Amanda Linette Meder

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3 Ways To Develop Trust In Your Spirit Guides

Photo of flowers with tropical foliage background by Artem Beliaikin from Pexels

For a couple of years, I was a huge fan of playing games on this pinball machine, America's Most Haunted. 

Spooky Pinball created America's Most Haunted in 2014, and there's a track inside the game which calls out, "Your Spirit Guides are with you!" when playing one of the rounds.

It is my favorite part of the game because after playing it, I would think about that phrase and how true it is, based on what I've seen in readings. 

The things that Spirit says sometimes requires stepping back and taking a breather, and taking a break from thinking about the meaning of life. 

Spirit Guides are incredibly supportive and one of my favorite Spirits to connect to. The symbolism they provide in readings, dreams or meditation can be quite detailed. 

They can appear in human or animal form, and no matter what, when they appear, they are like a love cloud that descends on you and your clients, or whatever group you're in when you call in Spirit Guide Energy. 

Spirit Guide energy can feel so good, that doing consultations where I bring in their energy for others is like a relief from a difficult day. 

If I am working through a human challenge on Earth and someone asks me to bring in Spirit Guides that afternoon, I look forward to it all day, simply because of how the energy feels, and I know it's going to be an infusion of love for all.

Trusting the Guidance you receive from your Spirit Guides can take time and practice, but it can be done. Over time, with a few basic principles and a little bit of ease, you can develop trust in your Spirit Guides.

To develop that trust, first, know Spirit Guides always communicate through loving energies and messages. 

Usually, their presence shows up with a feeling of bliss and relaxation. If you are feeling too tense when you call in your Guides, try the exercises in this post about slowing down, wind down into calmness, and open yourself back up again.

Second, Spirit Guides tend to be continuously forgiving. 

In the world of Spirit Guides, there are no mistakes, they are always with you, and you are as innocent as a child. Everyone is an innocent child. 

You never did anything wrong, and if you feel you did, you probably have some authoritative protection guides watching over you to walk you back to self-love.

Third, Spirit Guides and those who are in touch with them will attempt to guide you towards situations that are more loving, not less. 

Think about the last time you received unexpected love. Think about who or what brought that in. This is a group guided by their Spirit Guides.

When connected to the energy of your Spirit Guides, you usually feel a sense of courage, power, or confidence. 

Looking for a more trusting relationship with your Spirit Guides? 

Below I want to go over three more ways you can develop a trusting relationship with your Spirit Guides. 

3 Ways To Develop Trust In Your Spirit Guides

Photo of red orchids on a chain by Dred Geib from Pexels

1. Envision Your Guides

Attempt to imagine your Spirit Guides’ energy. 

An excellent way to start visualizing your Spirit Guides is to imagine a circle of large bodies with angel wings, surrounding you and putting their hands over you, as though you were the only being they were looking after.

In another option, take your favorite color which makes you smile anytime you see it right now. For many, a good one is yellow. 

Then, visualize this yellow energy wrapping around your body, starting from your back, and wrapping around your shoulders and feet until you sense being cradled in this energy. 

Once you feel and sense the energy by devoting some conscious awareness of it, it does feel more present. As the energy feels more present, it feels more trustworthy and available. 

2. Communicate With Your Spirit Guides More Frequently

Have a Spirit Date, at least once a week, talk to your Spirit Guides. Ask for their advice. 

Call in the above energy first, and then put your hand to your heart to center your intuitive awareness system, and ask a positive-focused question, like:

  • What can I do to make a difference in my business/family/life today?

  • How can I feel happier today?

  • What is one thing I can do now to move me closer to my goal?

Focus on what you feel, sense, or see intuitively in your body. Spirit often communicates through non-physical means, which means you'll likely receive this communication feedback, as a feeling, a vision, or a thought. 

Some people like to do this Spirit Guide meet-up once a day. For myself, I feel early mornings are best. 

3. Trust Your Spirit Guides Have Your Back

Genuine Spirit Guides have no desire to set you up for failure. Their only interest is that you learn lessons which open your heart and move you closer to a deeper relationship with the interconnectedness and the dance of life. 

If there is something substantial that you have to do, that you have been continually lifting, a great trust exercise is to give it to your Spirit Guides, by asking them to resolve it. 

You can let your Spirit Guide do the heavy lifting on something.

This doesn't mean you give up trying to make something happen or pushing forward with inspired action. Instead, it means giving up how, and more or less, going with the flow. 

Your intuition, paired with your Spirit Guides wisdom, will push you in the right direction.

So to recap, to develop trust in your Spirit Guides

Trust Your Spirit Guides. Photo of red orchids on a chain by Dred Geib from Pexels with text overlay - 3 Ways To Develop Trust In Your Spirit Guides.

  • Practice envisioning your Spirit Guides presence

  • Talk to them and pay attention to your body's messages

  • Give something over to your Spirit Guides

Spirit Guides will often attempt to let you know they are with you, and you are connected, so in addition to all these, you may get physical signs, known as synchronicities, to back up any connection work you do from this post.

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