Amanda Linette Meder

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How Do You Become More Comfortable With Spirits?

Photo of person’s feet in fuzzy pink sleeper and black socks by Lisa Fotios from Pexels

Updated 2020.10.12

I used to be afraid of Spirits, I was afraid of what the Spirits would do.

As a child and young adult, I did my best to learn about The Spirit World using the resources I had on hand - the books at the public library and the television.

In the library, all that was available for a young child to check out, were the books in the young adult section. And all those books were on Halloween ghost stories.

Eventually, as I got older, I started searching for an explanation on the internet, and all I was ever able to find in the early days was spooky black-background/neon green font websites.

Through my rudimentary ‘research’ on the ghosts and Spirits, I’d learned that Spirits haunt people, purposefully scared them and sometimes hurt them. Based on this opinion, I did not want any Spirits in my space.

I was afraid of how my relationship with Spirits would affect my relationship with others.

Many young mediums, including myself, worry that the ghosts they see may be a curse, rather than a gift, and we also worry if the people we love, will still love us, after the find out about our ability.

Before I came out to my friends and family, I worried about what type of judgment I’d receive from others for admitting it. I also worried about whether or not I’d be still accepted by others and lovable, with my unique ability and all.

As much as I didn’t want to live in a world where Spirits existed, they did. I had the night light to prove it. I couldn’t change the existence of Spirit.

In all of this, the one thing I could change, was my own comfortability with Spirits.

Here's what I learned. You can't change the fact that Spirits exist. You may not even be able to change the fact that you can sense them. But you can change how you react to them.

So one night, while I was laying awake in bed, around 4:00 am in the morning with my night light on, I made a decision to get comfortable with myself and Spirits being around. And in turn, this decision helped me become more comfortable with Spirits existing.

If you can sense Spirits, getting comfortable with them helps with relaxation in your body, and your life, as what you resist, persists, when you finally release and accept, usually this is when peace is found.

Below, I’ll discuss a few ways to get more comfortable having with Spirit Beings in your life -

How To Get Comfortable With Spirits

1. Remind yourself they’re just people

For the most part, the Spirits who visit people are just that - they’re people. And the sooner you begin to remind yourself of that, the better. Once you see they’re mostly just like you and me, with one small difference - no body - it's easier to communicate with them.

In fact, if you want them to leave, you can tell them to leave, like you would a regular person. If you want them to communicate with you, you ask them to communicate with you using your preferred communication technique, like you would a regular person.

You can set boundaries on how and when you interact with other people, and you can do that with Spirit people too. Most of the time, once you narrow down the type of Spirit you have, you can begin to narrow down who it is that is visiting you.

2. Learn about them as much as possible

Start searching for books, literature and even research on the afterlife, mediums, connecting from Heaven and the crossing over process - here are my favorites:

Begin to develop a more even and equal view of the other side of the coin and start cross checking your information.

The more you learn about The Spirit World, from as many different perspectives as possible, you’ll not only become less afraid, but you may choose to align yourself with another perspective.

3. Start talking about Spirits to others

You know, most people who know you, already know you’re an intuitive, at the very least, they know something has been bothering you lately. Though I kept my secret of seeing Spirits for years from those that I loved, I wouldn’t recommend this path.

Hiding the real me from those who sought to know it, wasn’t a fun process.

When you intentionally hide even a small truth about who you are, you prevent yourself from having the opportunity of being fully accepted for who you are, and you prevent others from having the opportunity to really get to know and love the real you.

Seek out the people who have talked about these things:

  • having a hunch

  • having a feeling about something

  • having a gut reaction

  • having an interesting dream or premonition

  • sensing something about a person, situation or a room

  • angels, spirit guides, or animal communication

  • loved ones who have crossed over

When the time is right, select your potential confidant and send out a line and share with them a piece of your experience, to see if they take a bit. If they seem interested, begin to pay a bit more attention or they haven’t made a face at you, share more, if you feel comfortable.

You may have found a Spirit-ally - someone who still loves and accepts you, anyway. And you need this, whenever you begin to explore new waters.

If they haven’t, no hard feelings, change the topic, move on. Try again with someone else on your list. You will find someone, but remember, they might be hiding too (just like you are).

4. Shift your attention from worst case scenario, to best case scenario

I’m really good at postulating the worst possible outcome, no matter what the circumstance. I had to train myself to see both potential outcomes, on either side of the scales. I had to practice seeing, postulating and preparing for both the worst case scenario and the best case scenario.

When it comes to Spirits, back when I was laying in my bed alone at night, it was easy for me to see how talking to them, communicating with them or welcoming them into my life could go horribly wrong. I had to really train myself to think of the good that could happen. 

Things are usually not spiraling down into worst case scenario. It’s more frequently, going to work out for the best or at the very least, land you somewhere in between.

Begin to train yourself to rewrite your inner script. Each time you think of the worst possible outcome of talking to a Spirit, take a moment and spend an equal amount of time, thinking up the best possible outcome.

So to recap, to become more comfortable with Spirits, remind yourself of your likeness to them, learn as much as possible about them, start to share and discuss your experiences with others, and think about the good things that can come from it.

If I can become more comfortable with working with Spirit, and grow to love it, you can too.

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