Amanda Linette Meder

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Indigo, Crystal, And Rainbow Children VS. Generation X, Generation Y, And Millennials

Photo of two people laying down on grass looking at a map using backpacks as their pillows

Updated 2020.12.30

The spiritual labels for the most recent different generations are defined as Indigo, Crystal, and Rainbow Children.

These labels are nearly directly comparable to the sociological labels used for the different generations of recent years, namely, Generation X, Generation Y, and Millennial. 

Here are the similarities between the sociological terms and the spiritual terms defining the different generational groups: 

  • Regardless of name, each generational group begins and ends with very loose boundaries

  • Each group is assigned or defined by certain roles in making changes in society

  • Each group series was created as an identification tool by humans to define and classify different generations

Either when we're discussing those amongst those in the sociological research community or in the spiritual community, here's how the terms directly compare to each other: 

Generation Xers are...

According to George Masnick of the Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies, the Generation X time frame is somewhere between 1965 to 1984.

This is when Indigo Children were thought to be born.

Generation Ys are...

Directly following that is Generation Y, putting it anywhere from the mid-1970s when the oldest was born to the mid-2000s when the youngest were.

This is the same general time period for those classified in the Crystal Children Generation. 

Millennials are...

This group are those born in 1982 to 20 years thereafter.

This is the same group as the Rainbow Children Generation as defined by those in the spiritual community. 

The dates and names for each generation are fluid and you'll see varying boundaries for each, however, these are the overall dates agreed upon by most, and as posted by researchers for The Atlantic

So to recap -

- If you know you're part of Generation X group, this would make you part of the Indigo Children Generation. 

This group starts after the baby boomers sometime in the 1960's includes those born in the mid-1980's. 

- If you think you were born in Generation Y, you'd technically be part of the Crystal Children Generation.

If you believe in this group, some researchers don't, this group starts sometime in the 1970's-80's and ends with those born sometime in the mid 90's or early 2000's depending which paper you read. 

- And if you think you were born during the Millennials time period, then you're in the Rainbow Children Generation, metaphysically speaking. 

This group begins sometime in the late 80's or early 90's and includes those born directly before and after the start of the newest millennia, basically, the babies that carried us over the hump of the newest (1900's - 2000's) century. 

Whichever generation you decide you're in, try not to get too wrapped up in these terms. 

The defined boundaries of each generation are never finalized until all, if not most, of the children born into that generation move into retirement.

For example, the only group whose boundaries sociologists can agree upon are the Baby Boomers, which aren't listed here though, and their boundaries are 1946 -1964. 

There is also some overlap between the groups so depending on how soon certain cultural trends took place in your area, can determine which of the above soul waves you came in on.

To end, in my personal opinion, these are labels that use different words to describe the same thing.

For more, check out my favorite documentary on the topic, The Indigo Evolution, or read on in the links below.

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