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What Are The Sacred Activations?

Photo of pink galaxy sky by Free Nature Stock from Pexels

the next level ascension tool

guest post by Joy Rachelle

Looking for a way to elevate your consciousness to the next plane? To release old issues so you can focus on the future? Want to increase your psychic awareness and your ability to tap into the higher planes of consciousness? Well, then this post is for you - 

Sacred Activations transform you, heal you, and raise your vibrations for your relationships, your health, abundance, and help you gain easy access to your psychic and intuitive abilities.

As healings performed through energy and sound transmissions, the Sacred Activations can be experienced through a series of pre-advanced audio downloads, or you can also work with a skilled activations practitioner to have them performed live, for something specifically fine tuned to you and your energy. 

By working with The Sacred Activations you can

  • Improve Prosperity

  • Improve Relationships

  • Improve Manifestation Potential

  • Reinvigorate Your Energy Unleashing Your Creative Potential

  • Release Stress, Negative Emotions, and Karmic Patterns

  • Attract New Love and Soulmate Relationships

  • Improve Your Physical Health

  • Improve Or Unlock New Psychic Abilities

  • Release Old Blocks

  • Improve Conversation Skills By Releasing Throat and Heart Chakra Blocks

  • Remove Addictive Behavior, Patterns, and Help You Rise You Up To Your Next Level

An ascension rising modality, Sacred Activations are fairly new on the scene of healing modalities, however, their origins stem from many ancient traditions. 

Joy Rachelle is one such practitioner of The Sacred Activations healing ascension modality and she's created a set of 26 transmissions that anyone can download, purchase in sets, or order, as a unique experience. 

I've personally been working with and experiencing these activations since last Fall when they first came out, and I have to say, I love them. 

I enjoy listening to them while I do my hair in the morning and play them as background music when I'm working on certain high-level projects. They're great for work because the activations generally include minimal voiceover, so all you have to do is sit back, relax, and take in the energy. 

Recently I've tried: 

The Sacred Power Activation which is designed to help you release fear, step into your sacred power and become the person you are meant to be. It will empower you to express your life force with authenticity and confidence. 

And The Super DNA Activation which upgrades your DNA synthesis so that it matches the new generation that is coming onto the planet at this time.

Super DNA activates four more codons in the human DNA, evolving it into a form that scientists say makes a person 3,000 less likely to come under the weather.

Along with these other activations, I'd also tried: The Lord Metatron Activation, The Moses Code Activation, The Avebury Stonehenge Activation and a few others, and truth be told, I've loved them all. 

So today on the blog, I'd like to introduce to you Joy Rachelle herself, an advocate and maker of Sacred Activations, as she discusses how one can work these powerful tools of ascension, too

Joy over to you - 

Sacred Activations Explained

joy rachelle

Photo of rocky misty coastline by Hakan Tahmaz from Pexels

Sacred Activations are an ascension modality that assists with the earth's consciousness evolution process.

Ascension is transforming the body you have into a body that will take in more light and higher vibrations of energy.  

How do they do this?

Activations are a powerful healing energy that works to clear out old and lower vibrational memories, thoughts and emotions that are located in the cells of your body, auric field, and DNA.

As the blocks and the lower energy patterns are removed, your body receives new, higher vibrational light codes for every cell of your body, auric field, and DNA.

This helps increase the amount of light to flow through you, and it allows you to create a new, more pleasant and loving life. The healing is powerful as it comes from the Creator himself {Source, God whomever or whatever you are drawn to call} I am merely the conduit. 

Sacred Activations do this by clearing you from hundreds or even thousands of belief systems and limiting programs all at once with each activation.

They activate your sacred geometry and disconnects you from the collective consciousness, group consciousness, religious consciousness, and genetic consciousness.

They work with the subconscious mind and clears negative beliefs that hold us back in life. Each activation will quickly clear these limiting beliefs from your DNA and your past lives.  

They help clear past beliefs that have you stuck in this lifetime. They clear belief systems connected to your past, present and future.

