Amanda Linette Meder

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How To Stop Your Psychic Abilities

Photo of plant silhouette in warm light by Snapwire from Pexels

Updated 2020.10.04

Turn down your chakras, in this post we discuss how in three easy ways -

Chakras are the major energy receptors and centers in the body.

In your chakras, is where your own personal thoughts, feelings, emotions and overall feelings of safety, connectedness and ideas of self worth and love reside.

All - day everyday – our chakras receive and interpret the energy around us.

They pick up signals in our surrounding environment like little radio antennae - non-discriminating and including all the non-verbal signals around us.

In ancient times, times without airplanes and emergency room hospitals – these chakra centers came in handy when determining if danger was on the horizon – to help you sense a predator or to heighten your senses to pay attention to social cues from new human groups you encountered during a migratory lifestyle.

Now as before, the chakra centers also help us read and anticipate our social interactions – to facilitate bonding, enhance communication and reduce misunderstandings.

If you're a particularly sensitive person, Having the energy centers of the body wide open to receive all the time can lead to energetic overload. 

It's like having a radio turned on blasting-loud in your car as it continually scans all the stations in the car – full static, talk radio and barely coming in stations all included.

Your chakras, working to help you interpret and make sense of your surroundings, could get over taxed.

So you can temporarily stop your psychic abilities by intentionally turning down your chakra centers.

By closing your chakras

  • You can increase your own personal energy level - by reducing the time you spend out-sourcing your energy centers to continually scanning

  • You can increase your level of focus - by temporarily decreasing your chakras ability to environment scan.

  • You can increase your own well-being and health - by temporarily decreasing your ability to pick up and absorb the physical and emotional sickness of others

So below I’m going to go over a few ways to cool them down and come into center in your energy body -

3 ways to turn down and balance your chakras

Photo of human body with lights flowing from it by Vinícius Vieira ft from Pexels

Thermometer Visualization

This is a visualization method that I personally use, teach and love and I adapted it from a method Debra Katz taught me. Here's how you do it -

  1. Close your eyes and get into a comfortable, meditative state.

  2. Once there, imagine a temperature thermometer in your mind.

  3. Above the thermometer, imagine a small chalkboard sign and see yourself writing on it says, “My Psychic Abilities.”

  4. Imagine a cold gust of wind, a cool burst of air, blowing on the thermometer, as though Jack Frost himself is cooling you down.

  5. Visualize the temperature gauge decreasing to the lowest level you can visualize.

  6. You're done, exhale.

The Radio Dial Method

This is another visualization method that I teach and find very effective when you need to focus your energy. Overall just good all around energy tuning technique for reducing the inflow of energy to the chakras.

  1. With your hands palm up on your lap, close your eyes, and visualize an analog radio dial. This radio dial represents your intuitive abilities.

  2. How high is the dial currently turned up? Is it at Level 8? Level 9? Level 10? Observe where your volume be, if I had to give it a numerical value. Make note of the current level.

  3. Once you've noted the current level, imagine yourself turning down the volume to Level 1, 2 or 3.

  4. Once your dial is turned down, thank your Spirit Guides and you're done.

  5. Take the next spiritually guided step to further lower the energy, like turning on soft music or lighting a candle.

Flower Method

One last visualization, this one is botanical so very fun for plant lovers.

  1. Close your eyes, relax and take a few deep breaths.

  2. Imagine your intuitive chakras – focus in on the heart chakra and the third-eye. This is where most of the sensitive information is received by the body.

  3. Tune into your heart chakra and visualize it.

  4. Visualize a pink rose appearing over the chakra.

  5. Ask in your mind, to see how 'open' this chakra is - via symbolism in the flower's petals.

    100% open: A fully in bloom, completely open and fragrant rose

    50% open: A half bloomed rose, upright and slightly closed, where the top opening is aligned with the base of the rose

    30% open: A nearly bloomed rose, upright and more closed, where the top opening is smaller and the base of the rose is wider

    10% open: The bud has just become visible and is pink colored

  6. Ask your Spirit Guides to help you close the bloom to 20%. 

  7. Repeat this process for the third-eye chakra, the space between the brow, and all other energy centers you see fit, until you feel calm and like you again.

Practice with a few different opening and closing techniques and see what works best for you.

When you’re complete, make sure to assess and make note of how you feel before and after each exercise.

how do you feel now?

Photo of light bulb on cord centered over waterbody by Emre Kuzu from Pexels

Do you feel more calm? More grounded and safe? If so, it’s working.

As long as you are on Earth, your chakras will always stay at least 1% or more open, it’s how you survive when other senses are less available.

So know that when stopping gifts, we are really just slowing them down an extreme amount.

Meaning, your intuition will still be there in case it is needed, it will just be a little more dormant to incoming energy for around 3-4 hours, and usually your filtering system will feel more focused, so you’re able to block out what comes in more easily after any of the techniques above.

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