Amanda Linette Meder

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5 Things You Don't Have To Do To Develop Your Intuition

Photo of up-close of three off-white pink roses on a black crinkly surface with fairy lights in the background by Flora Westbrook from Pexels

Updated 2021.12.28

There are a lot of ideas out there on what someone needs to do to develop their gifts and, more importantly, what you need to do to be intuitive, psychic, or a medium.

There have been social stigmas about who intuitives are, what they look like, what they wear, where they live, what they're into, and what they do.

So when a medium or intuitive is coming to terms with their gifts and deciding who they should be, there are questions - what do I do? Is there something I should be doing or not doing to enhance my gifts, lifestyle-wise?

There are lots of things, and most of what you can do to enhance gifts includes purifying your mind-body-spirit. 

But in this field, there's also lots of flexibility about how to be, and today, I want to take a moment to share a few things you don't have to do or be to develop your abilities. Which hopefully is a treat, because that means we are keeping things today. 

5 Things You Don't Have To Do To Develop Your Intuitive Abilities

Vertical photo of yellow roses with white wall and windows in background by Lina Kivaka from Pexels

#5 You don't have to give up coffee or anything else you love

While I've talked about the benefits of drinking more water, eating more grounding foods and taking vitamins for improving the clarity of intuitive gifts, you don't have to subscribe to a specific diet to have better abilities or to be a 'good' medium. 

You can eat cultural foods and still have very active chakras. 

There are many taboo foods you can still eat and be a great intuitive like red meat, potato chips, sweets, even a carbonated drink. Some of this can be okay and also grounding. It just all depends on what the body needs. 

Some research shows caffeine, in coffee, can increase attention and alertness, which can even positively benefit the focus you have in meditations, healings, or readings. 

#4 You don't have to move somewhere spiritual

Unless you are drawn somewhere for reasons only to be known through a variety of signs later, there are lots of places on this Earth where the Spiritual energy is abundant.

Further, you can create spiritual flows by continually flushing an area with white or golden light, an activity called Vortex or Portal Clearing. I talk about this activity in this post on portals. It's also in the Dragon Oracle.

That activity can create a spiritual flow, meaning that anywhere you are can become spiritually or intuitively abundant.  

Spiritual people also exist in every place on Earth - so you usually don't have to move somewhere to develop your gifts or find classes to learn about your abilities. 

You can create spiritual energy in a place and make it a spiritual hotspot.

Online classes and communities are available everywhere, you can also create this, and it may be better to have a Light source right where you are - you.

#3 You don't have to start reading people suddenly

Not everyone has a personality or a purpose that matches that of a stage psychic. You can also develop healthy energy boundaries, so reading people doesn't happen by accident.

As a medium, intuitive, or astrologer, if you decide to use your gifts publicly, you can choose to use your abilities however it is comfortable for you.

If it's not your personality to be vocal or read others - don't worry - you likely won't have to. There are many ways to offer a psychic gift.

#2 You don't have to change your vocabulary

Being a spiritual person is so much more than a change in how you talk or how you relate. You may always have your mirco-culture's slang, even your family's slang. 

To develop your gifts, you don't have to suddenly start sending blessings to people you've never met or start 'Namasteing' every time you end a conversation. 

You also don't have to end every email with love and light.

Say and speak how you are comfortable. When your intuitive gifts are open, typically so is your throat chakra, and you can express it in your style.

You can open your throat chakra by developing your clairaudience or wearing blue clothing or crystals. 

When a throat chakra is open, it's naturally peaceful, guiding your words at the vibration of source healing harmony. 

The throat chakra usually operates, when clear, at the loving presence of Archangel Michael. 

Speaking your truth can be loving because of this, and it’s one of Marie Claire’s 2020 list of ways to be more spiritual, so doing so, can help the world, too.

As your gifts open, you may find yourself allowing words to flow out in another way than before, but adopting a language and describing concepts is something you have a choice over. Your unique language style may help the messages your gifts share reach their audience. 

#1 You don't have to hide who you are

Most people who know you right now are going to accept your gifts.

If you are currently keeping your abilities from your friends and family, please know that after a few conversations, those who love you - those who love you - will keep loving you regardless of if you describe yourself as living a more intuitive path. 

Those who stay are members of your soul group. 

Some family members or friends may even show you their crystals or talk about their ghosts, to relate and let you know your interests are safe. Here are some tips for coming out of the psychic closet if you feel safe to do this.

If you’re already out, after you read this, you may edge out more and see how that feels.

The more honest you are about your story and how you got to where you are now - the more the social stigmas of what it means to be intuitive will disappear, and the easier it is becoming to be intuitively open with others.

You don't need to fit the mold. 

After all, there isn't one ~ 

Intuitive Development. 5 Things You Don't Have to Do (To Develop Your Psychic Abilities) Vertical photo of yellow roses with white wall and windows in background by Lina Kivaka from Pexels with text overlay of title

Being psychic, intuitive, shaman or medium, is a wide label that crosses over many cultural, ancestral, and worldwide heritage differences. 

There will be many techniques that work and philosophies we share. 

But the way you express those, enhance your gifts and your psychic-youness, is one of the best parts of the journey - discovering what works for you and in the offering of your purpose to the world. 

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