Amanda Linette Meder

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What Goes Into Your Private Sitting With A Psychic Medium

Updated 2021.12.07

When preparing to sit down with me for a psychic reading or spiritual coaching session, you may be wondering what all goes into your single hour-long appointment.

Well, your answer is now here.

Your appointment begins well before the time we have scheduled together, and today, I’d like to outline the behind the scenes process that I use when preparing for and providing you with the highest quality session possible.

There Are 3 Main Parts To Your Spiritual Consultation

  • Pre-session

Since I personally schedule all my own appointments, your session really begins the first time we connect upon scheduling. When you book your session, me or someone from my office will reach out to you to begin our email correspondence.

From there, once your session is confirmed, and in the weeks, days or hours before your appointment officially begins for you, your appointment begins for me the minute your Spirits arrive. Spirits arrive - at latest - an hour before your scheduled call. 

Most Spirits arrive for your appointment the morning of.

When your Spirits arrive is when the session truly begins.

Once they arrive, I begin to ground, center and tune-in for your call, a minimum of 1 hour before. I ask the Spirits already present for you, to identify themselves and provide me with a few details highlighting the theme of their messages to you. This helps us (me + Spirits) organize the Speakers, and their messages and concepts, in a way that is easier for you to  understand and piece together during the reading/coaching itself.

  • During

Each appointment with me, from start to finish, generally lasts about an hour.

In your appointment, I heavily focus on providing you with the clearest, most fine tuned information possible. I work with your Spirits and mine to channel their messages in the clearest form and this takes an incredible amount of focus and energy.

All private appointments involve such high-energy Spirit work.

We generally start each call providing messages that vary depending on the context of the appointment and your unique life path, and answer any leftover questions you may have at the end of the call.

  • Post-session

Once your appointment is complete, I begin a process of disconnecting from your energy and the energy of those in Spirit who were present. Disconnection takes a minimum of 15-20 minutes for me and it’s a process of me returning to myself  and to Earth after such a high-frequency connection.

After I have fully grounded, cleared and disconnected, I move into uploading and formatting your appointment recordings and send you the session file via email, along with any other follow-up files specified in your call. This post-session file processing takes anywhere from 30-45 minutes.

Within the days following your session, all clients are permitted to email me with any last follow-up and session-associated questions, time permitting. Any additional email correspondence following your call is included in the fee and can take anywhere between 15 minutes to 2 hours (depending on the person).

So to recap, the three parts to every spiritual consultation

  • Pre-session

  • During

  • Post-session

Overall, a minimum of 3-5 hours of work goes into providing the utmost clarity and quality in each reading or coaching session scheduled with me - with only one of those hours including the actual face-to-face appointment itself.

I hope this helps explain the process you are investing in when you purchase a session for yourself with me or as you learn about setting your own rates as a medium.

Every medium or channel has their own process for the beginning, during and ending of each appointment. This is my process and one I share with others.

Industry-wide the additional ‘behind the scenes’ time spent on providing a client with the quality work and attention necessary for a single 1-hour session ranges an average of 2-4 hours per appointment made. 

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