Amanda Linette Meder

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The Best Positive Meditation For Women

Photo of women with arms out overlooking city by Victor Freitas from Pexels

Updated 2020.12.21

Affirmation… meditation, some days I ask myself what’s the difference? They are both simply a collection of beautiful words, sometimes one collection is longer than the other.

On this blog, while I discuss many things, I only occasionally discuss the things that carried me through some of the more difficult times on my journey. 

The poem below, Meditation for the Fully Realized Woman, changed my perspective on myself. 

There was a time that I carried it with me everywhere I went, until one day, I gave my copy to a friend in need.

It is an affirmation in a poem that teaches you how to embrace your power and so much of the spiritual journey is learning how to own your powerful self with grace. 

What prompted me to share this is that last night, at the checkout line in the grocery store, someone asked if I was a professional dancer, because I moved so gracefully. I guess I've gotten there now. 

In getting there, I wanted to share with you a positive affirmation that changed my life and helped me embrace where I am today. 

Here it is below -

This is a meditation affirmation for women. The Best Positive Meditation For Women text overlay Photo of women with arms out overlooking city by Victor Freitas from Pexels - quotes for woman | inspirational female quotes | affirmations for women.

Meditation for the Fully Realized Woman

I am a BEAUTIFUL WOMAN, with a beauty that doesn’t wash off. I earned it, unearthed it, rescued it like a jewel in the dust, picked it up and made it shine.

For years, I did not see it, though I sensed it was there. Now it dazzles and thrives. I am healthy, capable, independent, strong yet still so fragile, floored by a sigh. My body is that of a creator — angles meeting curves, hardness drifting into soft.

I am mother, daughter, sister, lover to myself. Embraceable and brave, I extend my heart. My body is home, my home a shrine to life, comfortable, warm and rich with treasures. Mine is the scent of hot spices caught in a breeze, mine the laughter that swings through the door.

I share myself only with those who honor me as I am and protect myself, my house, and my time from invaders. I search for my center in the midst of chaos, practice peace as wild dogs clamor in my mind.

I use power for the greater good, release rage in neutral settings, with no one innocent in the line of fire.

I am learning how to persist and when to let go, am willing to feel all emotion stop their depths and exaltations, to wake up in every nerve and no longer am afraid of my life.

Both my beauty and strength transcend age, time, and perhaps even this lifetime.

Each day I am new, yet more at home in myself.

Moment by moment, I create my world.

By Karen Andes, CA

I used to keep this quote hung up in a locker at an old workplace, after a friend gave it to me.

Eventually, I went on to do some cool things after that and because of this, I truly think looking at these women honoring words daily changed many things for me mentally.

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