Amanda Linette Meder

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3 Tips For Listening To Your Spirit Guides & Angels

Photo of hands shaping a heart on pink background by ATC Comm Photo from Pexels

Updated 2021.12.28

Does everyone have a Spirit Guide? Does everyone have an Angel?

The answer to both of these questions is a resounding yes. Everyone on this Earth has a Spirit Team who guides them, loves them, and looks after them.

You can develop and deepen a relationship with your Spirit Team anytime. 

When developing a relationship with those in Spirit, you may become eager for their companionship, and they are likely eager for yours. In this excitement, you may feel the happiness, joy, and love that emanates from them to you.

In the same way, you ask friends and family for help, you can ask Spirit for help.

When you have a closer connection with Spirit, it creates a sense of security unparalleled to all. 

If you've already started connecting, you may have already begun to sense their presence, received signs from them, you may be wondering, how can I maximize this relationship, and draw it in closer? 

Working with Spirit is a Partnership, and when you begin to embrace your connection with the Other Side with the compassion and care to cultivate a healthy spiritual bond, you can both improve the information you receive, and increase the frequency and the level of presence of contact. 

Connection with your Spirit Team can provide comfort, reassurance, and security as you walk through this physical life in pursuit of your soul's purpose, love, and joy.

So below, we're going to talk about three ways you can ask your Spirit Guides, Angels and Ancestors for help, and for a closer connection.

Photo of person sitting on a rock overlooking a valley by Felix Mittermeier from Pexels

1. Follow the guidance and line it up with your own

Can a Spirit hear your thoughts

They definitely can sense what's in your heart and pick up on what's in your manifestation bubble, usually by a close connection to you and your energy field. 

As they sense your wishes, and desires, and seek to help you fulfill them, you may receive inspired guidance, you may feel inspired to act on certain things.

Many types of Spirits can guide you through situations, and you may simply feel their guidance by what feels right to you and acting on those things. 

Most people's Spirit Team communicates with them first by clairsentience and then through thought transmission, almost like gentle telepathy, where you hear guidance.

Pay attention to how this guidance feels, as you move in harmony with your Spirit Team, you will feel guided toward harmonious actions. 

You always want to listen to your own guidance and line it up with how you feel, and then act when ready. 

In fact, one of the first steps in connecting with Spirit is lining up with your own soul's essence to receive.

Being in touch with your Spirit enhances your connection with all others in Spirit.

Each of the different Spirits who guide you can direct you on some aspects of your path, so working with different Spirit Energies helps. But for it to work, it has to feel harmonious to you. 

The more you receive guidance and act on it when it feels aligned to you, the more of this harmonious aligned action you'll receive and the deeper, and more connected your relationship with Spirit will become.

2. Ask them to do things for you

Give some aspects of your life over to your Spirit Team. 

Think about the things that have been aspects of your life you've wanted to improve for a while, and then ask for your Spirit Guide Team to help guide you through these specific circumstances.

In a partnership with your Spirit Team, part of it is letting go of control and trusting that you are supported. 

So you want to give some of what you have previously controlled, up to the flow of Spirit.

Each day you can make a to-do list for yourself, and a to-do list for the Universe.

When the workload is balanced and shared, only then, the most abundant amount of change can be created. When teammates work together, more can be accomplished together.

One of the easiest ways to connect with your Spirit Team is to ask them for help in a specific area.

How to ask your spirit guides or angels for help

I go over a few techniques on asking your Spirit Guides for help in this article: 4 Ways To Call On Your Spirit Guides For Support In A Hurry or this one: 3 Easy Ways To Connect With Your Spirit Guides.

Though this one focuses mostly on Archangel Gabriel, use this article to ask your Angels for assistance: How To Call In Archangel Gabriel For A Miracle.

3. Be thankful and joyful

One of the best ways to deepen your relationship with your Spirit Team is to show appreciation and thankfulness, and you can do that by cultivating happiness and joy.

There are specific Spirits who focus on helping you bring in these emotions, such as Joy Guides, Archangel Jophiel, and even Fairies, but having joyful energy is essential in connecting. 

You don't have to start your connection feeling happy, as sometimes when we desire to return to the source, we’re in another place. But you at least need to have the desire to want to feel good again - because this is what Spirits help with. 

Wanting to move to a good feeling place is called raising your vibration in the metaphysical world. 

Raising your vibration helps you unite with a high energy level connecting you to some of the most ascended Spiritual Beings with the capability to elevate you and take you beyond where you are now.

The first way to raise your vibration is to show appreciation, and one of the ways you can do this is to be appreciative of symbols or personal wisdom information you've received in the past. 

If you receive a symbol in a dream or meditation, look it up or wait until later - often, it makes sense then.

Even if you don't use the guidance immediately, or know where to place it right away, thank those in Spirit for communicating with you in the best way they knew how.

Many people have received insight, from unknowing places, at just the right time in their lives. 

If this is you, remember this time and bursts of joyful, appreciative thoughts will come through. The more the Universe senses it appreciates what it has sent you, the more you will get, via the law of return. 

When connecting with your Spirit Guides, Angels and Loved Ones, remember that your relationship with them is like any real-world friendship. 

Commitment, trust, gratitude, and listening are all key factors of a beneficial relationship with those on the Other Side. 

As you communicate and connect more and more, the bond grows stronger, deeper, and much more rewarding.

So to recap, to hear your Spirit Guides, Angels - 

Photo of Ganesh statue with two candles and incense on wooden table by Elly Fairytale from Pexels

  1. Align the insight with your own before acting

  2. Ask them for help and give some of what you're working on over to them

  3. Express gratitude and joyfully expect what has and will come

Then, after you connect, remember, to come back down to the Earth and bring the feelings, wisdom, and joy you gained there to those around you. 

This is one of the endpoints of connection mentioned in Gaia's article on the topic - and it's one we practice in our monthly meditations in The Membership's Workshops

You can carry your connection through on Earth by slowly coming back down after your link with Spirit in meditation and bringing some of the qualities back with you, such as love, compassion, and joy. 

When you listen to yourself, communicate with your team and be thankful for their helpfulness, only beautiful things can happen.

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Photo of hands shaping a heart on pink background by ATC Comm Photo from Pexels with text overlay - How To Develop A Relationship With Your Spirit Guides, Angels & Loved Ones.

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