Amanda Linette Meder

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How To Interpret Signs From Spirit Guides

Photo of red purple bokeh lights by Azim Islam from Pexels

Updated 2021.12.16

Asking Spirit Guides for signs? You may already be getting Spirit Guide communication signs, and the next question is, how do you know where they apply and what they mean. In this post, we're going to discuss - 

I know how frustrating it is to receive messages from Spirit, but not knowing what or where they apply until a couple of days later. 

This has happened to me many times, but over the years, I've come to find out ways that improve your ability to get and understand messages from Spirit Guides, and today I'm sharing them with you. 

Have you ever felt like the signs your Spirit Guides are sending you are elusive, if not a little vague?

Spirit Guides often send us signs of their presence and to let us know they are aware of what is going on in our lives. As a way to show support and as a method of preparing us for what is to come.

Spirit Guides' whole goal is to guide us, so they will often share just a hint of what is coming around the bend. 

When we are better prepared for what is to come, we usually feel a greater sense of security. This helps us take steps forward in our lives with a little more confidence. 

Spirit Guides send us alerts of upcoming events. 

Even if some of these events feel negative, know that even things that feel negative when they first occur can end up in positive outcomes. 

So, instead of focusing on whether the messages are warning messages, know it's entirely up to you to change the perceptual narrative.

You can focus on the idea that lots of times, Spirit Guides walk us through changes, and often, these changes are good. 

They will often send us cues of changes through visions, physical signs, such as numbers, or even by pulling things into our energy field.

Their signs allow us to be just a few steps ahead of the material.

By helping us become aware in the non-physical, we have better resiliency for what we get signs about. Thus, better acceptance and patience for how it plays out in the third-dimensional plane. 

Spirit Guides are sending us signs, messages, and signals, all the time, yes, so how do you make better use of these messages and know what they are to mean?

Below, we're to go over four ways you can decipher messages for a better, more streamlined communication process with your Spirit Team.

4 Tips To Decipher Messages From Spirit Guides

Photo of magnifying glass held up to peach blue light by fotografierende from Pexels

#1 Ask For Clarification Through A Second Sign

If you feel like your Spirit Guide is sending you a sign, or trying to get a message to you, ask them to show you again to be clear. 

Most guide messages come through the clair-senses, so ask for clarification through another one of those senses. 

Ask for another word, symbol, or even sign that will further point to what they are trying to show you. Whatever it is, to be sure, follow it up by asking for a word or a feeling to go along with it. 

Usually, clarification of Spirit Guide messages come in a few days, and sometimes within minutes from when you ask. 

#2 Agree On Symbols And Clues

Think of something that stands out to you, when you see it, you always notice.

It can be a ringing in the ears, a flash of light, a particular symbol, an animal sign, a flower, number sequence, or song. 

Think of times you've received synchronized signs, such as number signs, right as you are making life changes. If you liked that, ask for it again.

Then when you get the symbol, you can take it as confirmation, and take a moment to tune in for more information. 

A shared Symbol, also called a calling card, from your Spirit Guides, can be received in meditation. 

Any of the Connecting with Spirit Meditations in The Member Center Meditation Room can create space to receive a universal symbol. 

This symbol helps you know when the messages you get are from your Guides, versus other universal forces.

#3 Distill Your Energy Field

Clear away the clutter in your energy field. 

Clearing your physical clutter helps calm the Spirit and the soul, as can clearing away the digital clutter. 

One of the biggest distractions to receiving incoming spirit messages is having an energy field that is full of too many things, splintering the aura. 

By clearing your attachments, such as by going through your likes, taking the time to shift the mailings you receive, you introduce more freedom to your auric field. 

With a clearer auric field, it's easier to sense what is coming in clearly, there's less of an energy scramble. Meaning, income receptions are sharper. 

Some people feel minimalist living helps with enhancing their connection to Source for this reason.

One way you can distill what comes into your energy field is by noticing how your heart feels anytime something comes into your space. You can do this with emails or even social media posts.

If it's unnecessary, let it go or, at least, give it a boundary. 

The more you can let go of things that dampen your aura, the more quickly you can connect to the high vibrations of Spirit, and the message becomes more apparent. 

For more on how to do this, check out the eBook, Spiritual Security.

#4 Invite Someone Else In On The Interpretation

The best way to get an objective opinion is to ask an unbiased source - someone outside of your energy field.

You want to choose someone who tends toward optimism and positive thinking. 

Spirit Guide messages are almost always tending towards truth, hope, and greater joy, so when you share any cues you get, try to focus on someone who brings this out of you.

Layout for this person what you think are signs and symbols and markers and then ask what they think about it. 

Without another person present, use a deck of cards, or pull some pages from your library books. These are also outside sources. 

So to recap, to better understand Spirit Guide Messages

Photo of hexagon blue lights by Pixabay from Pexels

  1. Ask for a second sign

  2. Decide on a shared symbol

  3. Distill your energy field

  4. Bring in an external source if needed

Interpreting messages from guides can be challenging at first, but with a few tweaks, the messages do get clearer. Usually, they are physically validated within a matter of days, often sooner than that.

For more resources like this, become a Member today!

How To Interpret Signs From Spirit Guides - 4 Tips To Decipher Messages From Spirit Guides. Photo of magnifying glass held up to peach blue light by fotografierende from Pexels

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