Amanda Linette Meder

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How To Sense A Ghost / 5 Ways To Sense A Ghost

How to Sense spirits, ghosts, and the deceased. Photo of yellow bokeh globe lights on blue and black background by from Pexels

Updated 2022.03.22

Feeling a spirit presence? Whether you are fully aware of it or not, a full-time Spirit professional, or just had a weird experience a few days ago - if you are reading this article, chances are good that you could have an ability to sense Spirits.

The ability to sense Spirit is called clairsentience and it’s really the most under-celebrated and under-noticed psychic ability.

Have you ever walked into a house and just got a weird feeling?

Walked alone at night and felt like someone was there, yet you were by yourself on the street?

Felt a heaviness in a cemetery? Or a cool gust of air in an otherwise warmly heated home?

A change in temperature, pressure, and even surrounding energy and ‘buzz’ to the air are all common indicators of the presence of a Spirit - precisely, a deceased person.

While I’ve written introductory articles before on how to sense Spirits and how to see a variety of different Spirits, today we’re going to talk specifically about picking up on the deceased, either they are ghosts or fully crossed over.

Whether we are identifying deceased Loved Ones, the Dearly Beloved, or a stranger random dead person just hanging around - there are a few things we all have in common - we all will generally sense Spirit before we ever see or hear it. That goes for everyone.

Most people sense Spirit before they ever see, hear, or notice any other signs

Vertical photo of macro star glowing with lights by Elias Tigiser from Pexels

And to hone your abilities of ‘picking up on someone,’ or just to get a handle on what’s going on, it’s important to know what Spirit feels like to you.

When a new Spirit is present, a new energy, person, matter or element is being added to the space and with any new addition to a ‘closed system’ environment - changes will occur. Changes such as temperature, pressure, and energy level.

These changes affect each of us uniquely and differently - but all have the same effect - they’re attention-getting.

Since Spirits are pretty good at being invisible when their presence is felt - if you sense something, this is usually an intentional act - they want you to notice.

And while there could be 1,000 reasons as to why they want your attention, when you feel a change in the room, there may be someone present who wants your attention.

Perhaps it is someone who you know personally or someone who wants to connect with you and say hello... or even ask for you to pass a message to your neighbor.

Whatever your preference - to communicate continuously or tell them you want to be left alone - to get started in connecting or never connect at all with the Other Side, we all need to know something:

When is it that a Spirit is present?

When we know for certain a Spirit is present; then we can communicate with them for beneficial reasons or tell them to leave us alone.

Since sensing a Spirit is always the first sign before all others (outside of maybe your dog or cat alerting you), what you feel will be your first indicator one is present.

So let’s go over the most common ways you can feel one and know a Spirit is present for sure, so that you can deal with it however you need to.

The 5 Most Common Feelings And Tell-Tale Symptoms Of A Spirit Visitation

Clairsentience. Sensing Spirit Energy, in this post we discuss tips for sensing your Spirit Guides, Loved Ones and Angels. Photo of bokeh yellow globe lights over blue and black background by from Pexels with text overlay - How To Sense A Ghost / 5 Ways To Sense A Ghost.

1 - A Heaviness And Pressure To The Room

The sensation of being in the deep end of a pool, a crowded pool, a heavy blanket are the most common descriptions for this feeling.

My partner describes it as a heavy cloak suddenly falling over the space or a thick cloud.

This is due to the increased energy to enter the space - making the molecules more densely packed. Think of a balloon - being filled to capacity - and you’re in the balloon.

Since Spirit does not have to limit its energy to a container, like a body, it can spread out its energy field/aura into the surrounding space. If you walk into this space, you could feel the pressure building.

2 - A Change In Temperature

For a Spirit to present itself, it can take a lot of energy to manifest into a form or a shape that resembles their human or physical body. Think about it!

If you exist only in free-gas form, it can take a little work to get your energy to vibrate slow enough to become matter again.

And raising and lowering energy can actually be indicated and assisted by raising and lowering temperatures or drawing/adding energy to the space to create shape.

