Amanda Linette Meder

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If Everyone Has Gifts, Then Why Isn't Everyone A Psychic?

Photo of people jumping in golden light by Belle Co from Pexels

Updated 2021.12.09

Why, if everyone is a medium, isn't everyone isn't just out there developing their abilities? 

If we all had them once, way back when, before anyone told us we couldn't, shouldn't, or it would actually be frowned upon if  . . . .  why aren't we using them? 

What's the barrier? Today on the blog answering a reader question -

The Question

Hi Amanda,

I have a question about developing intuition. I have been told by several different people that everyone has intuitive abilities (clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, etc.).

I believe this to be true, but I am confused as to why only some people are mediums, healers, shamans, etc.

If everyone has these abilities then why isn't everyone a medium, healer, etc.? Is it just a matter of developing these abilities or is there something else at play - like a soul plan? Or is it something else entirely? Thank you so much. I just want to say that I am so grateful for your energy and what you are putting out in the world, you are so amazing!

Thanks again!

The Answer

Every baby is born as their true, soul self with an uninterrupted flow of connection to The Great Spirit, God, Source, whatever your chosen path has elected to call the collective energy.

Gifts come from this true, unaltered connection, and generally, they stop coming when at some point, that flow is interrupted. 

In some cases, yes, it is just a matter of the Malcolm Gladwell 10,000 hour rule level of commitment to developing it. 

But in most cases, the key is finding out what interrupted that original flow in the first place, along with other factors (mentioned below). 

In reality, everyone has their reasons for why they choose to exhibit their gifts through alternate professions or paths, or for why they decide to suppress their gifts entirely, but for many, it's a combination of things. 

Sometimes it is simply a matter of picking up the guitar and strumming a few notes. 

But generally, it's not that that prevents people. 

All people can develop gifts, and and how eager they are to do so is often related to some magical combination of this list of factors

  • General level of personal interest and affinity for the craft itself

  • Amount of family and friend support for pursuing that particular craft

  • Cultural conditioning of what's acceptable behavior and what's not

  • Level of perceived success at it or what some call talent

  • Degrees of universal mystery and a certain level of willingness to trust the process

Some people think spiritual development begins with dissatisfaction with the material world. 

Where it is this dissatisfaction that acts as an impetus for someone to want to focus on and see what the spiritual world has to offer them, causing them to reopen their gifts. 

In my eBook, The Medium's Toolkit, though, I talk about a variety of different impetuses that can bring back the re-dedication and focus to one's true self and connection to spirit. 

Then, we have to consider that people enjoy doing what is easy for them, something that comes intuitively to them, and something that they have success and fun with.

Gifts can be suppressed

The truth is this, gifts are part of the true self, and the true self never fully goes away, it just goes into hiding. 

But because of social or personal shame and stigmas, people with genuine gifts can and may hide for quite awhile. 

The good news is that eventually, most people open back up to their true intuitive natures, too. 

That doesn't mean everyone does it with a professional singular title attached to it. 

Some people just work the title healer or medium into their regular job title.

People both use their gifts in different ways and they recognize the exhibition of their gifts in a variety of ways. 

It's just a choice as to where you see their abilities, visions, inspirations as coming from, that largely determines whether or not these gifts are recognized. 

Perhaps you've never even thought to consider where their mind's images come from (many people don't). 

The good thing about mediums and also the unfortunate thing, is that most are pretty humble and kind people. 

Even though this could be a personal safety thing, there are a lot of people out there with gifts who aren't using them, speaking about them, or defining themselves by them. 

Maybe they are only sharing their gifts with their closest supporters. 

Maybe they don't have a close supporter, so they aren't sharing them at all. 

Either way, most healers, mediums, and psychics will never admit that their gifts are something special, even if they are. 

It's this same combination of things that holds most people back. 

So yes, in some cases, it's a matter of getting over the fear of the unknown and just developing it. 

But it's also a matter of how important a connection to the Divine is to someone at any one moment, how much room they give for it in their lives, and how much seriousness they have approached the craft in the past. 

Whether that be part of your soul plan, the greater plan, or God's plan - past life and ancestral history (a theory which has a scientific basis in something called epigenetics) - my belief is that it's a mix of reasons as to when and why people delay tapping into their spiritual gifts.

Then There's The Historical incidents

In addition to everything mentioned above, there are also several cultural events affecting how safe people feel in being themselves freely -

Events such as the Witch Trials of the 1400-1600s. In this era, not only did family members and friends turn each other in, women turned on their teachers and peers. It was a messy time of mistrust, where remnants still affect us today. 

And The Early Mediumship Era of 1848 and onward. Not less than 150 years ago in our country, a psychic, medium, or healer could be tarred, feathered and shot at in the Vaudeville days.

Affect how people act and exhibit, perhaps due to past life memories.

So whether we're talking about cellular memory, passed down ancestral genetics, or even all the modern evidence you've collected on your own, there's every reason in the book not to speak up about who you are. 

But regardless, people need to know who you are and why you're doing this.

In the end, I believe that the biggest barriers that hold people to development are largely related to now evolving stigmas and fears

  • The fear of what their family and friends will think of them if they share their gifts or speak them out loud

  • The fear of how things might change with the way things are now and if that change will be difficult

  • The fear that it’s wrong or that you’ll contact something evil

When the fear ends, and the stigmas start to fade, people start to feel free again to be themselves.

People need to see that psychics are good, that mediums are about positive wellness, and that healers work with the great Spirit that we all know and love, to heal. 

More than anyone else, your people need to see this. 

Others in our community need to see that you doing this is okay, and then more will start to come out of the closet - 

Once the feared threat is gone (whatever it is), and the desire is there, usually due to a life change, many people do go more deeply into learning about their intuitive or medium gifts.

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