Amanda Linette Meder

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Why Do Ghosts Appear In Windows And Stairwells?

Photo of blue and purple painted windows on pink wall by Matt Artz on Unsplash

Updated 2022.06.18

When I was a little girl, I'd avoid looking into windows of houses, old warehouse buildings, new office buildings, converted apartments, and living spaces above downtown storefronts.

Avoiding a casual window glance, one might imagine it can be hard to do, but if you've been practicing it since childhood, it just becomes a habit after a while. 

I've always seen Spirits in windows and have only accepted their appearance as a fact of my life. I don't even point them out anymore to friends and family; it merely is.

The Spirits who appear in windows are usually those watching over us or the property we're on. It's usually an Ancestor or a former resident of the land you're on. 

Sometimes, if I glimpse a ghost on a television screen or a windowpane, I will bring it up, but typically only when asked.

So, why do Ghosts, Spirits, or Angels hang out in windows?

Why is it easier to see a ghost in a window or a stairwell versus another location?

Most of it has to do with the magnification of energy in a confined space and the flow of incoming energy, creating a natural gateway or channel to appear. 

There are three reasons, generally, why a Spirit is easier to see in a window than against a wall or on another surface, and below I discuss -

3 reasons why Spirit appears in windows

Why do ghosts appear in windows and stairwells? 3 Reasons why spirit appears in window. Photo of window with peach sheer and blue paint by Haley Black from Pexels with text overlay of title.

#1 Light

Those in Spirit form no longer have a physical body.

Meaning they reside primarily in other forms of energy, made mostly of light and ether, and other yet identifiable by science particles. 

As light comes in the window, the same energy used for warmth and growth in other beings, it can be used and transmuted by Spirit, to appear in physical form, in a window.

The more light energy accumulates in any location, the easier this space is for a Spirit to exist and manifest. You can use crystals, wind chimes, and prisms, to invite in Angels and Guardian Spirits, through the windows. 

These things welcome Light Energy into the home - and doing all this, can shift a negative channel to a more positive one.

Just as you would place a plant next to a window, to make it easier for the plant to access light, Spirit often chooses to stand next to or near a window, as it is easier to access excess available energy in this location.  

This is common on full moon nights too, where energy comes in through the window from the sun's light bouncing off the moon at times when energy interference is low.

#2 Heat

Glass is a slow-moving liquid that traps or at least slows energy. 

Heat exchange happening directly behind the panes of a glass window, as evidenced by temperature fluctuation. Heat is radiating inward on a warm and sunny and coolness is being transferred on a cold and cloudy day. 

Energy exchange is happening here.

To appear in apparition form, those in Spirit often use the energy of the space around them to show. 

For many Spirits, the energy of heat exchange is utilized to appear. 

In any case, those in Spirit, still existing on earth, often choose locations of trapped energy transfer, also known as energy lost in physics, or heat, such as behind a window and use that energy to manifest in full form.

#3 Reflection

Spirit often appears with the assistance of reflective surfaces, such as on television screens, on window panes, and old mirrors.

A reflection can bring in a Spirit, it is the residual energy stored in this object of reflection itself.

A window is bringing in light and heat energy, and this energy bounces off objects in the space, creating mini-reflections all around.

Another form of a reflecting device is a television, a space gathering electrical, light, and conducted energy into your home, and it can also act as a window. These are energetically charged objects.

Mirrors hold residual energy from all of the attention that we humans focus and spend looking into these objects, then the light bouncing back and forth between them can create a charged gateway, or pocket of free energy for Spirits to use to appear. 

So Spirit likes heat, light, and reflection energy bouncing around, which can create heightened energy gateways for them to appear.

What about stairwells?

Photo of spiral staircase downward by Jimmy Chan from Pexels

People seem to see lots of Spirits in stairwells.

A stairway is a confined space that traps energy, and over the years of people climbing stairs, exerting energy, releasing energy - there remains an excess of energy in the space of a stairwell. 

Many people will see residual apparitions along hallways or in stairs for this reason.

How to work with this energy

Photo of window with peach sheer and blue paint by Haley Black from Pexels

Use the windows of your own home to welcome in Spirits of the Light - Guides, Angels, and Loved Ones - many all enter through your home via the conduit of a window, guided by the Light Energy.

Since those in Spirit need the energy to appear, this excess energy is available for use to materialize. 

Place crystals, chimes, prisms, stained glass, or any object you cherish and bring you joy with the intention of inviting in loving and protective Spirits - and there you have it. 

Doing this and you're officially inviting in love, protection, and guardianship for yourself and your family. 

Also, when you clear, remember staircases energetically in homes because emotional energy can get stuck and be freed here too.

Spirits appear where the energy allows them to, and these spaces in our home can generate quite a bit of energy throughout the day - as can space with lots of electronics, such as kitchens or offices. 

Every once in a while, you can refresh the energy to get a clearer view or change up the type of energy you have. This can change the type of Spirits that are attracted and, in turn, create better harmony in the home. 

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