Amanda Linette Meder

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3 Meditation Techniques To Open Clairvoyant Mediumship Gifts

Photo of smoking candle by fotografierende from Pexels

Updated 2022.01.18

Meditation is one of the keys to improving your intuitive, psychic and spiritual abilities. It’s a method of calming your mind, centering your Spirit and most importantly, improving your ability to focus on something and have an open and clear mind for an extended period of time.

Receiving psychic information clairaudiently, clairvoyantly, clairsentiently and claircognizantly - is usually much more subtle of a message or inclination than it is something that hits you on the side of the face. In fact, the messages that I receive from your Loved Ones in Spirit, by and large, come from within.

To be able to receive psychic and mediumship messages clearly and accurately, it’s essential that you are skilled at focusing - clearing any external thoughts, personal emotions and worries from your mind - to receive clear information from within. And the number one way to do this is through developing a meditation practice.

However, many mediums, including myself, feel that it’s not necessarily meditation that you need to develop clarity within your psychic perceptions, instead, it’s just quietude and focus. So to begin -

3 Meditation Techniques For Opening Mediumship & Clairvoyant Gifts

Photo of a thumb and forefinger in mudra by cottonbro from Pexels

#1 - Cultivate a period of quietude

Before I became a professional psychic medium, I studied things related to plant physiology and to do this, I spent hours and hours alone taking measurements. With no noise or anything else to focus on, besides a meter stick and a data sheet on a clipboard.

I spent hours with a quiet mind and focused on one single task for afternoons, evenings, days and years on end. While some monks may go to a cave to enhance their meditative sight, or fierce yogis may go to an ashram to quiet their mind - I went to a greenhouse.

In fact, in this greenhouse is when I started to really notice the messages I was receiving and began to hear the voices of Spirit - which I had previously ignored for 15 years.

It was easy to keep my mind occupied and entertained all the way until bedtime - television, music, reading and company were all common ways I became distracted from focusing on my psychic and spiritual perceptions.

So do you have to meditate? No.

But, I strongly encourage you to find an activity that involves significant periods of quiet time - whether it be long marathon running, taking hot baths, gardening or painting your nails. Anything that calms you down and centers you in a quiet place.

Some people like to do spreadsheets, or fixing links in broken machines, or crocheting. These are all quiet, focused activities that give your mind a place of center, essential for bringing through clear messages.

#2 - Developing focus is essential to delivering messages from Spirit

The hardest part about developing your psychic abilities and receiving clear messages is cultivating long periods of focus.

Many new mediums and psychics ‘lose’ their link or connection with Spirit within 2-5 minutes after receiving it.

Much like trying to hold onto a receptor antenna on the roof with little experience in keeping a steady hand - it’s hard to keep it going because you may not understand the message or you may have a hard time staying focused for a long time on the same image or message.

As flexing your arm muscles will improve your ability to keep a steady hand, flexing your mind focus muscles will assist you in keeping steady and clear in thought when delivering messages from Spirit and it will help you hold the pose for longer periods of time.

To begin practicing seeing images or spirits, I suggest practicing your mind to focus on holding a mantra, image or feeling for 5-minutes, working your way up to 40 minutes. You can use a seed sound, or something you are dreaming about as your focus image.

This practice opens your ability to capture spirit or psychic images when they come floating in to get more detail from them in your readings or interpretations.

#3 - Practice your ability carry through on something for an extended period of time

In the past, this is why psychics used a crystal ball - it’s something you can use to focus on while they receive images or information. If you are familiar with yoga, staying in a tree pose is much easier to do when you have something in front of you to keep your gaze.

One of the best ways to open up the ability of foresight or receiving spiritual guidance is by following through on guidance received and seeing it through.

Practice examining things and observing your surroundings, what’s a project you promised you would get done? If it still matters to you, see if you can see the inspiration through the fruition.

Spirit World often gives images or messages of what can be in clairvoyant visions received in meditation, so when you move it through into the physical it creates a feedback loop of trust between you and all that is, clearing your energy and opening the space for more visions, even without a formal meditation practice.

Begin to extend your gaze upon certain things as you go for walks or out and about - see how long you can look at something without breaking away.

Meditation Techniques - Photo of smoking candle by fotografierende from Pexels text overlay 3 Meditation Techniques For Opening Mediumship & Clairvoyant Gifts

So to recap, developing quietude, practicing holding images in your mind’s eye, and focusing on seeing a vision to fruition can all help strengthen your connection and clarity of your clairvoyant and mediumship gifts.

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