Amanda Linette Meder

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21 Signs You're A Medium

Photo of person standing with arms open to the sky on rainbow wet surface outdoors by Public Co from Pixabay

Updated 2020.09.06

As I started developing my gifts and sharing them with the world, lots of people thought I needed to be committed. Truth be told, I'd almost convinced myself of that, too, at the time.

But I soon realized that something more was going on.

After all, if you're an otherwise rational human being in all other areas of your life, why would you be changing only in this one way?

After years of validation and feedback, it's confirmed: what I got is an ability, and you may have one too.

Since then, I’ve met many people with abilities just like me, but were convinced by friends, family, media, and insecurity that they had a problem, rather than a gift, so I wrote what you're reading now.  

If you're reading this - I want you to know you may not be going through a negative change, you may have a spiritual gift.

Experiences happen whether you're under stress or not, and regardless of how many mindful solutions you try.

No matter how many variables you change, you find yourself right back to square one.

Sound familiar?  

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Mediums are normal, and they are really just big empaths. But with one teeny-eensy catch:

They pick up on feelings, emotions, and impressions from the living and from the dead, The Spirit World, and Angels.

You don't have to be a professional medium to sense the presence of Spirit; anyone can have this ability and best of all you can develop it to use it professionally if you ever choose.

There are two types of mediumship onset - one onset later in life, and one early on. It’s just a matter of when we open to it.

Are you opening to mediumship now?

What follows is a list of mediumship signs that commonly present themselves when you have the gift of connecting with Spirits.

When combined with 15 or more signs, they could be signs of mediumship ability.

Wondering how to tell if you are a medium?

Check out the most common signs of mediumship abilities below -

Vertical photo of red and blue sky by didier aires from Pixabay


You've always had an interest and belief in the paranormal


You can walk into rooms and feel pressure, heat, heaviness or emotions


You recall seeing or sensing Spirits as a child or know relatives that have


You had an unexplainable fear of the dark, either in childhood or now


You have an active dream life, including vivid nightmares or lucid dreams


You are woken up at night frequently and/or generally don't sleep well


You’ve had that feeling someone or some being is with you old buildings, cemeteries, when listening to gospel music, or in places of where great deals of emotion have been released


You’ve seen things out of the corner of your eye: white smoke, sparkles, shadow figures


Someone close to you has died, and you've been experiencing synchronicity, movement of objects


You hear voices but have convinced yourself it's nagging thoughts, overactive imagination, or things you just made up in the past


You’ve pretended conversations with animals: cats, dogs, wildlife


You’ve been getting sudden rushes of energy out of nowhere


You hear strange noises other rooms when no one else is there or home


You don’t like to be alone especially at night


You've felt watched, followed or accompanied when alone


You, or someone you’re related to, has pointed out Spirits or paranormal experiences they've had to you


You’ve had paranormal experiences yourself that you can’t entirely explain


Electronics, appliances, lights, and TVs all tend to go out or flicker around you


You have a habit of delivering profound lengthy inspirational speeches to others, then after the words leave your mouth, you have no idea where the information came from


You’ve had a twitch in the past and have to watch with becoming overstimulated


You’ve looked to healers - medical, eastern and western, to dampen experiencing any of the above

Photo of pink and purple sky over watery surface by Md Shahinur Islam from Pixabay

If 15 or more of these things check yes, you may be a medium

Thankfully, there are perksdifferent kinds, and different ways you can use the gift. Mediums are good at reading the energy of a room, artistic creations, and can be very energetic.

You may find it helpful to know that what you are experiencing is fairly common, and you aren't alone.

Lots of people from all over the political, religious, age, class, race, industry spectrum have pulled me aside to talk about their connection to Spirit. 

It's something that’s been discussed for thousands of years, though because of past persecution, it had gone underground for a couple hundred years amongst certain groups.

Thankfully, today, this conversation around mediumship is getting better as more and more people come out of the closet.

A lot of entirely well-rounded people can see, feel, and hear through the veil from time-to-time.

Though it's true: it's not something always easy to get used to at first, but over time, trust me - it grows on you.

The beauty of this gift is that you don't necessarily need to do anything with it besides embrace it, develop it to the point where you’re aware of it, and then let it enrich your life in whatever way you want it to.

Many find the most alarming part of unearthing your psychic gifts is not knowing when they are turning on, so how can you tell when it's happening? 

Signs you have the spiritual gift of mediumship. Start Developing Your Psychic Mediumship Gifts by identifying what they are in this post, 21 Signs You’re A Psychic Medium. Photo by Samuel Austin on Unsplash with text overlay.

How can you tell if your gifts are opening up?

Some of the first signs of mediumship present themselves physically:

  • Sudden spiritual awareness coming to you

  • You’ve had a sensitive stomach in the past

  • You can lose your breath in moments of awe

  • You are good with harmonizing music

  • You like places where your senses are heightened in a good way

Most people sense Spirit before they see them so -

If you feel any of the above sensations in any known spirit local, such as

  • Antique stores

  • Train stations

  • Performing arenas

  • Anywhere where you have a lot of inward/outward influx of people and energy

  • Hospitals and Hospice Centers

  • Historical locations

  • Nature Spots

  • Certain high-vibe or energetic rooms of your home

You may be sensing Spirit.

It can feel opening and empowering, positively sensing those in Spirit.

You can sense Spirit at home. You don’t have to go anywhere to sense the Divine.

Your gifts can open in your home, especially after someone you know dies or you call them in.

I describe the feeling of Spirit present to me as similar to when you are climbing the great drop tower at an amusement park, but it feels slightly different and nuanced to everyone.  

If you have this gift, know it's okay.

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