Amanda Linette Meder

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Where Do I Start? 8 Steps To Working With Spirit

Photo of castle arch in golden light by Lisa Fotios from Pexels

Start Your Mediumship Journey

amanda linette meder

Updated 2020.12.03

When you begin your journey of connecting with Spirit, the sea of information can appear so large, it's hard to know where to jump in first.

You may be wondering, as you dive head first into connecting with Spirit,

If the possibility of connecting to Spirit were real, how would I even begin to open that connection, if I could do it?

Say I have the ability to hear those in Spirit, how do I translate that to a meaningful connection in any way?

How do I get started working with Spirit gracefully, without feeling totally overwhelmed and scared?

On this very website alone, there are over 600+ free articles - all possible places for you to start your journey.

But in this article, I want to suggest a path for you to open up your abilities to connect with Spirit in a rational, logical and methodical way, so below let’s discuss it.

The 8 Steps To Connecting With Spirit

Photo of staircase leading down to the ocean by Maria Orlova from Pexels

Step 1. Identify a Spirit (or a group of Spirits) you want to connect with

To start connecting with Spirit, it helps to know who you want to connect with. Just like each and every person on this earth is a unique being, each and every Spirit you connect with, is also a unique being. There are preferences, communication methods and ways that they prefer to unite with those in physical body (humans) that differ between each group of Spirits and each type of Spirit.

Decide who you want to connect with most - is it Angels? Spirit Guides? Deceased People?

To do this, take a moment to think about what group of Spirits interests you the most - and has for years. Start there. Scroll over to the right side bar and select the category of Spirits that speak to you. You don't even have to leave this blog to begin. 

Step 2. Learn about that Spirit or that group of Spirits - first

Once you have a Spirit or Spirit Group you want to connect with, learn about them.

Read books, blogs, articles and talk to friends about them. Find out as much as you can about their characteristics, personality traits, behaviors and ways of being. Find out how they prefer to communicate and anything they request from a new friend, in order to make that relationship happen - like an offering.

Step 3. Begin to ask for Signs of their presence

Next, begin to ask this group of Spirits (or this individual) to be your friend and show you that they exist. Most Spirits, especially those who you are called to work with, want to connect with you, they want to build a relationship. Many, in fact, are eager to do so.

Because of this, you can ask for signs, synchronicities, or favors from those in Spirit, so that they may demonstrate their presence and real-ness to you.

Step 4. Learn the most common ways that Spirit communicates

Now that you have gotten your sign, sensation or symbol from a Spirit or Spirit group that wants to work with you - learn about the ways that Spirit often communicates with you.

These ways, are often called the Spiritual Senses - clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience and claircognizance. Learn about these senses, because these are often the tools Spirit will use to connect with you.

Photo of stone labyrinth in desertscape Wolfgang Eckert from Pixabay

Step 5. Learn about your intuitive abilities

Try to figure out what your strongest intuitive abilities (spiritual senses) are. Here’s an article to identify how spirit and the universal forces can communicate their messages to you, and also plenty more in The Membership Program.

We all have a few naturally strongest intuitive abilities, it’s simply a matter of identifying what these are, focusing on them, and developing them - so that Spirit can work with you through that ability to communicate.

Step 6. Begin to ask Spirit to communicate with you, through your intuitive abilities

Say you have identified that your strongest ability is clairsentience, it’s time to begin to ask Spirit to communicate with you through the sense of clear feeling.

This means, ask Spirit to give you sensations, emotions or waves of energy to show you when they are present and to tell you whatever it is they want to say. Yes, Spirits can deliver a message through transferring a feeling or sensation. You can feel sadness, happiness, anger, joy or even a tingle, as just a notification of their presence.

Step 7. Accept and trust

This step is here because it is essential to not immediately reject, brush off or cast aside what you receive. If you ask to receive a sensation, and then you do - this is a communication. Let it rest.

Denial can prevent you from connecting because in essence, when you deny, you push away from you the very thing you want to welcome in. 

If you ask to receive an image in your mind of who it is that it is in your house - and then you see an image of a man pop into your head - you did not make that up. Spirit gave that information to you through energetic transference.

Step 8. Refine and repeat

Photo of staircase surrounded by lush green vegetation leading upward by Ryutaro Tsukata from Pexels

Finally, repeat, repeat, repeat the above process with each Spirit you want to meet and communicate with or each Spirit group you want to get to know.

The process of learning and developing spirit communication is all about rinsing, repeating and refining - and fine tuning each and every step of the process, so that you can be the best, clearest channel possible. You just have to begin.

Once you get to Step 8, begin the process again until you've met all your Guides - though being honest - this process can take an entire lifetime of study. One that I personally enjoy. 

At some point, it’s important to note that with mediumship, and in anything we do, we’re always walking to the top of the temple path, just seeking different peaks, and each view is very cool.

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8 Steps To Start Your Mediumship Journey - Photo of castle arch in golden light by Lisa Fotios from Pexels with text overlay Where Do I Start? 8 Steps To Working With Spirit

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