Amanda Linette Meder

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Doing Medium Readings With Just Your Spirit Guide

Photo of iridescent bubbles floating across stone cobble

Updated 2022.06.26


I have a strong connection to my guide to the Akashic Records. Can I do mediumship readings through him - as in ask him what someone passed wants to communicate? Or do I need to speak directly with the spirit that has passed?


Many people use their main guide as their messenger guide or as an escort for another spirit to come through. 

This is called a gatekeeper guide.

Because most mediums have already worked up a system of communication with their guides that they understand well, sometimes just using guide communication can be clearer than when communicating with random strangers in spirit, which is why some people prefer to go through their guides only as a thoroughfare for communication - much like using an operator to punch you through to different phone lines. 

When you're communicating with all new spirits all the time, it's true - you have to learn each person's slight nuances in communication style each time, which can lead to a certain lag time in message delivery in some cases, and in other cases, fumbled messages mainly. 

Even for expert interpreters, it can be hard to get on the same wavelength with every spirit who comes through, though when you experiment with different communication styles with each speaker, you can usually find something that sticks. 

Working through a guide for messages, however, you already know your own guide's way, system, and their communication style (certain spirits have specific communication styles called calling cards), meaning when you do readings with your guides, messages can be swifter and more easily interpreted, which can make for better readings. 

Using a main guide as a messenger guide to courier messages, between you and the spirit world is a great way to: 

Image of paper in bottle on yellow surface with foam by Xavier Turpain from Pixabay

  • Simplify delivery of a message

  • Ensure clarity of the message

  • Add protection for discernment

Because of all these reasons, some mediums actually prefer doing mediumship this way or along with using a guide as an escort. Communication through guides also offers an added layer of protection on some level, because doing so means you have a bodyguard, an extra layer of security buffer protecting you from those spirits who may not have such great energy. 

I also suggest starting with this article:

Your Psychic Senses: How Spirit Communicates With You to begin communicating and understanding communication with your guides. 

The only way what you describe wouldn't work is if you were to offer your readings to others and advertise yourself as a medium who offers a different form of communication than the one you've presented. Otherwise, it sounds just fine.

I would simply describe your process clearly on your website as a means of fair advertising, giving your clients a better idea of how your readings work, if you have one.

There are many different forms of mediumship out there, so labeling your readings by signifying what type of spirit the booker can expect allows each client a more informed decision on the type of reading they're getting and therefore, enabling them to enjoy what they've received more.

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