Amanda Linette Meder

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The 7 Basic Steps For Connecting With The Spirit World

Article: The 7 Basic Steps For Opening A Connection To Spirit - Photo of orange sky and clouds by Pixabay from Pexels

Updated 2020.07.19

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How to communicate with Spirits, the basic process -

Anyone with an open heart and a willing soul, can sit with Spirit and begin to communicate with The Spirit World. 

Spirits communicate through the psychic senses.

If you're a:

  • Highly sensitive person

  • You identify as emotional

  • You consider yourself a deep feeler

You likely have a few of the psychic senses already activated strongly in you. 

And you can use the senses to pick up on messages from Spirit. 

Empaths are known to have mediumistic ability, though most use it with physical people around them. However, with enough calm and grounded energy around, you can also use it to call forward and connect with the higher vibration subtle energies in The Spirit World. 

By following the below steps, you can open your connection to The Spirit World safely and easily.

Spiritual Mediumship. Photo of orange sky and clouds by Pixabay from Pexels with text overlay The 7 Basic Steps For Connecting With The Spirit World -

Step 1. Relax & Ground

The best and most productive conversations are had with Spirit when you are centered in your seat of self.

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You can also ground your energy by imagining a golden light thread coming down through your crown. Then imagine the light thread traveling all the way down through your body and exiting out of your feet. 

To ground, bring your energy and emotions down to a centered place within yourself. It's a practice of bringing the Universe within. We each have a way to do this, so use your way, and get to this place. 

I have grounding guided meditations available in The Member Center, if you'd like a guided practice. 

Step 2. Safety

Before communicating with a Spirit, make sure that you fully define your boundaries of who you will interact with and when. 

This is to make sure you aren't potentially connecting with anything you don't want to be connecting with. 

I suggest using this article on identifying the different vibrations of Spirit, to decide which vibration you'd like to connect with and then set that intention before you begin. 

Set the highest intentions and create boundaries. 

Step 3. Identify The Spirit

After you've grounded your energy, and set your intention, notice when you feel, see or hear a vibration present. 

To communicate effectively with someone, you have to first know who that someone is - this article goes over the first signs a Spirit is present. 

There are steps you can take to find out who the Spirit is - down to a name and a cause of death. 

My eBook, the Spirit Identification Key - has more information on how to identify who is present, but most importantly pay attention to how you feel. The more gentle and loving energies you feel, the softer and more loving the Spirit energy present.

To identify a Spirit, you can also usually ask for a word, color, or see an image to identify the Spirit, which can typically be validated later on.

Step 4. Ask Questions

Spirits can hear you when you speak internally or externally, but they won't always talk unless spoken to first. 

They can hear you when you talk to them, and will often reply telepathically. 

But if you want them to speak to you, and they haven't already started, ask them questions. 

You can ask them identifying questions, questions about their message, or any question at all to help facilitate the conversation. 

Open-ended questions for The Spirit World usually produce the most colorful and informative results. 

Step 5. ‘Listen’ For Their Response

Spirits will reply to your questions through your intuitive senses. They send us energy signals, and each of us has an internal converter, and this converter takes the energy we receive and puts it into: 

  • Thought

  • Words

  • Images

  • Feelings

  • Sensations

Depending on what your most active intuitive senses are, the way this Spirit is communicating, and the conditions of your space, this will determine how the energy you receive is communicated through you.

Step 6. Write it Down or Get It Out

Truth sets us free when it's released. 

When you are communicating, have a notepad or friend with a willing ear ready, so that you can record the messages. 

According to James Van Praagh - 

Most mediums hear sentences very fast because they're {Spirits are} at a high vibration frequency, like they'll say "Howareyoudoingtoday?" and you'll only hear "How" and today." A medium may only be able to hear two or three pieces. 

In my own readings, I have found spirits talk really fast, so I talk really fast, and sometimes you have to ask them to repeat, to catch it all. 

Sometimes if I have a formal reading, I'll get all the messages really quickly ahead of time, and I write down the bits and pieces in notes. 

Then during the full reading, the Spirit World goes more slowly, and the pieces are ironed out. So just keep in mind you may get bits and pieces to begin with and the rest filters in after the initial transmission. 

I've found that receptions of Spirit Information last on average 45-90 minutes once they begin.

Step 7. Thank The Spirit For Their Message

After you are done asking questions or complete receiving, thank your Spirit friend(s) for sharing their messages with you. 

Spirits don't come directly to everyone. They only choose certain people to deliver their messages to so it is an honor to even be conversing with them in the first place. 

If a single Spirit has chosen you to communicate with, chances are, others will soon begin to come forward. 

I'd suggest you work with a Spirit Guide to organize your visitors, most like to call forward a Protection Guide or a Gatekeeper Guide

Photo of orange water on shoreline and horizon by Nathan Cowley from Pexels

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