Amanda Linette Meder

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How To Raise Your Energy, Your Vibration & Your Mood

Photo of heart shaped pink leaves by Madison Inouye from Pexels

Updated 2022.06.30

Raising your energy, increasing your energy, and lifting your spiritual mood, is one of the most asked about topics. 

In this post, we're going to discuss how to raise your vibration to attract what you want - love, money, or whatever will bring you the abundance of all, even if you aren't sure what that is yet. 

When opening your gifts and awakening your Spirit, you are embracing more awareness and higher levels of energy in your life. It's just what happens. 

The ability to lift your energy, also known as your vibration, is essential for connecting with Spirit, and it's also necessary to live a more joyful life. It even starts to flow as you open and surrender to the universe.

This article is about how to open that flow.  

Remember that it's possible to feel surrounded by love, light, and feel elated, elevated on any day, though sometimes we must intentionally call it in. 

The purpose and benefit of raising your vibration is to cultivate high energy vibration feelings, including love, gratitude, compassion, joy, acceptance, openness, connectedness, motivation, passion, drive, and any other sense that generates forward movement and advancement.

Raising your vibration is a return to bliss, and as you move up your path of intuitive growth and development, you will find that you experience higher, light energy feeling moments, hours, and days, more and more. 

The goal is eventually to maintain a consistently higher level mood, which can benefit you by making you a more enjoyable person to hang out with, even if you are only hanging out with you. 

Getting to this state is what is known as bliss or alignment, sometimes also called enlightenment. It is possible to get there, and it is the ultimate goal of many meditation practices. Physical you, becomes at one with and meets the infinite you. 

The infinite you is a high vibration, and all we have to do is return physical you to meet infinite you there. Unlimited you is always there. 

When the two come together, elated and inspired states of being form and from which, elated and inspired circumstances are created. 

Raising your energy levels, usually also promotes enhanced energetic vibration, also known as emotional mood. So raising your vibration is often interlinked with the advancement of the mood and your energy. 

Basically, when you raise your vibration you feel better. 

Better yet, you get to meet the infinite you, which is essentially the same as meeting God. 

When you feel better, you create more constructive energy from which new ideas can be born. It is then easier to access your inner wisdom and Universal Consciousness since both operate at a clear, steady high-frequency pitch.

When this happens, you often feel happier, lighter, and become more loving to ourselves in the grand scheme of things. The world could be crumbling around you, and you would probably feel pretty okay. 

People who love you will have ideas of how physical you can return to infinite you. Nature will have some ideas. 

Below - we're also going to go over three ways you can raise your vibration fast, as a result your energy levels and your mood, within a matter of an hour, for a happier, more productive future life and for you to meet the infinite you.

3 Tips For Raising Your Vibration

Photo of blue and pink waves by Kaniz Sheikh from Pexels

#1 Release Absorbed Emotions And Thoughts

As quickly as possible, you'll need to release low energy thoughts and emotions from your system and replace them with better feeling ones. 

Experience your feelings and thoughts, speak them out loud, share them with others, express the energy. 

Now, they have been released. They're gone now. You can imagine them like dust from a bonfire returning to the floor of the Earth.

Once you speak your emotions and thoughts, start looking for things that are good about the situation you are in. 

Look for the silver lining or ask your inner wisdom to show you an alternate perspective of your current situation. 

There are always two sides to one truth. Even if you spent an entire evening absorbing and acknowledging another truth, you can always find small leads back to infinite reality - I call this proof of love. Look for it. 

Proof of love could be as little as you having some rice or enough food for lunch. It could be that it's a sunny day. It could be that your favorite shirt is clean. 

It could be that you have a person alongside you, willing to make you laugh. 

If you are in a situation where you feel uncomfortable, once you release your frustration, which is likely justified, ask your guidance system to show you the patterns so you can change them to be free.

#2 Call In The Archangels of Transformation

The energy of different Archangels can help create a shift. 

All Archangels represent a collection of ideas, energies, colors, and concepts that represent positive change. 

Because they represent the highest vibration energy possible, connecting to them can help you get where you want to go. 

Archangel Chamuel and Archangel Raguel can assist with raising your energy. 

Chamuel helps to promote positive relationships, and harmonious thinking, which is what often creates disharmony with others. 

Raguel helps with confidence, motivation, and by creating the harmonious circumstances to get a job or inspiration done. 

Both of these Angels can be called upon together as joined forces to build new momentum of the forward movement. 

You can visualize their energies as pink-gold light and lilac light coming down to surround you, and when you do, ask to be guided to a better feeling choice, transforming you one step beyond into a state of a better feeling than where you just were.

Once you visualize the Divine coming in, put a hand on your heart. It's still beating. Ask for an Angelic perspective on this. 