They release oaths, vows, commitments, contracts and negative energies from this and other dimensions associated with the description of the activation.

They continue to integrate with your energy after you have listened to them {though the more you listen, the easier and faster it will be to integrate or in other words for the ascensions process to work faster}.  

Many of the activations will unplug you from the group and collective consciousness.

The amazing thing is that it just doesn’t unplug you- it works on raising the vibration of the planet and helping others choose the path of higher consciousness, too. 

For example, the activation Heaven on Earth releases oaths made in karma, to heal the suffering for those who came before you. Many empathic people carry the pain for all the injustices that have happened throughout history. 

Heaven on Earth will release you from the collective consciousness of this pain and suffering and disconnect you from feeling it.

What I love about them is, after doing a lot of healing work on myself through Reiki, or Access Consciousness - I have noticed the largest change with listening to Sacred Activations.

Unlike with Access Consciousness, you are not continually asking question after question to come up with the *right* clearing to help clear blocks.

The shifts I have felt with the Sacred Activations has been nothing short of amazing - which is the reason I became a practitioner. 

I find myself amazed every time I run an activation in a one on one session.  

Each session and activation is unique to witness on its own, and each discussion after with a client and what they experienced is nothing short of amazing.

As the channel for them, I am truly honored to have recorded the activations which are ready for download, and each and every one of them was a unique experience to download and channel, in that way, I am so happy to offer them and have others try them out as well. 

It is wonderful to hear feedback from clients who have purchased them- as the experiences they have shared have again been nothing short of amazing. Each activation is different, and each time you listen, you will experience the uniqueness of that energy.

Results do vary from person to person, as all of our energy is different- and of course the level of commitment on your part in listening to the activations.  

The best part about each activation: you can listen to them on silent if you’d like while falling asleep at night.

So instead of making time {unless you would like too, and most people prefer to listen to them} to listen to them - you can get into a nightly routine of playing a set of three or four activations per night as you sleep.

This way the vibrations have a chance to affect you as you sleep - think of them as a night serum you can take for your soul growth. 

Like any other type of healing - remember that you will experience an energy type purge when you go through these. This is sometimes what is known as the Healing Crisis. 

With Sacred Activations, too, they will bring up old emotions, and feelings within a few days of listening to them the first time. Sometimes you will experience physical sensations as you work through them.

Drinking plenty of water and journaling will assist you working through this period, though it shouldn't last long. 

For the most part, though once you have an issue brought up in the Healing Crisis, this will be the last time you are triggered by that specific memory, as you have now moved through the ascension process on it. 

Once the Healing Crisis has completed itself and each Activation set has worked through your system, you will still have the memory of the event that the activation was meant to release, but you'll no longer have the anger, pain, shame etc. feelings associated with it.

What remains is only the wisdom you learned and the teachings of it. You will be free and neutral to anything that has been released or lifted once the Sacred Activations are complete. 

The Sacred Activations

What are the Sacred Activations? Photo of pink galaxy sky by Free Nature Stock from Pexels with text overlay of title -

I offer the Sacred Activations in these ways:

Individual activations you can complete on your own via MP3 download

As specific packages and sets for healing complete issues at a time

As well in as one-on-one specifically tailored sessions with me

Individual activations sessions include one activation session, tailored to you, and it's done via Skype with the client or it can be done at a distance if time zones conflict.

Sessions should not be completed when the client is driving or operating heavy machinery. After each session is complete, you'll receive an MP3 copy of your session(s). 

They're the first of their kind being presented this way, I have my own spin on them with my energy and accompany them to the energy of the music provided by Thaddeus, which I greatly enjoy.

And, I am happy to have launched these into the Universe and to have been witness to the many positive effects that come from them, which is why I'm sharing them with you today. 

With the assistance of my Angels and yours - 

Love and Light,

Joy Rachelle

Sacred Activations are a Seventh Plane Energetic Modality founded by creator Tamra Oviatt. The Advocacy and Education in this article is presented by Joy Rachelle. To find Joy or purchase these Sacred Activations, visit

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