Amanda Linette Meder

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How To Manifest Your Soulmate

Updated 2021.01.08

You have a soulmate.

Someone who supports your dreams and loves you just for you.

Meeting your soulmate is all about finding the person who is the closest match to you on a soul level.

After years of searching, when you step on the path of your soul, often soulmates do more easily appear.

When connected to who you are at the core of my soul, you may be rewarded by meeting a true life partner. If you commit to connecting to your truest self, you’ll naturally meet your truest soul match in many forms, friend, pet or partner.

When you walk your spiritual path, you’ll naturally attract your soulmate.

Here’s how:

5 Steps To Manifesting A Soulmate

How To Manifest Your Soulmate / 5 Steps To Manifesting A Soulmate, over photo of night sky lights with text overlay of title.

1. Find out who you are

Your soulmate is the person who matches and aligns with your soul exactly. To find and attract this person, you have to first unearth and connect with who you are at a soul level.

Thinking about switching careers?

Have you been wishing to move?

Does your friend group no longer jive with you?

These are signs that your soul is calling you to make a change.

Make the changes in your life that your soul is urging you to make and you’ll connect to a deeper meaning and your inner calling. We all have one and finding it is at the root of what your soul needs to be happy.

As you begin to connect with your calling, you will naturally gravitate towards like-minded individuals, who are also following their soul’s calling.

This will both put you in a place to meet your soulmate and as a bonus, your life will feel more fulfilled and complete - even before said soulmate arrives.

2. Focus on your happiness

Living a more spiritual life is all about cultivating situations that bring you more peace, joy and excitement. Aligning with this, even before a soulmate arrives with assurance that you too, are the person someone else is looking for in their ideal match.

Do more of what makes you feel happy and free, and say no to what doesn’t. As you do this, you will naturally connect to your more spiritual side.

As you connect to what ignites your soul, you’ll become more buoyant, more approachable and people will naturally gravitate towards you.

You will organically create situations where you can meet souls of similar nature - both new friends and mates alike.

In this way, you’ll start aligning the stars to attract your spiritual mate.

3. Explore and experiment

Finding out who you are on a soul level doesn’t come with an instruction book. Thank goodness, too! There are no laws that say that one thing should make you happy and another thing shouldn’t. Make your own rules.

Explore the options in your town, find classes at your local community center, join a book club and dine out to dinner with yourself once and awhile.

Experimenting socially will bring you outside of your comfort zone and make it easier for you to connect with complete strangers - a skill you’ll need when the right individual eventually does come along.

4. Define your needs

Living a spiritually aligned life simply means living in connection to what authentically makes you feel good.

Now that you have aligned with and met some of your soul’s needs, you have a much better idea of what you are authentically looking for in a soulmate.

Make a list and write down what you want in an ideal partner, starting with the most important characteristics first - such as morality, loyalty and honesty.

Take some time to actually define what your soulmate looks like to you, and what's important to you to have in a partner. 

Think of it like this. If you told a salesman you were looking for the perfect refrigerator for your home, he would ask you, “Okay, what are your needs? How big is your space? How many people are you feeding?”

Without the key details of what perfect means for you, neither you nor anyone else will be able to spot it when it does come along.

5. Be open

If you have never been presented with a soulmate before, it may be hard to tell what your soulmate actually looks and feels like.

When your needs are finally presented to you in an exact match, it’s normal to not immediately recognize that you’ve found what you’ve been searching for.

You never know who your soulmate is going to be and chances are, they aren’t going to look like the person you envision.

Keep an open heart with who you meet, trust your gut and try not to dismiss anyone until you’ve gotten to know them - sometimes people take a minute to reveal all their cards.

Usually when you focus on one to five of any of the above, it amplifies your energy field so in a psychic sense, it is easier for your soulmate to find you. This is because your attractant energy is much higher when you do any of the above.

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