If you feel a cool gush, heat (energy) is being drawn from you or the space. If you feel a warm gush, (heat) energy is being added to you and the space. Both indicate a different type of energy.

What temperature you feel, depends on:

  • The type of Spirit. Warm energy is normally crossed over and Light Spirits and cool is normally earthbound and Spirits who can’t manifest their own energy.

  • The environmental conditions (humidity, surrounding air temp, particulate matters).

  • The location. Many Spirits choose to appear in areas with lots of energy and temperature shifts for an easier time converting their energy to manifest - think train stations, hospitals, busy client centers.

Either way, a temperature change is an indicator of an energy change, which can sometimes indicate an invisible force change.

3 - A Sudden Energy Rush

Going on the same concept, when energy is added to the space and to your energetic field, a Spirit could be attempting to connect with you.

Imagine that your physical body is an ice cube and a Spirit, gaseous body, is vapor.

To interact with one another, the Spirit would have to lower their energy to move back down to a liquid state, or part-liquid state, like humidity, and you would have to raise your energy to be part-liquid as well - melty ice.

Meaning your energy would have to become more diffuse.

Spirit energy can create a high energy feeling.

To connect with Spirit and communicate, essentially you would have to raise your energy and Spirit would have to lower theirs - to be on the same wave, vibe, energy level, frequency chain to connect.

And for some, moving to this free energy state can feel unstable and create a similar sensation to an energy rush. Even noticing a free, fast-moving, gaseous energy around you can create this feeling, too.

Sometimes, Spirit, when connecting with a human, will attempt to raise your energy to their level of vibration - if they want to reach out and link with you - that is, communicate.

So if you aren’t aware this is happening, you might think it's a sudden energy rush and go into panic mode. Cover yourself in essential oils, take a few deep breaths, and settle down for a moment.

Sensing unexplained incoming energy is one of the most common symptoms of mediumship ability.

It’s an unrequested link. A communication advance or boost from the other side. They’ll do it, whether you fully grasp and notice it or not - until you start to work with them on boundaries.

4 - A Rise In The Throat Or A Drop In The Stomach

This can also be described as your heart rising or dropping. I like to think of it as going up the tower ride at Six Flags Great Adventure, climbing stories for a big drop. Feeling a being present can feel like a pit in your stomach or a ball in your throat.

And I think this is again, a symptom of energy rising and energy dropping in your surrounding environment - but felt from within.

5 - A Warm, Cozy Feeling

If a ghost is a loved one and if your Spirit is someone you know, it might feel a little different. When our loved ones visit, in addition to these sensations, a sensation visit from a deceased loved one can be described as also having a warm, cozy feel wash over the body.

When a deceased loved one that you know comes in, you may feel as though you just walked into a baby’s nursery in an early Fall afternoon or you’ve cuddled up against a familiar pillow.

Sometimes, it can be described as a warm tingle across your back, like the feeling of the sun coming up from behind the clouds on a late Summer day.

So to recap, the feeling of a deceased spirit present

Photo of glowing star globe ornaments with lights by Oleg Magni from Pexels

  1. You may feel a sudden heaviness or pressure when one enters the room.

  2. You may notice a change in temperature in the space you’re in.

  3. You may sense sudden incoming energy.

  4. You may experience a drop in your stomach or ball in your throat like you’re going up a roller coaster.

  5. You may get a warm, tingly feeling over all of this if you also know the person.

Take a moment and see which of these cues and signs you identify with most.

Then, start applying it to your life and seeing if you can notice when a deceased individual is with you. Everyone senses Spirit differently.

What you are experiencing could be very valid and very common, and being able to identify when a Spirit individual is present can help a lot with day-to-day management of any intuitive abilities you may have.

As soon as you know the tell-tale symptoms of when a Spirit was present and wanting to get your attention, you can tell them to leave you alone and mean it, when needed, too.

Set some boundaries, and like any other respectful, loving force, most energies in Spirit will observe your comfort zones.

Any work you do with discerning energies in your non-physical space will help you with the same in your physical environment.

Most people feel when they become conscious of the non-physical and begin to work with and accept these things, the discernment of how things feel when you connect to them can provide peace in many areas of life, not just one.

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