Amanda Linette Meder

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About Spirit Rescue & How It Helps Earthbound Spirits

Photo of human hands up in the air in a beam of light by Luis Dalvan from Pexels

Updated 2022.07.14

Spirit Rescue is a division of mediumship where trained mediums in crossing over techniques and tools works with those in Spirit who are Earthbound (uncrossed over), to assist them in finding the Light and finding their way out.

The spiritual rescue workers are mediums where this is a specific profession in the practice of mediumship.

These are people who are trained professionals in crossing over techniques for those who are in Spirit, but neither in the Dark or in the Light.

Mediums interested in Spirit Rescue are assisting those in Spirit, who they believe are at risk for not living an eternal life of joy. 

No longer connected to the physical world (no body) and not connected to the spiritual world (not in the light), an Earthbound Spirit has little access to communicate with those in either realm.

This can mean that an Earthbound Spirit, which is typically someone’s deceased loved one, lives in this space that is grey - neither positive nor negative, more like limbo.

Rescue workers can assist Earthbounds into the direction of the Light. By doing this, they restore their ability to communicate clearly with others (including their Loved Ones on Earth) and in living in alignment with their most joyful and compassionate state.

Rescuing a stuck Earthbound Spirit is done by crossing them over into the Light. 

When a Spirit is crossed into the light, they are freed into a life of joy, happiness and bliss, and it is one way to help lift the energy of the physical plane and the spirits who are in and attracted to that space.

As one Spirit transitions from a dense existence in grief, fear or other heavy emotions that tie them either here or into limbo, it lifts other energies around it up with it, creating a vortex of positivity that can benefit the residents, businesses and ecosystems of the area.

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Photo of human hands up in the air in a beam of light by Luis Dalvan from Pexels with text over that reads All About Spirit Rescue

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