Amanda Linette Meder

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How Do I Seek Spiritual Guidance?

Photo blue prayer beads on white table by Alexey Demidov on Pexels

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During the forming of early America, Pennsylvania was originally settled by Quakers. The Quakers are a peacemaking spiritual group who believe that everyone has access to the Divine Spark, Inner Light, within.

That inner Divine Spark is your wellspring of any Spiritual Guidance you could want to receive and we all have the ability to access it. You could call it your connection to the cosmic consciousness.

A local fellow medium, who is also a Quaker, has shared with me that in their meetings, they quietly meditate together. In this sacred space, everyone is open to share what they received from their Inner Light source.

No one person is responsible for receiving Divine Revelation, they all are equally allowed to share their receptions, including the female members.

While I am not personally a Quaker, I respect and appreciate multiple religious faiths, and share the Quaker belief that we all have the ability to seek Spiritual Guidance from our own personal connection with the Divine.

Through your personal connection to the Divine, you can receive any Spiritual Guidance you could need on any topic, but using a third party spiritual advisor can be helpful in certain situations.

Before reaching out to your trusted spiritual advisor for guidance, below I want to share with you the steps you can use to seek spiritual guidance from within.

It’s helpful to know how to receive your own spiritual guidance because there could be times in your life when asking a spiritual advisor isn’t feasible due to situational constraints; and you’ll have to use your own highest and best judgment.

5 simple steps for getting spiritual guidance:

Photo of brown mandala beads on table by Alexey Demidov on Pexels with text overlay How To Seek Spiritual Guidance: 5 simple steps to getting spiritual guidance

1 - See yourself as a Divine Being worthy of love

Start by offering yourself radical self love. Let go from your mind what happened an hour ago or earlier today or last week. It’s in the past and a memory. You’re here now. You made it.

Begin to view yourself as a Divine Being worthy of all the goodness life has to offer. You are a soul who incarnated on earth to discover love and happiness. You add value to the world. You help other people and the planet in various ways. You are a good person.

Believe you can trust your instincts, five senses and inner knowing.

Pretend you can see yourself through the eyes of Spirit or a loving parent, grandparent, friend or ancestor in Spirit. You exist and your Divine Spirit Team is lovingly watching you.

2 - Get into a quiet contemplation state of mind

It can be any “quiet contemplation” routine that you have. Prayer or meditation, or an activity that quiets your mind: exercise, crafting, golfing, gardening, staring into an abyss or focusing on the breath.

Any activity you do that centers your mind is appropriate. For me, it is often writing or creating blogs. I love nothing more than blocking everything out and just creating something beautiful. Sometimes to create something great I feel that’s what you need: total focus.

The goal is to get the mind to be still and clear. Your mind has to be still to allow the Divine an open space to speak and for you to receive that message.

3 - Center your breath and body

Once your mind is centered, uncross your legs if they are crossed. Roll your shoulders back and down to release tension. Roll your neck from side to side.

Begin to breathe deeply and slowly. I like a four part breath. Inhale for 4 counts, hold for 4 counts, exhale for 4 counts, hold for 4 counts. Repeat 2x.

Place your hands palm up on either side of your body. 

4 - Ask the question you need guidance on

Using your inner voice, the same voice you use for thinking, internally ask a question that is framed for producing a single answer like:

“Is x in my highest and greatest good?”

“What is the best next step to solve this situation?”

“What x will fix my y problem?”

The voice of the Spiritual usually speaks as a quiet feeling, image or thought that appears in the stillness of the mind or body.

Notice if an image appears in your imagination, if a new thought comes to mind or a certain emotion emerges. These “responses” may all be answers from the Divine Spark within. You may be surprised by what arises.

How to know if it’s a true Divine Response: What is often said in the psychic community is if what you receive surprises you, perhaps it comes from a source greater than or beyond you.

Keep in mind that what you receive may not make linear sense right away, sometimes the guidance pertains to something in the future. This is where the Faith part comes in. 

For example, I’ve followed the guidance received in these contemplating sessions and there have been times where the guidance I receive and then act upon, doesn’t come to fruition until 5 months later. 

5 - Ask for a sign to confirm

To confirm your inner guidance’s message or if you don’t receive a clear answer in your contemplative space right away, be open to receiving a sign within the next 24 hours to spiritually confirm the answer to your question.

If you have a deadline and need a sign earlier, put a shorter timeline in your request (i.e. please give me a sign within the next 10 minutes).

There are various schools of thought on the interpretation of spiritual signs, and how to do it is beyond the scope of this post, but in short, if you receive one, it’s a confirmation or yes answer. Receiving no obvious sign at all is a no or not yet.

Be open to a variety of types of signs though here are some articles explaining what you could generally expect: 

So let’s recap, to seek spiritual guidance:

Photo of white, pink and red mandala beads by Neslihan A. on Pexels

1 - See yourself as a Divine Being worthy of love

2 - Get into a quiet contemplation state of mind

3 - Center your breath and body

4 - Internally ask the question you need guidance on

5 - Ask for a sign to confirm

And that’s it. 

Once you receive your sign, you may want to take the interpretation of it back to your contemplation space or use a reference guide to dig into the meaning: 

See this content in the original post

If this process feels new and you feel uncertain about trusting your own spiritual guidance, that’s normal and how it is for everyone. The more you practice receiving guidance, acting upon it, witnessing the guidance working out, the more your trust with this process will grow.

If you still seek spiritual guidance after completing all these steps, reach out to your trusted spiritual advisor, teacher or leader.

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