Amanda Linette Meder

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What Does It Feel Like When A Spirit Passes Through You?

What does it feel like when a Spirit links with your body to communication? In this post, we discuss. Aerial Photo of grey roadway to shoreline over the land by Lance Asper on Unsplash

Updated 2022.04.07

Wondering what it feels like when a Spirit passes through you? 

Think you may have just felt a Spirit enter your body? 

The Spirit World lives right alongside us, and on some days, it feels like it can hover just about two feet off the ground. On other days, especially when it's misty, or the air is thick, I feel like it surrounds us. 

There are energies in the Spirit World that can pop out from this mist of matter not yet defined by science. When they do, they may attempt to merge their energy with others so we can pick up on the messages they want to impart on us and others in the living. 

Sometimes the Spirit World does have the wisdom to share, and there may come a time when those in Spirit may want to communicate with and through you. 

Spirits often communicate through thought, feeling, and image transference. There are many reasons for this, but first and foremost is the absence of a physical vessel. 

When a Spirit crosses over, a human loses their physical body.

There are many things that we gain when losing a physical body

Photo of foot traces on sand in misty scene by Mathias P.R. Reding from Pexels

  • Complete freedom of movement and the liberation of time

  • The ability to go wherever we want, whenever we want

  • The gift of telepathically communicating with our loved ones

When a human dies, their comfort tools of communication are lost. But they learn new Spirit communication tools which they may attempt to use to get in touch with us.

Besides the deceased, other energies may want to connect with you, including Angels, Spirit Guides, or Earth Spirits. 

As a human still on Earth, it can be hard to notice when their Spirit is present to communicate. 

This is especially true when you aren't actively looking for non-human body dominated communications coming in. 

So, some Spirits increase their levels of presence to communicate with you to get through.

That's what this post is about - sensing spirit energy when It merges with yours.

How It Feels When The Spirit World Communicates

Sensing Spirit Energy Merging with yours can feel warm and fuzzy. Photo of pink bokeh fuzzy lights by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

We all have etheric bodies that extend beyond our physical shell, and these bodies occasionally give off light, called photons creating what is called the aura. 

It is in this light energy field that surrounds our body that Spirit can step in, and we can sense the communication they have to bring. 

When Spirits want to communicate with you, they 'link' with your energy.

They step, float, or mist into your personal space, your energy field, your comfort zone. When they do this, you may hear, see, and sense what they sense, and ideally speak for them.

At first, when Spirits first do this, it can feel like you have a massive burst of energy or like your auric field is racing. 

As you can imagine, when someone comes into your energy, it can feel uncomfortable at first. If you don't know the Spirit, a part of you may feel something similar to a hyper-awareness as it is the mind telling you an unfamiliar presence is around. 

Then, once you call it in, your breathing may slow, you may become more focused, and your brain activity may even change

The collection of what you pick up when this happens contains what their message is to you or the recipient of said message.

Calming down and deep breathing when Spirit comes in can help you pick up on the energy even more and get the message.

When a Spirit links with your energy, you may feel

When Spirit Links With You - How It Feels When The Spirit World Communicates - Photo of pink bokeh fuzzy lights by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash with text overlay

  • Crowded, like there is lots of energy in your immediate field

  • Like the speed of time-movement has shifted

  • Pressure on your body (a cue of the level of closeness their energy is to yours)

  • Pressure on your chest or a certain area of your body

  • Like you need more space

Outside of the above-welcomed circumstances, when a Spirit is jumping into your body to speak for themselves through you -

You or others around you may make these observations

  • Saying things you would not usually say

  • Being driven to speak on things out of turn or with odd accents

  • Having different body language movements or gestures

  • You may feel more animated, as though you have double the amount of energy you had before

  • You may start feeling suddenly, not like yourself

  • You may feel the tightness of energy increasing in your chest and throat (a sign your voice box is being opened for communication)

These are some of the psychic signs of channeling. I've written more about the signs of a channel in this post if you're curious about this. The above signs are how it may feel when Spirit first steps into your energy, especially unannounced. 

If you notice any of these spiritual signs above, you can take it a step further and learn to communicate with them, finding out who they are and what they may want.

Once you realize Spirit, you can call it in, deeply breathe, and homogenize your energy with theirs. It can feel good, almost elevating. 

When Spirits want to link with you, this usually involves raising your energy. So by naturally boosting your energy through diet, meditation, or media intake, you can make it easier for a connection to take place. 

Also - some Spirits link with your energy to get your attention or to wake you up.

If this is happening, you may have future encounters with them. Again, the energy you pick up when linking with them is usually a large part of their message to you.

Can a Spirit get closer than link to your aura?

Photo of floating by 愚木混株 Cdd20 from Pixabay

A Spirit can take the connecting process one step further, by floating right into and over your body. 

In this case, your voice, face shape, physical appearance, and even the cadence of the way you speak may change. This is a well-known phenomenon and is always temporary and changes back once the Spirit departs. 

Spirits don't have physical bodies and are; therefore, they are not limited by this barrier to fully merging with you. 

They have loosely packed more gaseous bodies, free from a container, in which they can travel through dense surfaces.

Spirits, if allowed, can step into your body to communicate.

When welcome, a Spirit floating into your body can evolve into a form of mediumship called trance mediumship or channeling.

In this type of mediumship, rather than speaking to a Spirit outside of yourself, then passing those messages along to someone else - the Spirit steps into your body, and you speak on their behalf. 

This is the ubiquitous way Angels and Ascended Beings communicate, but other Spirit-types can do it too. 

In this space, Spirit then uses your body, your language, and your gestures to communicate for itself.

Why would a Spirit want to step into my body to communicate, when they can stand next to me?

Think of your body as a vehicle.

When every human Spirit comes onto the Earth, they are given a vehicle to travel around. 

This vehicle takes them to destinations, can be steered in various directions, and can be used as a tool to move yourself to wherever you want to be. 

However, when human Spirits depart Earth, they have to leave their vehicle behind.

Some Spirits get comfortable with using their physical world vehicle to get around while alive. They enjoy continuing to use it. Or some find it helpful to their mission of delivering healing to Earth. 

Also, some mediums and channels find it less work to translate Spirit messages, if they just let the Spirit, who could be benevolent, take over for a bit.

There is less of a conversion factor to deal with, less gets lost in translation. It is less mental conversion when you do mediumship this way sometimes. 

When you let Spirit take the wheel while channeling, there's also less of a chance for the ego to take over the messages, because it's now in the backseat. Releasing the self while connecting with Spirit is thought to make the channeling episode clearer.

How do you know you are connecting with beings in the highest light?

Photo of plasma globe with energy extending outward by Pixabay from Pexels

This is the most common question people have after learning spiritual energy may have linked with them. Do you feel worse or better when you connect?

Get to know your energy well. Then, each being has a signature energy apart from yours, and you can use your baseline essence as a barometer for what feels better or worse. 

If you feel worse, this is lower energy than what you want to ideally link to, if better, this is usually a higher vibration Spirit.

So to recap, when Spirit links to you

Photo of two hands touching on seam of white and black background by Matheus Viana from Pexels

  • It can be a form of channeling

  • It can feel like you have a sudden burst of energy

  • You may say things you wouldn't usually say

  • You can deliver messages easier this way

Remember, you can always choose with whom you communicate with, when, and how. Set your boundaries, learn their style of communication, or keep a record of when they visit and where you have your interactions.

You can prepare yourself for them with these intentions. You can also tell Spirit to back up and move out of your comfort zone so you can identify them and realign to their energy. 

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