Amanda Linette Meder

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21 Signs You’re A Medium: Next Steps

Photo of sitting bronze Buddha surrounded by pink and quartz crystals by Samuel Austin on Unsplash

Updated 2020.03.12

Okay, so you’ve read the article 21 Signs You’re A Medium.

What do you do now?

The first and most important thing you can do is relax and calm down.

With guidance from The Spirit World available to you at any and most times, the path of spiritual development that opens when you embrace mediumship usually leads to greater levels of personal peace.

Consider the possibility that you may be a medium. 

More people are accepting of it than you might think. 

If you choose, you can enhance the emotional healing of others and assist others in living their fullest life.

You get to pass along messages of guidance and support, deliver messages of love and connection, and these messages come through you first. 

This is a fantastic opportunity.

Once you’ve taken a moment to relax, below are a few steps you can take to begin to integrate your gifts, welcoming more calmness and serenity in your life - 

Next steps after 21 signs you’re a medium

Photo of number one card decorated with a fern frond and flower as a table place setting by Photos by Lanty on Unsplash

Step 1. Set boundaries

If you are a medium, every Spirit and their associates in a ten-mile radius knows it.

There is a medium map in The Spirit World.

In sessions with clients, those in Spirit have often described a map of lights, that looks very similar to a map of flight routes or a map of the night time sky - complete with the location of the hottest and brightest lights. 

You, my friend, are one of those lights on the map.

This is good because it means you’ll soon have more help and assistance than you could ever dream of having in life.

But some people feel this presence through clairsentience, and it can be useful to have some space too.

Spirit can see that you have the ability to co-create with them, even if you aren’t consciously using your gifts, and some even get excited. 

Some mediums sense this excitement. 

You may have Spirits coming at all hours, in all places, without interruption or boundaries. In essence, you’re the hottest club in town with no closing hours. 

So when a medium first opens their gifts, I often recommend a massive space clearing and cleansing up for a few days.

Set some boundaries with Spirits using this post here on boundaries or this post here on clearing.

Learn how to become one with White Sage or check out the alternatives to Sage for space clearing.

Step 2. Absorb everything

Read books, blogs, and anything you can get your hands on about the topic. 

I’ve created a list of the top books that helped me, and I also have a ton of resources on developing mediumship on this blog

Also, read other blogs, find other books, watch some documentaries.

The list of documentaries I feel is suitable for psychic mediums are listed here.

The more you learn, the less mystifying it feels, and the more manageable and natural it becomes.

The more comfortable you’ll be with it, and the better equipped you’ll be to explain your gifts and abilities to friends and family when the time comes for that.

Though know, there are stages of opening that include the feelings of excitement, so if you do feel excited, this is normal.

Step 3. Seek out a mentor, take a class

Learning from someone who has developed their abilities to a place where they can now assist you is the best and most helpful way to be guided.

Joining a class, whether online or in-person, can also provide you with one-on-one or small group guidance that can enhance the experience and usability of your gifts.

The most important aspect of a class or mentorship is receiving external validation for your gifts.

Validation can help you hone your gifts in more or identify where you are strongest, so you can more easily replicate your results.

Connecting with others in group classes or mentorship who share and understand your traits can boost your abilities and teach you how to use them socially for optimal results.

Having someone you can go to for questions, guidance and support is also incredibly helpful. 

Researching and understanding your abilities are the best places to start. After that, sharing your gifts will allow you to develop your abilities to their fullest potential. 

Once you have learned about and accepted your gift, you’ll start to manage it. It is possible for it to feel healthy and even a natural way of life. 

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Psychic Mediumship Development. Photo of sitting Buddha surrounded by quartz and pink quartz crystal by Samuel Austin on Unsplash with text overlay 21 Signs You’re A Medium Next Steps

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