Amanda Linette Meder

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Digital Energy Clearing - How To Keep Your Website Fresh Energetically

Photo of rays of purple, pink and blue light on an axis by Tomislav Jakupec from Pixabay

Updated 2021.01.11

Implementing a strategy for keeping your website, your social media life, and your emails clear, can help you simplify relationships between your clients, the physical world and you. 

Cleansing your digital footprint can help you attract clients more aligned to your work and services, better disconnect from your work when necessary, and help you feel more organized at work, promoting a sense of calm and ease about the work day.

Everything is made of energy. Some of it is in crystalline solid form, some of it is still forming, some of it comes in the form of waves, some in the form of objects or entities we can touch.

When you keep your business energetically clear of the emotions, expectations and the spiritual footprint of others, you’ll attract those who are more aligned with your services, and more quickly disconnect from those who aren’t.

Think of a website like a linking body in a greater web that is the internet. The more easily energy can move fluidly through your website or digital business, the better it is not just for tracking robots, but for the humans who create such things.

Clearing the energy of your website, your inbox and your social media accounts is a necessary step for any digital business management. I like to go through and energetically refresh a website at least once a year and then once every couple of years do a larger cleanse.

To digitally space clear your business’s footprint, here’s a few ways how:

Energy clearing your website

Virtual Space Clearing

When people come to your website, they are looking for a solution to something. Maybe they want more joy, more peace, ease or help with a special contribution that you have to make.

Your website’s goal is to reach everyone who could benefit from your services - your words, your services, and your products. 

Whether or not they leave with the answer they are looking for is one thing - but the energy they leave behind - is called residual energy.

We all leave a residual mark on any space we encounter - including any webspace - and the more people visiting your website with the energy they have within them, the more  energy can pile right up in and around your webspace.

Then, when someone visits your website after a bunch of energy has just been lingering in there - there's a potential that the new visitor may get a sense of the lingering energy - and not necessarily the essence of what your website has to offer. 

So periodically, I suggest energetically clearing your website. 

You can do this with a clearing visualization.

A simple white light clearing visualization is often all that is needed. You can use any energy clearing meditation you like, even a Golden Light Meditation. Just visualize your website instead of yourself.

Copy Updates

Something that you wrote four agos is written at the vibration that your brand was at then, at the evolution of knowledge and topics at that time.

You want people to find your site and you also want to energetically match with what you're offering today. So while I don't recommend deleting all your old copy just because you don't like it anymore - they're bringing people to your site after all - I do recommend updating your website copy periodically.

To make sure that everyone visiting your site is in a vibrational match to where you are going now, periodically go back through your old posts, copy and offerings and update the wording.

I like to do this every couple of years, or simply commit to updating a page once every five years.

If you haven’t touched a page in a while and the words look forgien to you, you may want to update it with new insights, information or processes. This helps your clients feel clear with current information and it helps you feel good about what’s out there about your business today.

Add new insights, remove wordy paragraphs, add emphasis, separate points - refresh and renew the old. 

This will help harmonize your website to the present moment and assure that you are attracting the right types of clients for what your offerings are today.

Release Content Back To The Ethers

Seed content. Not everything that is created is a final version of what is meant to be. It's a seed and not all seeds germinate. Some go back to organic matter before they ever reach above the surface. Some propagate into hugely successful missions, and some get cut back.

When we are given seed content ideas by our Spirit Guides from the Universe, the seed we receive isn’t always provided in the end goal, finished form. In other words, it’s a test pilot project.

When clearing your website or social media presence, look at draft ideas, and see if there are some pages on your site that don’t quite fit with the whole theme of where things are now. If they don’t, it’s okay to cull an idea, or a pilot that ran for a while but didn’t take quite then. 

I suggest holding onto these pages and ideas on another private server, that you can use at another time for inspiration, for throwback posts or ideas or simply for archival materials for your business records.

Your About Page

Your website is a changing, evolving entity, and Your About Page on your site can be one of the most visited pages on an entire website.

Despite the fact that your story may change depending on how you view the world, knowing that how you tell your business story matters and can shift, at least once a year, I suggest energetically refreshing the main representation of you on your site - Your About Page.

Scan over your About Page, add things that are true now that weren’t before, update your pictures, change your description to more directly match where you are going now, add any new accolades and refresh your photos.

Energy clearing in correspondence

Let Go Of Bad Days

The kinds you have and the kinds other people have. To keep your website’s energy clear, try to keep your emotions clear of all business that takes place through a website. Try to forgive clients, try to remain neutral and release any gripes you have. 

You may also want to try cutting energy cords with your website. Use the exercise in this article to cut energy cords - and instead of imagining a person, visualize the webspace you manage.

People, as they work through their stuff, may send you some mixed energy stuff.

It’s okay to let go - the hardest to let go is when people are passionate and that passion is misplaced as anger or frustration - again try to let it go. Lavender helps. Yoga helps. Going for a walk helps.

Remember your webspace is a collection of energy designed to help others, so you may encounter customers who need assistance in more than one way, this is alright, simply try cord cutting.

Soften Email Emotionality

Before you send any email, do a quick scan for the emotionality behind it, then neutralize it. Remove words, soften emotionality. This helps prevent strong residual emotional cords coming through a website to you.

Replying to social media comments

The comments and likes that you receive on your shares are ways that others return energy to you - they're completing the balance. You send out, in comments and likes, people give back.

An energy balance is already being completed for you in this way on social media, so know it's not always necessary to follow-up to everything. It also may create more energy cords.

Direct Messages

Decide your boundaries on direct messages.

Create a system of receiving incoming energy flows you like, stick with it, and then evaluate every couple of years. Some people don’t respond to direct messages, only emails. Some only take phone calls. 

Decide a way that you like to hear from clients directly - for purchases or booking, and stick to it. It’ll help streamline the energy flow coming to you from out in the ethers, which helps keep the energy of a digital space feeling clear.

With a website, and a digital space, remember you are making a difference. Some of these tips above may help make energy coming in through a website feel clearer, and more crisp, which can help promote calm and clarity when managing a webspace.

A digital pace is designed to help people, and when doing that know it’s okay for you to streamline the way that you help people, update it every so often, do every so often update the way that is reflected on a webspace, so you can help even more people who can benefit from the work you do.

All of the above can help you keep your website clear and your energy field healthy - it’ll also put your site into the exact state of being it needs to be in to continue to do the amazing work your web presence already is.

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