Amanda Linette Meder

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I’m New To Intuitive Development. Where Do I Start?

Photo of fuchsia multi petaled flower in shallow focus by Kayla Taylor from Pexels

Updated 2020.04.10

Interested in developing your psychic gifts? A quicker process to finding what’s right for you on the intuitive journey? In this post, we discuss - 

We all have instincts we can tap into, and on the first level, these are seeking food, shelter, and clothing. But after we meet those, the soul allows us to go one step above that, where, The Spirit, then seeks comfort and peace.

Comfort and peace start through the opening of the heart chakra and the opening of the next four energy centers- the throat chakra, the third eye chakra, the crown chakra, and the soul star chakra.

Once you have tuned into your instinctual needs and honored those, the soul begins to open to the next part of its journey - attaining the experience of pure love and joy on Earth.

This is what is known as the ultimate alignment of the soul-body, the attainment of enlightenment.

And you can get there through the opening and honoring of your intuitive gifts.

There are many paths to the unfolding of psychic gifts once you meet your Spiritual base needs, represented by the root chakra, sacral, and solar plexus needs.

There are four main ways to begin developing your intuitive gifts and expand into the upper chakras. 

4 tips to start developing your intuitive gifts

Photo of five multi petaled open red and pin flowers on a dark green bush in moody lighting by Irina Iriser from Pexels

1. Learn about what interests you the most

Auras, chakras, clairvoyance, dream prophecy, mediumship, Angels, energy healing, numerology, Spirit Guides, sacred, crystal healing, and divination symbolism.

Each of the areas above is a place where you can access beginning classes, topics, books, which will develop your gifts.  

You will always be more successful at something that interests you versus something that doesn't. So it is better to begin in a field that you are drawn to. 

Think of developing intuition as taking an elective class. You get to choose what they are.

Choose which topic resonates and interests you most now and start using that topic as the tool for growth.

If you're on the path of intuitive growth, the idea is that you are intuiting along - meaning, you are going with what feels right to you.

If you come across a few used books at a yard sale, start there. If you find yourself watching mediumship television shows, start there. 

If there's an energy healing class coming up in your area, and you're curious, attend it.

Be open to any opportunity for psychic development that comes your way and interests you. Even if you have no idea what piece it plays into your puzzle, the reason you are drawn to something usually comes full circle eventually.

2. Identify which intuitive abilities are natural

We all have intuitive abilities. They're natural and are often buried within since childhood. 

As you move through life into adulthood, our natural gifts are often put on the back burner, and favored for physically tangible navigation methods of the world.

Your natural intuitive gifts will be those that come easily and are usually related to your natural method of learning. If you visualize easily or prefer graphs, for example, you may be clairvoyant.

To identify your strongest gifts, check out this series of articles: 29 Articles For Identifying Your Spiritual Gifts

3. In the areas where you feel the most curiosity, invest

After you've been browsing the buffet bar, and get a sense of what you'd like to have on your plate, invest in these areas.

Follow your heart and feel out what resonates most with you. 

If you keep revisiting the website and mulling it over, jump. Take your journey to the next level of growth and commitment with a small leap or commitment to an area of intuition that interests you.

Get a book in the area you like and begin practicing, or sign-up for a development program.

As they say, lean into your interest zone, where your heart calls you to do. One way to tell what this is: pay attention to recurring daydreams or wishful thinking about a particular thing.

4. Ask those around you for suggestions

What's the last nicest thing someone said about your capabilities? What was it? 

This is often a clue to a gift you have, and be an area of development to lean into.

Our friends, family, and those in our kindred spirit soul group will see our light often rising before it is visible to us. 

This is why I suggest asking those around you for clues on your soul purpose in this post.

Your friends, family members, and colleagues will often have suggestions for books they enjoyed, blogs they liked, meditations that worked for them.

They may even suggest creative directions for you to take. The ideas of those who love you can be an extension of what is revealed by your intuition.

Auras, which hold our pre-manifestations, the gifts coming through, usually mesh with those we spend the most time with. 

So taking a suggestion from a loved one could be one step forward on the intuitive journey if it feels right to you.

Your friends, family members, and colleagues are around you for a reason. In essence, you share common interests and beliefs about the world. Thus, your intuitions will occasionally dovetail with those we connect to. 

Psychic Development. This post covers the topic, 4 Tips To Start Developing Your Intuitive Gifts. Looking for tips for psychic development for beginners, read on. Photo of fuchsia multi petaled flower in shallow focus by Kayla Taylor from Pexels with text overlay of title.

So to recap, to start developing your intuitive gifts

  1. Lean into an area of the field that interests you most and begin there. 

    We are always more successful in something that inspires, so when you start here, there's a higher chance you'll continue and find an even higher value and satisfaction.

  2. Identify your strongest gifts. 

    Our strongest psychic gifts are often those that come most naturally to us. Begin identifying the four general psychic gifts.

  3. Where you feel the most curiosity, invest.

    Pick-up the device, try a few exercises from a blog, practice.

  4. Ask those around you for clues.

    On the intuitive journey, we are always looking for our gift beneath the gift, our real soul purpose. Outside of ourselves, only kindred spirits know, or even have a hint, at what this is. 

From books to classes to podcasts to blogs, there are plenty of places to start in a variety of modalities to cater to each learning style and preference on the intuitive journey.

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