Amanda Linette Meder

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4 Things You Can Do With Your Gifts Besides Readings

Photo of owl in tree by Erik Karits from Pixabay 

Updated 2022.02.03

When I first realized that my abilities to talk and see Spirit meant that I was a medium, I thought identifying I had mediumship was just as good as hearing I was fired from normal life.

My perception was that from that day forward, I would have to give up everything I knew.

I thought I was doomed to change my entire life to be this, and for many mediums this idea can be taxing to think about, especially if you already have a family and a day job by the time you realize their gifts. 

While yes, readings are the staple income of many mediums, there are a few other things you can do to free up your time, change your pace, or simply flex your gifts in another area of your life to make your work and personal life feel more free and diverse.

4 Ways To Use Spiritual Gifts

Photo of owl looking off into the distance by Erik Karits from Pixabay 

Energetic Healing

Many people who can sense Spirit actually connect with their Guides and Ancestors to receive clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsentient messages regarding healing solutions.

If you are an herbalist or a nutritionist, this means you can tap into a connection with Spirit to be shown the exact supplement or tincture that will bring your client to total oneness or wellness.

If you are an energy worker, this means you can tune into your Guides to ask them to direct you to which area of the client’s body needs the most work on this particular area - leaving your clients that much more pleased with their session than they otherwise may have been.

Therapeutic Services

A single reading can a year's worth of soul growth delivered by the Spirits

If you have the ability to sense and hear those in Spirit, you can also learn how to channel higher guidance for your clients in your therapeutic appointments.

You can even market your abilities to your clients, as having your sessions include guidance from their own Guides.

Divine Guidance is incredibly healing and profound and your ability to connect with Spirits can be turned up in your one-on-one work to access the wisdom needed in order to change lives.

Photography, Design & Space Creation

When I first started giving readings, I met a photographer, who felt his grandfather around him, especially when he was snapping images for his photography business.

Turns out, this grandfather was giving him ideas and directions for the best capturing frames and line-ups.

He was using his mediumship gifts to work together with his grandfather to get better photographs for his business and it was working.

Ancestors, Loved Ones and Guides actually have great ideas to help you access better ideas, more business success and ultimately, abundance.

Their goal is to help you live the best life ever - and if you invite them into your work - you’ll start to notice yourself getting better ideas when they’re around. 

Creative Writing, Painting Or Composing

Some of the best mediums I know are actually spirit artists. Who on this Earth has not heard a song and felt like it was a message from Spirit?

Many songwriters actually clairvoyantly or claircognizantly receive lyrics as they are writing. These words, coming from their Spirits, can then be delivered to the masses as a Divine message that is needed by the collective.

The same is true for writers, painters, and music composers. Many are conduits for Divine Wisdom and receive their creative genius from The Spirit World.

So there you have it - 

If you have mediumship gifts, you don’t have to use your connection to just give readings unless you want to. Building a relationship with Spirit can help you access better ideas, writing genius, inspiration, wellness solutions, and channel guidance in song.

You can use your connection to improve your own life or to impact the lives of others in more ways than one. 

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