#3 Do One Thing That Makes You Feel Good

As much as possible, do a single thing that makes you feel amazing, incredible, cared for, and love. 

To raise your mood, you'll want to maximize the amount of joyful and loving acts in your life, starting with the joyful and loving actions you take towards yourself. 

Most people feel depleted on energy and mood when they are low on their balance of how much loving acts they've done for themselves.

Give yourself a gift. Even if you just change the radio station, there are many ways to give to yourself.

Here are some ideas for returning to infinite you:

Photo of heart shaped pink leaves upclose by Madison Inouye from Pexels

  • Take a warm bath, this is shown to have many benefits

  • Play music ideally one that brings your heart into harmony

  • Play with your children, pets or plants

  • Tell yourself, "I love you," tell someone else you love them

  • Dance or stretch

  • Go for a nature walk

  • Stand in the sunlight

  • Change into your favorite clothing

  • Douse yourself in things that smell good

  • Smile at a baby or a dog, acknowledging their soul

  • Compliment yourself

  • Consider a Theremin

Take a break and do one thing that brings light into your life. 

Sometimes it's just filling up your tea. 

Completing all of the above may take thirty minutes or a couple of hours, but most people can restore their energy vibration quickly using some of the tips above, within half a day. 

After you've restored to your infinite you, forgive yourself when you temporarily disconnected from the infinite you. 

This can happen when surrounded by others who have lost touch with their infinite selves. 

If you've been temporarily surrounded by those who've lost touch with their infinite selves, this is okay.

Know that giving from the place of infinite you is always going to be what changes things, so taking time to restore yourself to your limitless potential is necessary to turn the tides of even the community you're in.

And it's also okay to off-gas any lower energy emotions as you rise and return to an alignment of soul balance. This is how it's done everywhere. Trees shed their leaves in the fall. Plants lose one-third of the roots that no longer serve them every year. 

As you practice raising your vibration, also known as increasing your energy or mood, you will eventually develop a system that works for you to return to peace. 

It will become more accessible and more comfortable over time to identify when you're out of harmony with your highest level, and you'll be able to return there faster. 

You'll also be able to identify when you've stepped out of it sooner, and it'll be easier to laugh it off when it happens. 

Manifestation Tips. How To Raise Your Energy Your Vibration & Your Mood. Photo of pink and green ocean waves by Snapwire from Pexels with text overlay of title.

What happens when you raise your vibration

When you raise your vibration, your emotional state generally moves to one where it feels more patient, joyful, and loving. 

It is usually also more comfortable to access your intuition and your Universal guidance system. You feel less like you are pushing and more like you're flowing. 

It can feel more effortless to find an answer if you are looking for a solution to a current problem. 

Generally speaking, when you raise your vibration, it can cause others to respond more positively to you, resulting in more harmonious relationships and partnerships. 

Those who are at another vibration will bounce off of you and overtime gravitate away from you. Those who are interested in linking with the infinite and also you will get closer. This usually means more harmonious relationships and even business partnerships. 

It can also result in greater resources sharing, and new opportunities unfolding. 

Raising your vibration usually enhances your ability to feel gratitude for life, and grateful for your life experiences, resulting in higher levels of inner peace no matter what is going on in the outside world. 

When your vibration is high, your ability to look back at past experiences with love is usually also increased. You may start to experience more positive memories. 

Additionally, raising your vibration and mood can increase your leadership abilities, as others will often see your new and improved mood as something positive and desirable and be interested in following it. 

Raising your vibration often inspires happiness and bliss in those around you, which can cause your aura to increase and be palpable by others, meaning your ability to see the law of reflection in action is usually also increased. 

Some people also feel their ability to find love, and a spiritual connection to the Divine also improves with raised energy and mood levels. It's usually easier to connect to the Angels with a higher vibration.

These are just some of the benefits of raising your vibration. 

Raising your mood, your vibration, or your energy can be strongly connected to your physical health, and when you are in a high vibration, this is often where dream realities manifest.

So getting to this place of alignment in vibration - where physical you feels as good as the soul you always feel is important for creating the life of your dreams. 

Nothing is more important than you having the life you are destined to have, because this is the fulfillment of your soul's purpose. It is the reason you are here. The soul will always seek this, and it will usually not be happy unless it's on a path to exploring this.

You are only on target to meet your soul’s purpose when physical you and infinite you are in agreement with each other and have united to move forward. 

Raising your vibration is essential for your intuition because when physical and spiritual you are aligned in the same unified high vibration, your intuition is fluid - decisions, choices, and paths all become clear.

Overall, raising your vibration can be easy and it is possible to do it within a day. It is also the goal of all spiritual practices - because it reunites you to soul you, and this is where true happiness resides.

Your bliss is all that matters because this is the purpose of living. 

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