know this, and pay attention to it, you need to let them know.

There aren't clocks in The Spirit World, so many don’t even realize that night isn’t a good time unless you tell them so. Check out this post on spiritual boundaries to get started.

Step 2. Set aside another time of the day for focused, quiet alone time

Once you do this, they can begin to contact you, distraction-free in your waking state. This time, for many, is meditation.

If you set aside a period of time when Spirit can connect with you during the day, and they are able to speak to you in a period of meditation, they will usually stop interrupting you during other times.

Many of those in Spirit simply want to get in touch with you the best way they know how, and when you tell them what the ‘best way’ is for you, most will happily abide by that in order to make sure the relationship you have with them is a happy one. 

Step 3. Follow the guidance

What does your gut tell you to do? 

As long as you can identify them and know they are safe, you can meditate and ask the energy present what it needs to clear and re-balance itself.

Sometimes, it is a spirit who is earthbound and they want you to cross them over, or you may need them to leave. If either is the case, then you want to place high vibrational objects all around your bedroom to close, cleanse or clear the portal they are using to get through.

You can use aromatherapy diffusers, crystals, house plants, and candles to charge the energy in space so that certain energies can't get through, and you are harder for them to access.

So to end, the night is the perfect time for both visiting, due to the ambient energy, and being paid attention to, as our energy is more receptive in sleeping state. 

If you are seeing Spirit waking you up at night, you can get it to stop usually by clearing your bedroom energetically, boosting the aura of your sleeping space, or crossing over the Spirit.

For more on how to clear a Spirit or be released of a spiritual visitation pattern, read on in the links below. 

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