Amanda Linette Meder

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Destined To Meet? Twin Flames, Soul Mates & How To Meet Yours

Photo of match with flame and sparkly colored lights with black background by Pixabay from Pexels

Updated 2020.05.22

When the signs of destiny for love are all around, you may be wondering how you can meet your Soul Mate. Find out the difference between Twin Flames and Soul Mates, and how to meet yours in this post - 

One of the most popular questions in readings is about finding a Soul Mate. 

In fact, it's one of the top five topic areas of love, career or purpose, money, health, and relational harmony.

Having a person who matches and aligns with your soul can be a great thing.

Love questions are one of my favorite areas to discuss. It's also one of the reasons why I visited my first psychic medium outside of myself, so it hits close to home. 

I wanted to know if I had a Soul Mate and when I would meet him. 

From doing readings for seven years and many, on this topic, I've found that most people when seeking love want to know - 

When and how can I meet someone who loves and accepts me for exactly who I am? 

Someone who gets me ultimately, someone who I don't have to hide from. Someone who truly values my existence and loves me in the exact way I desire to be loved.

Sound like the person you're searching for, too?

This person is known as your Twin Flame, and this is one of the types of Soul Mates.

Twin Flames are discussed and talked about a lot in the psychic and metaphysical community, and they're a kind of Soul Mate.

Often, many of their quirks and personality traits are identifiable. This includes personal weaknesses, or 'areas for growth,' and individual strengths.

Despite this, it is very common for Twin Flames to come together from two completely different walks of life and belief systems. 

When you meet a Twin Flame, you have a knowing - that this is your soul twin - and both of you are aware on some level that you two are a match.

Signs that Twin Flames are near include you're seeing lots of repeating double numbers, thinking about it more or receiving lots of messages about love in a short period.

If you keep getting love synchronicities and messages in your own oracle readings, this is also a sign a Twin Flame is close.

Soul Mates always have one thing in common - they expand your capacity to love and to be loved. They love you forever and teach you how to be loving.

This includes Twin Flames, who are usually romantic partners. 

With a Twin Flame, you often grow together as continual teachers in love. 

Soul Mates can be friends from work, from other social groups, from your family of origin, and are typically kindred spirits with you.

You have many Soul Mates, but generally just a few Twin Flames.

You can identify the soul mates in your life right now by doing two things

  1. Count the most beneficial and rewarding relationships in your life in the last six months

  2. Count the most challenging relationships in your life over the previous six months

In these relationships, you have a Soul Mate who is teaching you all about what love is and what love is not.

You can identify the Twin Flames in your life right now by doing two things

  1. Count the people in your life whose sentences you could finish

  2. Count the people in your life who could finish your sentences

These are Twin Flames, people who can sense your energy without language.

To draw in more loving, compassionate bonds in your life, either Twin Flame or Soul Mate, below, we're going to go over four ways to do just that.

How do you find the ones who love you for you?

Photo of candles book and vase on bed-looking surface by Taryn Elliott from Pexels

1. Find out how to give to yourself the love that you deserve

Become a regular at giving yourself love, the type of love you'll ask of another one day. 

Up your self-care game big time, and try giving to yourself first for the next three months.

When you do that, you'll then be an excellent spotter at attracting and detracting the types of people who will provide you with that and who won't. 

This is because when you fill yourself up with love energy, you can automatically sense when something comes around that is in contrast to the energy you've been cultivating.

2. Become the highest and best version of yourself that you possibly can

Many times, loved ones in Spirit come through to say they were holding on providing a Soul Mate until you were at your prime confidence levels.

When we are beaming our most authentic selves, we are at our highest level of attraction and visibility. So it is easier for Soul Mates, Twin Flames, and other Kindred Spirits to find us in all of the energy-sensing they are doing all day. 

Your true match is drawn to you when you are to receive this person as the highest and best version of yourself. 

Why? A Soul Mate is a love match, equally. 

This means that when you are beaming your highest self, your chances of attracting someone else vibrating at that level, creating an exact match, is more possible.

In other words, become a Soul Mate for yourself, and the highest and best Soul Mate will begin to be drawn to you.

Try beaming yourself out to the world confidently over the next couple of weeks, paying attention to the law of reflection, noticing where you are getting those reflections.

3. Decide what you need to feel love and be loved by another, and then put it to paper as a list for the universe

Your Spirit Guides, Angels and Loved Ones want you to find someone who appreciates and loves you for you. 

But you are the casting director for this significant film.

They can send you potential actors and actresses for your movie - it helps if you tell them what they are searching for in the casting.

In other words, give them the details of who you are looking for to fill your role.

Your Spirit Team may even send you potential matches as you get clearer and clearer on your match. 

Then when the right one arrives, you will feel it and know it. 

Include all the elements of this person that will satisfy your soul.

Feel free to edit as you go along, knowing it's completely okay to leave room for surprises, and that you probably will will receive.

4. Be open

Finally, once you have in place all these steps, be open to what comes. 

The Soul Mate role that gets filled may be different from what you expect, it usually does a bit. The adventure of finding love is sometimes just as loving and joyous as it is when you locate it in a single body.

You may have to step out of your comfort zone slightly as you remain open, just pay attention to what your heart and intuition tells you.

Seeing the signs of destiny? In this post, Destined To Meet? Twin Flames, Soul Mates & How To Meet Yours, I discuss how to bring love in. Photo of match with flame and sparkly colored lights with black background by Pixabay from Pexels with text overlay of title.

So to recap, to bring in Soulmates or Twin Flames

  1. Focus on filling yourself with love

  2. Beam yourself out confidently

  3. Write a manifestation list, feel free to edit

  4. Be open

Those are the four main keys to finding and aligning with a Soul Mate - and not just any Soul Mate - one who loves and values you precisely as you are. This could be a Twin Flame or even a Life Partner.

The above is meant to attract the one who appreciates you with all of his or her being. The one who wants the best for you regardless of what it means for you. 

The one who loves you independently of the love they have for themselves.

Typically movement on love tends to occur within a week to six months after practicing the activities above. Usually, signs of love begin to appear the closer the meeting gets or as the meeting occurs.

If you should meet a Soul Mate or the Twin Flame version of your Soul Mate, you usually know immediately or very soon upon meeting - that this relationship is an important one. 

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