Amanda Linette Meder

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How To Get Intuitive Guidance In Times Of Stress

Photo of crescent moon by Bruno Thethe from Pexels

Updated 2020.03.27

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During times of stress, when you most need to access your intuitive guidance, it can take a moment to get to a place where you can tap into it. 

With emotions, mental exhaustion, and physical exhaustion getting in the way, it can be challenging to receive clear, accurate cues from your intuition.

When your emotions cloud the vision, seeing the vision clearly is not always easy.

But there are ways you can tap into your heart, your higher self, and your inner wisdom to get the guidance you need no matter what chaos surrounds you.

If you need or feel something enough, desires, thoughts, and emotions can get in the way of your ability to clearly channel anything. 

The same goes for if someone else around you needs or wants something actively, the projection of their needs can impact your energy field.

Thankfully, you can clear these away and tap into Universal Source.

Below are four ways you can access your inner wisdom in a time of stress.

4 Ways To Access Intuition In A Time Of Stress

Photo of moon on a full moon cusp in pink clouds and blue light by eberhard grossgasteiger from Pexels

1. Calm

First, calm your energy to slow.

If you feel like you need a break, step outside, find a closet, change into a calming colored piece of clothing.

Soothe your energy with the physical, mental, or spiritual thing that often works for you. 

Overwhelmed, overrun, over-exhausted and overworked, take a timeout, calm down and breathe it out.

One of the first things required to receive accurate intuitive guidance is calm, centered focus. 

To get focus, you need space and clarity from the situation. Some people like three long inhalations and exhalations. 

Or others recall musical tracks they can pull up that soothe them. Wherever you are, find out what brings you to calm and get there. 

Sometimes all you need to do is step outside. For more tips on how to calm, visit this post: 8 Ways To Slow Down.

2. Clear your energy

Now that you've calmed, it's time to clear your energy.

Clearing your energy releases any projections, unsteady energy, or insecure attachments. Basically, it helps you see what's already in your aura by removing what's not yours from it.

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Taking a bath with salts that can nourish the energy body will help you clear your aura. 

Don't have a tub? Take a shower while using a salt scrub.

This is called a psychic bath, and it's a way to pull away clouding emotions, thoughts, and energy from your aura.

For more ideas on how to clear your energy, visit this post: 18 Articles For Setting Up A Space Clearing Ritual You'll Love.

When you space clear, it tends to restore you to your pure soul state, where you have alignment with all your chakras. This includes an alignment to your soul star chakra, which is right above your crown and taps you into your soul purpose. 

3. Double-check circling ideas or dreams

Most of us know the answers. Most of the time, it is already there circling around you.

The first two steps give the answer time to land before us. 

Think about your circling ideas or inspired actions, and hold onto them. 

See if they are reflected back to you by others you trust, and this is usually a sign the idea is coming from a pure, true source. 

You can also double check your guidance using oracle cards. Oracle cards work by aligning the energy around you into a tangible medium you can see. 

With oracle cards, you can separate yourself from the message because the message is coming in as separate from yourself.

A physical tool can provide significant relief as it allows for a two-point cross-check system, giving more certainty to any choice that is made.

Check out this post on how to work with cards: Oracle Cards: How To Use Them To Connect With Spirit.

In the absence of cards, ask the energy of the next step to show itself to you, in a series of three to five synchronicities. This usually works like a charm and sometimes in rather quick order. 

4. Reach out

In times of spiritual stress, if you can't find your own clarity, reach out to another intuitive, or check their blogs, insight, or free current resources. 

You may find you aren't alone in what you are experiencing or some synchronicity in what you need. 

When one person seeks, usually more are looking, so then share what you find when it's helpful. 

In reaching out, you'll receive clear guidance, but you'll also collect it from an alternate external perspective. 

Having other aspects available when navigating a situation is always helpful in deciding clearly what to do, or not do, next.

to recap, for accessing intuition in a time of stress

Looking for Intuitive Life Coaching Tools? Every once and a while, I write about tools to thrive in an intuitive lifestyle. This is one of those posts. Photo of moon on a full moon cusp in pink clouds and blue light by eberhard grossgasteiger from Pexels with text overlay Feeling Lost? How To Get Intuitive Guidance In Times Of Stress


Return to calm


Clear your energy


Double-check circling ideas


Reach out

And finally, know you don't have to have it all figured out. Just the next steps ahead of you. 

Every once and awhile, or during certain situations, it's essential to draw up a master plan. 

Sometimes, the best thing you can do to solve something is to fully connect with this experience in the present to learn and grow from it.

And then, once things settle down, once the experience is complete, you can then tune-in for guidance on why it all happened and the meaning of it all. 

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