Amanda Linette Meder

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Ringing In The Ear: What Is My Spirit Guide Telling Me?

Photo of bell on table with warm bokeh lights in background by Jenna Hamra from Pexels

Updated 2021.12.28

Hi Everyone!

Today I am going to answer a question from a blog reader.

The concept we’re addressing today is that of opening up clairaudient abilities, often signified by a ringing in the ears. Ear ringing can be a sign that your Spirit Guides, Angels and Loved Ones in Spirit are attempting to communicate with you.

This concept has come up in so many student sessions and reader questions, that I wanted to address it here on the blog.

So, here’s our question:

What exactly is the purpose of the ringing? Am I supposed to be tuning in when that happens? Are my guides trying to get something through to me? Or is it a binary signal of some kind?

For instance, does the ringing indicate when my guides want to give me general encouragement. Or, they ring when I'm doing something that I shouldn't and they're trying to give me a little nudge?

Image of brown bell with green background by Juanita Mulder from Pixabay


The ringing in your ears could mean many things.

Generally speaking, this is a communication technique of many in Spirit, but is often reserved for personal Guides, Angels and Loved Ones.

It can be used by Spirit to provide you with a general cue that your Spirit team wants you to alert you of something - whatever that ‘something’ may be.

The ringing sound is also something you ask your Spiritual friends to reserve for specific purposes, though.

You can ask your Guides to narrow the use of the ear ringing for a specific purpose.

This is a great way to eliminate possible 'reasons' for the communication and to help you get a better idea of what Spirit needs or wants from you when it happens. 

To do this, simply write down on a piece of paper: 

"Spirit Team: Please only do the ringing when I need to be really paying attention to something”


"Spirit Team: Please only do the ringing when there is something for my greater good I need to see”

After you write this out, place the piece of paper it's written on an open and frequently visited surface - like your desk, the kitchen island or on your night table. Spirits can read, so if they can see your message, they'll get it. 

Ringing in the ears is one of the best tools many of those in Spirit can access to quickly snap your attention to them when you are otherwise preoccupied. This is why it's used so frequently by many Spirits, for many reasons.  

Ringing simply acts as a cue from your Spirit helpers to get your attention when you are otherwise not paying attention. It's not something you can easily ignore. 

If you don’t like the ringing, you can ask for another cue.

You can make requests to your Spirit Guides and Angels to change the ringing as the primary attention getting strategy to something else - such as tingling of the scalp or a small tickle on the back of the arms.

To do this, in your next meditation, call in your Spirit Guides, Angels and Loved Ones to be present, think of the new cue you’d like and ask them to use that instead of the ringing.

To make sure they ‘got it,’ ask them to show you the new cue by stepping forward and performing it, either in this same meditation period or during another time when you need to be alerted of something.

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Disclaimer: If it is spiritual it is usually a temporary experience, not a long-term one.