Amanda Linette Meder

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Imaginary Friends - Who Are They?

Article: Imaginary Friends: Who Are They, Really? Photo of stuffed bear in field by Alexas_Fotos from Pixabay

A Spiritual Perspective

amanda linette meder

Updated 2020.10.02

The age old tale that imaginary friends are created from an overactive imagination and a ton of alone time is not altogether untrue, because some people can sense Spirits better when they’re alone. So when all other factors have been ruled out -

Imaginary friends are usually Spirits.

Which means, they aren’t really all that imaginary.

When each of us is first born on this earth, imagine we are each born with a sharp kitchen tool.

Some of us are born with forks, spoons or knives.

Shiny, freshly cut from the machine. We are sharp, keen and they work perfectly. True instruments of perfection - designed to do precisely what they were meant to do.

These tools are natural intuitive traits.

Some of us can sense things intuitively, others know it, still others hear information as a thought within their head, and if you’re like me, you may see it, or your child may.

We each are born with a way of knowing.

As we get older, the more these tools get used and banged up, the duller and duller they become.

When we use the tools as they are intended - to receive truthful intuitive guidance - they remain in perfect functioning fresh-cut condition.

In fact, as you use your spoon precisely as it’s meant to use it gets better.

Intuition is like a cast iron pot - the more you cook with it and care for it, the more delicious and nuanced the food becomes.

Now, imagine you and or someone else takes that cast iron pot and starts using it to collect rainwater, or bangs it up against some tree time and time again.

Your pot becomes less effective as a pot, and while you can fix it up again, for the time being, it’s dull and getting damaged.

Sans metaphors - what bangs up the pot?

Someone telling you, you're wrong, or what you sense or know is not real.

It doesn’t matter if you are that someone or someone else is that someone - if the pot is being banged up - it’s being banged up.

So, sometimes, as we get older, our intuitive tools become less effective only because they are not being used in the way they are meant to be used and sometimes, we believe it when told they aren't real.

For example, perhaps you have even received intuitive information about another person, a feeling that a person was unsavory for some reason, and you shared it with a friend.

Now imagine this person was the new guy your friend was dating - not wanting to believe it, she shot it down, instantly. Wanting to believe her judgments and hopes were accurate - she scratched your cookware and reduced its shiny polish.

With the shiny, freshly cut cookware that most children have, it’s easier to understand how they can sometimes see things more accurately, and be willing to share them, even see things that others can't.

You can begin to see and experience these things too - all you have to do is - polish and shine your cookware.

Restore your intuitive skills, and you may see, sense or hear the imaginary friends, too.

First and foremost, if a child is talking about an imaginary friend, they may have psychic or clairvoyant abilities and this is to be nurtured. After that -

For the most part, Imaginary friends are

  • Spirit Guides

  • Guardian Angels

  • Deceased Loved Ones

They could be your Guides, Angels or Loved Ones - or they could be the Guides, Angels and Loved Ones of your child. Often, these Spirits are around because they're keeping your child company and offering friendship, protection, and comfort. 

On the rare circumstance, these imaginary friends are those in Spirit who you don’t know personally, but your child can see.

Those who, for one reason or another, were passing through and found a potential friend - someone who could see them. They could be crossed over children, Spirits who have yet to cross over and still remain on earth, or other Loved Ones from families in the neighborhood.

In any case, it’s important to know that if a Spirit, imaginary or not, if they are bothering you or your child, you and your child have the ability to tell them to leave.

You also can identify who it is that is visiting at your house, and if you are ready, you can begin again to learn how to see, sense and talk to them, too.

How to tell if the imaginary friend is alright

Vertical photo of wooden toy with pull cord by Tatiana Syrikova from Pexels

Some people naturally feel wary of imaginary friends, and this is normal.

To identify the Spirits your child might be picking up on and to understand how safe they are, just ask your child to describe this individual.

If it sounds eerie, trust your gut, it most likely is correct, and it's probably an Earthbound Spirit. While this is rare, they can sometimes float in from other areas in the neighborhood and some have not crossed.

They usually appear grey in color, and can have a heavy energy or heavy messages to share. You may get a colder or sinking feeling when they are near.

On removing them or getting them away from your child, this is 100% possible. Check out this post: How To Cross Over A Spirit.

If it sounds like an animal or a friendly creature of some kind, it could be a Spirit Guide, for more on this, check out The Spirit Identification Key.

In some cases, the Imaginary Friend is a Deceased Loved One, because these last two can be reassuring, some people just let it go if so.

Usually, in my work, Imaginary Friends are of spiritual origin and can often be identified to the family, connected to the land or follow a person from childhood to adulthood and in this case, is a Spirit Guide.

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