Amanda Linette Meder

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How To Talk To Spirits Safely: A Step-By-Step

How To Talk To Spirits Safely: A Step-By-Step. Photo of Antelope Canyon with light overhead by Ray Bilcliff from Pexels -

Updated 2020.10.01

Each and every one of us has a special way of connecting with Spirit. Whether it’s our own personal Loved Ones, Spirit Guides or Angels, or those in Spirit of another - we each have a way of connecting to the Divine. 

Simply, it’s because we’re all Spirit.

Whether or not you currently have a physical body, in some central way, you have an essence, a being, soul - something that makes you - you.

If you want to call this a series of chemical reactions or a series of neurons firing of the brain, or if you choose to remind yourself that hey, Spirit is eternal.

We can all agree there is something that makes up who we are. Something that makes us unique in ourselves. What that something is exactly, is of course and will of course be, always debatable.

But for me, this something is my Spirit. And it’s because I feel that at core level, I am Spirit, too. I know that as a Spirit, I can communicate with any other Spirit I may encounter - with or without a physical body.

Does this mean these communications will be without misunderstanding? No. All communication with anyone you interact with ever - comes with some level of tweaking and refinement to fully understand the other person.

Mediumship is not just the ability to connect with Spirit, it’s the commitment to refining your communication with all Spirit, both those living and those in the Divine Light.

It’s your desire to develop a communicatory relationship with another. 

In this post, we’re going to talk about how to safely develop your ability towards mediumship and decide upfront and before you get started - how you want your relationship with Spirit to go down.

Like any new relationship, it’s always best to lay down the foundation before immediately building a house on uncertain soil. Even if you’re already connecting with Spirit on a regular basis, how about a restatement or redefining of vows?

No matter where you are in your life, it never hurts to remind yourself and everyone else, “Hey Universe, this is where I stand.”

So, in developing and opening your relationship with any human Spirit or non-physical Spirit, it’s mostly about forming relationships, defining boundaries, and setting forth expectations, right? Yes, and, it’s also about real world practice.

Safe Mediumship 101

Photo of canyon with blue-tan bottom by Aaron Kittredge from Pexels

1. Set Some Ground Rules

Most of my clients, and even myself if I was being honest with myself, at first, are afraid of opening their gifts because of what they might see or experience.

No one wants to be scared - mediums included. In other words, you may be afraid of opening the doorway to a portal full of Spirits.

And you know what? Just like in the physical world, you decide who you interact with and how, so you don’t have to be open with all energies.

With Spirit, while most are loving, kind and nice - Spirits are an excitable bunch, really. So amped to get your attention and reach out, sometimes, they’ll pull your hair if that’s the only thing that will stop you and get you to notice something important.

Mostly, they really mean no harm, but they don’t know what is allowed by your standards. They don’t know your boundaries, so instead, they just run around like wild little children full of energy at a playground.

Please, before you get started working with Spirit - take a moment to set some boundaries. Remind these well meaning people what the playground rules are and when you do, they’ll follow them. Why? Because no one wants to get kicked off the playground! 

Learn how to set boundaries with Spirit, in full detail HERE

2. You Have Friends On The Other Side - Meet Them

No one wants to haunt you. In fact, if you are feeling haunted - it’s likely you are being visited by Spirit and yes, you can feel their energy. By noticing and sensing spirit frequently, you're learning just how powerful your spiritual abilities really are.

Thankfully, you have Spirits on the Other Side who want to befriend you. Those who want to show you how to use the monkey bars. Those who want to tell you who the bullies are and who the nice guys are. You’ve got friends on the playground, and you need to meet them pronto.

If we were about to go on a world wide music tour, you’d need a well-seasoned tour manager to explain to you how things are done in the ‘biz.’ Someone, who’s been there before and has your best interests at heart.

Somewhere where you are their only client and they want to line you up for success. They want to show you where the best vending machines are, and how to kick it the right way to get all the candy bars.

Sure, this person can be a mediumship guide, coach or mentor in the physical world (I do that, too), but what I’m talking about here is meeting your Spirit Guides. You’ve got at least two and it’s about time you get acquainted. They’ll be able to help.

Meet your Gatekeeper Guide HERE

Meet your Protector Guide HERE

3. Start Asking Questions

While you surely have the ability to sense, feel and even see those in Spirit, it’s time you start getting to the bottom of who is visiting you, what they want and when they’re around.

And what I mean is, if someone shows up at your front door and rings the bell, it’s no longer time to simply run into the bedroom and wonder, concerned, ‘Who could possibly know I’m in here? Who could be ringing the bell at this hour?’

It’s time to take a deep breath, walk up to that peep hole and look through it. It’s still locked, remember, and you can always tell them to leave once you find out who it is anyway.

Or if you don’t want to use your peephole (aka ‘see them for real’ yet), yell out to the front door and ask, “Who is it? Who is there?”

What I mean is, start communicating with those in Spirit, and you can start here:

Someone has to start talking, and it may as well be you.

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