Amanda Linette Meder

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Managing Gifts Day-To-Day As A Clairvoyant Medium

Handling Psychic Gifts As A Medium, it can be balanced. Photo of rock cairn by Austin Neill on Unsplash.

Updated 2020.09.16

Are you in need of help managing intuitive gifts in your day to day life? Are you looking to turn down the sensitivity?

Trying to keep your cool when something happens and, you’re surrounded by people who may not understand?

Along the way, I learned a few techniques to keep calm and carry on in situations involving something Spiritual.

Sometimes being sensitive can feel like a fish out of water, but there are benefits to being sensitive. Having sensitivities can be an asset, and with special care, they can work for you and others in your life. 

Need assistance living with clairvoyance, psychic abilities, or intuitive overload in day-to-day life?

Below are a few things that have helped me live more peacefully, in everyday life -

3 Tips for Managing Spiritual Abilities

Manage your spiritual abilities with three steps. Photo of a Buddha Statue by Sabine Schulte on Unsplash.

1. Take a Deep Breath

Remind yourself: Spirits are just people, even the energy they project. 

If you are sensing or picking up on energy in the room - whether it is a perception from another living person or the essence of someone on the other side, you are interacting with a living body. 

Sometimes, a pet, sometimes an animal, or sometimes it’s a collective thought or emotional body belonging to a group or being released.

Alive, not alive, crossed over, not crossed over, earthbound, not earthbound, negative energy, positive energy - it is all people and other natural things. 

So take a deep breath, if you sense something you, too, are a person. You know these feelings. You know these emotions. 

Now that you have something in common with the energy you sense, you don’t have to engage, deliver information, find out what the mystery is, or do anything at all. You are allowed to be, and let it pass. 

When you see something zip by in this Universe, you don't always have to catch up to it. You can breathe and continue on your journey.

2. Turn it down

To decrease your overall sensitivity, you can turn down your abilities. 

First, if possible, take anything in your environment that’s loud and bright and bring that down to a lower level. If you are somewhere where you can’t control your outer setting, that’s okay.

The best way to turn down your sensitivities is with a mental exercise, which you can do anywhere. 

I like to turn down my gifts with a visual exercise mentally.

Turning down your gifts exercise

Close your eyes and imagine the volume knob on the radio with up and down dials. Some people like to imagine a record player. 

Imagine yourself turning down the knob to almost off. Turning down the volume lowers the heat. Count backward down from 10, and go as low as you can on the knob.

As you do this, tell yourself, this is the knob of your psychic abilities, and you are turning them down.

Take deep breaths as you do this and then open your eyes when complete. You can also do this with your eyes open usually after some practice.

3. Create A Boundary

If you have psychic mediumship gifts, and you aren't paying attention to them, you might be running around with no or a very thin veil. 

A veil is your energetic barrier between the human physical realm and the realm of Spirit and the Divine Consciousness.

Everything is psychic. Thus, if you are like me and sense everything, you likely have a thinner veil of protection between you and the world and may need to beef yours up once in a while occasionally.

If this is so, then you can then re-create one and strengthen yours too. 

Protecting your veil is just like using a moisturizer in the winter. It helps prevent infection. So it’s best done ahead of time. 

But, if you need something at the moment, you can create a psychic boundary in any time of need, with a meditation exercise, such as this one:

White Light Layer Meditation

Close your eyes. Imagine light above you, shining down from the sky. 

This light is white, and as it shines down from above, it surrounds you, above your head, below your feet, in front of you, behind you. It swirls around you until the entire outside of your body is glittering white. 

A bubble of white, glittering light now surrounds you. Imagine the light bubble getting bigger and bigger. Imagine it coating your entire aura like a crystal egg. 

Open your eyes, and roll your shoulders back and down when done.

This technique pushes all the energy inside your field, outside of your field and gives your energy field time to reset itself. You can memorize it and then once you do, call upon it anytime you need.

For a full run through of this technique:

How-To: Use And Apply A White Light Psychic Protection Shield

Some people also like to use actual amulets for protecting their veil.

If you decide to use a crystal amulet for your boundary:

  • Using a chain that allows the stone to rest over your heart or your stomach chakra, these are two chakras most influenced by others’ energy.

  • Selecting a protection crystal that is meant for your rising/ascendant zodiac sign. This aspect is known as our psychic mask. It is what we project in the world and how we wish to be seen. So it can be which part of your energy is influenced the most.

  • Choosing a high-density stone with some charge, for your amulet. A mineral high in iron, silicon, or salt usually works nicely. 

Even amethysts and quartz can be lovely for amulets because they can hold energy and keep it from entering your field. But I also like various obsidian varieties. 

Other excellent protection objects are those that have been given to you by those that love you.

So, if someone has given you a cross or a charm, you can use this for a boundary for protection and wear it or put it in your pocket for times of need.

So to recap, to manage psychic energy -

Photo a book and mug on wooden ledge by Aaron Burden on Unsplash.

  • Remember to breathe, perhaps for just a few moments or even just a full day. 

  • Turn it down. You can do this visually or physically. 

  • Visualize a boundary layer, or use a physical tool such as an amulet to assist.

Outside of using these tips for Spiritual concerns, I also use these techniques to create boundaries in living or empathetic situations. 

So, these are just a few every-day management tips for dealing with your psychic/spiritual gifts. Take a deep breath, take a step back, and give yourself a shield, physical or non-physical.

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Psychic Development. 3 of My Best Tips for Managing Spiritual Gifts. Photo of rock cairn by Austin Neill on Unsplash with text overlay: Psychic Development: 3 Tips for managing Spiritual Abilities.

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