Amanda Linette Meder

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Success in Psychic Business: How Long Does It Take?

Dreams are possible and you can build a business on a wish, only to uncover many more. Looking for intuitive business tips? Tips to build a psychic business? Conscious business advice? Read on - Photo of black and white feather being held up to the sky by on Unsplash

Updated 2021.12.07

When I was first starting this website, I worked full days doing research and grading papers in ecology.

In the evenings, I built the early stages of this site, which was a blogger site by another name. 

It went for about three months like this before I received a job doing consultations for another website, writing two to three blogs a month over there. 

I continued to offer consultations from my site and word of mouth and slowly but surely created blogs to educate and share what I was learning in my readings and to answer some of my client's most commonly asked questions.

Within those first fifty blogs I wrote, fifteen of them went viral, and many of them are still among the most popular on this site today. 

From those fifteen blogs, I created easy to access affordable products. I also added advertising and classes and even experimented with physical goods. 

Many of these elements have stuck around and allowed me to continue writing, have paid for hosting fees, and has even given me the freedom to hire someone for emails and managing inquiries.

My business has been going on now for seven years, and four years since I first wrote this post.

So today, I decided to update this article to reflect new information with more I know about having success in the intuition fields.

While everyone is different, when starting a business based on intuition, I recommend a few things to be successful. And below they are: 

4 Tips For Success In Intuitive Business

4 Intuitive Business Tips To Boost Your Psychic Business Ideas. All great ideas are received in dreamtime, that’s my hypothesis. Now let’s put them into practice. For tips how, read on. Photo of go get em red mug on tabletop by Kyle Glenn on Unsplash

#1. Follow The Path of Least Resistance

To some extent, let the river take you along.

Accept opportunities, accept help offers, notice where you are receiving rewards, or high payback for the efforts you put out and see if you can give more in those areas. 

For example, if you write an article or post a video, it gets excellent views, maybe you can expand upon a theme in that piece to create more of that. 

You could also write a packet or teach a class on that topic. 

Notice where you are getting great feedback and see if you can create a product or service and expand around it. You can even use the numbers and metrics of your business to tell you the answers to this one.

Then, when that area of the river runs dry, as it may, start turning to other areas of development, which brings us to the next point. 

#2. Focus On Initiating One Area Of Growth At A Time

Businesses can be like gardens. 

You may start with one crop, but having several to rotate between will help you feel most comfortable and supported, and if one area stops producing, you’ll have another area of focus to occupy your time. 

For example, certain products and offerings of mine do well in the spring others do well in the fall.

Specific blogs tend to have high page views around Spiritual Holidays; others tend to have top page views when people are thinking about growing and expanding spiritually, usually when winter is over, and spring flowers are coming up. 

To have a successful psychic business, you may come up with three or four ideas of things you can add to your garden that will make it grow and keep it sustainable throughout the year.

Focus on planting one crop, one idea, then start planting the next seed of expansion. 

Come up with a game plan for developing the rest, and see if you can stick to it for the most part. 

#3. Notice What Your Clients Ask For Repeatedly And Give 

Clients are intuitive, and they usually have a sense of what your business should be doing, so listen to them. 

Some clients may see areas of growth in your business that you do not.

If you get asked for something continuously, from different sources, over some time, see if there is a way you can make room for it or fit it into your regular scheduling to meet demand. 

It may not be the most popular thing right away, but over time, a client’s idea may flourish into something you never imagined.

Some of the best offerings on my website have arisen because a client asked for it. 

#4. Give yourself at least six months

According to some marketing experts I learned from at a Digital Marketing Summit I attended years ago, you need anywhere between six months to two years to see results from most sustainable growth changes.

You may see initial feedback after three months, but you do want to give your ideas time to flourish. And believe it or not, it's about a season’s to a harvest time’s length to see if something is naturally your path and to have built enough energy in that space to see if there is something there. 

Provide about the same time any crop or experiment in the natural world needs to any new offering or idea you have.

Giving yourself this time will be relatively easy to do because once you plant something, you’ll be distracting yourself with planting the next thing, so it may be relatively easy to let a business experiment run. 

I had worked many jobs before I owned this website, and so many that I used to say I could do just about anything for three months - and you can double this, and do it too.

Waiting a full harvest season, before you decide if something should stay or go, is usually a pretty good practice.

This way, you give something with promise time to grow legs and something without, time for collecting data on why it may not have been the right time for this product or service.

These are just a few tips to keep in mind for how long you want to stay in something before you measure success. 

Having an intuitive business does not have to be a struggle. It can be your ticket out into a new, freer way of life. 

It can take upwards of 3 years to get a business off the ground, but I did it in just a few months. And you can too. 

Intuitive Business Tips? This article includes tips for spiritual entrepreneurs and tips for intuitive business growth. Photo of go get em red mug on tabletop by Kyle Glenn on Unsplash with text overlay Building Spiritual Businesses - 4 Tips for Sustainable Success in the Intuitive Field.

So, how long does it take to succeed with an intuitive business?

The average business can be launched and become sustainable within three months to 2-years, depending on many factors but - 

The more committed you are, the faster it goes.

The more you can shoo away the nay-sayers, the faster it goes.

The more you follow the flow of the numbers, which is a form of feedback, the faster it goes. 

You can develop your business within the year to a sustainable level. 

to recap, if you

  • Follow the path of least resistance and accept help

  • Pay attention to your feedback

  • Start planting seeds one crop at a time

  • And give yourself at least six months

You can see the results. 

One of the things that helped me most to create a sustainable business was blogging. 

I wrote fifty blogs within those first six months to help clients, and fifteen of those took off. One went viral after just six months of writing, and I never was able to look back. 

I paid attention to all the feedback I got from each blog and client I met with and expanded on those topics to create offerings.

Now I encourage most new psychics and intuitives to use educational content as a way to grow your business and do market research.

Since I started this website and helped many others launch their intuitive business, I've created many resources to assist you in doing the same. 

For more resources like this, become a Member today!

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