Amanda Linette Meder

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4 Tips To Strengthen Your Empath Gifts

Photo of white unicorn with wings on lightened autumn forest path by Tumisu from Pixabay

Updated 2020.12.30 and in this post I discuss how to become a stronger empath.

An empath is someone who can clearly perceive the mental or emotional states of others.

Empathetic people can be highly sensitive to many outside influences, including: 

  • The emotions of others

  • Internal diet influxes and changes

  • External energy entering your skin and body

  • Media sources, books, social media, and television

  • Spirits, residual energy, and other unseen things such as radio and fiber transmissions

All of these influences can affect the clarity, accuracy, and precision of your gifts. Any one of these inputs can affect your ability to tune into the truth of your own thoughts, ideas, and emotions.

When it comes to strengthening empathic gifts, the key is boundaries.

You must be willing to examine all the external energy coming into your life. And you also must be willing to notice how it affects you. 

When you examine and clear your incoming energy sources, this allows you to get back in touch with your higher source and your heart.

Getting back in touch with your soul, your source, and your heart, this reconnects you back to your empathic gifts. 

Strengthening your empathic gifts can be about healthy boundaries, any outside influence that gets into your energy field and lingers can make your empathic gifts feel foggier, prevent you from trusting your gifts, and introduce doubt in your abilities.

A lot of what you can do to strengthen your empathic abilities involves managing influencing emotions in your space, your boundaries with others, and grounding your own emotions so that your response to other’s actions is less reactive.

As sensitives, it can be difficult to release another person’s energy, especially when that person is in pain. It’s natural and often automatic for us to absorb it and take it in, to help them release it. 

When we take on other people's energy too much, we’re at risk for confusing other people's judgment and emotions for our own. This creates cloudiness with our gifts. 

In some situations it’s helpful to take in someone else's energy to identify it and transmute it, releasing it afterward. But when you own your empathetic power, you want to avoid taking in other people’s energy as much as you can. 

To strengthen your empathic gifts, the first step is to reduce your reactivity to outside energy sources and then below are a few other steps: 

Photo of Unicorn on hill in purple glowing forest by Waldkunst from Pixabay

1. Monitor your electronic media time

Whenever you start to feel ungrounded, turn off any device that’s adding unnecessary additional energy input. 

Give yourself only thirty minutes a day to check in with the day’s media. To truly help others, just like a battery, you need time to recharge. 

Even when it’s not being used, sensitives can perceive pinged energy from messages on their phone, comments to their digital messages, and images on television. 

This is true even if that device is face down, muted or otherwise partially incapacitated. If it’s on, it’s transmitting and possibly hitting and affecting your energy field. Whenever you feel extra sensitive, turn off extra devices for a couple hours or even a whole day.  

Psychics perform distance readings via pictures alone. Thus, if you’re sensitive, and you’re online scrolling, remember, you’re picking up on energy coming from images which can agitate your field. 

Doing this will help reduce your hyper-awareness, bringing your energy back down to a baseline state of peace. Once your hyper-awareness is down and at rest, then when you notice it coming back in, you’ll be able to better see where it has come from. 

2. Take breaks from harmful emotional sources

Anything that makes you upset, off balance, or stretches your energy, take breaks from it from time-to-time. 

When you do, go do something tangible alone or joined only by a happy person. 

Play games with a kid, make something to eat or go put together a planting bed. Doing something tactical will help discharge and redirect any excess energy coming in, grounding you. 

Ungroundedness is often caused by misplaced energy that doesn’t have a way to get back to the Earth. 

Doing physical activities and expending that additional energy coming in will help discharge some of this excess energy input, releasing it from and grounding it for you. 

This will reduce your overall energetic alertness, and bring you back to the present moment, where your heart can perceive more clearly. 

3. Energetically disconnect from other people

Disconnect energetically. I like the cord-cutting exercise on this page and the white light meditation on this page to disconnect with stressful energies.

When your energy field is continually being pinged, it can be hard to identify what truly needs your attention. 

We can receive these pings electronically, as mentioned above, we can also receive them distantly, from other humans. 

Empathic abilities are helpful because they can guide us to the people, projects, and individuals that need our attention. But when our attention is being pinged by non-necessary sources, it can be hard to discern where to direct our sensitivities.

Regularly disconnect energetically from people that cause your energy to rise. This can help you return to what requires your most essential attention now, allowing you to apply your empathic gifts the right way. 

Empathic gifts are most accurate when used in the present moment. 

4. Guide your thoughts to happier places

Focus on what is going well and amplify that. This guides your empathy where you want it to go.

Thoughts are the first seeds of emotion, and then ultimately manifestation. Your world is literally built on what you think about. 

As a highly sensitive person, this means that you are connected to subtle energy, emotions, and wavelengths of others.

Pay a little more attention to what wavelengths you are riding, and you'll feel less at the mercy of the universe around you and more in control of your gifts. 

We all move through phases where we feel burdened by our gifts and the thoughts and energy we absorb. 

If you spend a lot of time thinking about things you’re upset about, this will trigger a continual pattern of sadness and emotions. This will make you feel more negatively sensitive, and you'll feel more burned by your gifts. 

If you have an empathic gift, you also want to spend some time thinking happy thoughts.

Practicing positive thoughts can move you into the stage of a high-vibrational empath and out of the stage of a low-vibration empath, making you feel much better, allowing you to enjoy your gifts. 

It can be natural to feel affected by the energy that comes in, but you don’t have to. 

Being an empath can be a beautiful gift. It can help us feel magnified versions of joy, hope, happiness, and love. It can also help us identify, once we clear out our own energy fields, which decisions hold these energies for us. 

When you work on your own boundaries, releasing the energy you absorb, and regularly disconnecting, this clears your energy field of any type of emotion, thought, or idea that can block the radiance of your heart. 

The more your heart field is clear, the stronger your empathic gifts will become. The more others like you will be able to sense your abilities, bringing other like-minded souls towards you. 

Tips to develop empathy. Photo of white unicorn with wings on lightened autumn forest path by Tumisu from Pixabay with text overlay of title.

So to recap, to strengthen your empathic gifts

  • Monitor your electronic media time

  • Take breaks from harmful emotional sources

  • Energetically disconnect from other people

  • Guide your thoughts to happier places

All of these things will keep you feeling clear and alert without feeling hyper. When you manage your incoming sources, you'll strengthen your gifts while feeling calmer and happier. 

Your heart will feel more at peace. When the heart is at peace, it will be easier for you to read its signals when you need them most - in decision making and in guiding your life path. 

So, all of this will strengthen your empathic or clear-feeling gifts, also known as clairsentience, while guiding you to your highest manifestation on Earth, which is part of the purpose of all gifts, including empathic ones.

I feel like I want to end this post by saying - if you are extra sensitive, there is nothing wrong with you, so that is how I am ending it.

Strong levels of empathy are considered a superpower in the metaphysical world and can be used for reading energy fields, creating a perfect world for you, and forming healthy bonds. Once it’s managed, you may love this part of yourself even more.

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