Amanda Linette Meder

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Light Spirits: What’s The Difference Between Guardian Angels & Spirit Guides?

Photo of human with blue hair siting on mountainside by Gabriela Cheloni from Pexels

Updated 2020.05.06

Light Spirits are those in Spirit who live in the essence of the Divine Light.

Aligned with the highest purest state of love and compassion, Light Spirits are typically those who, when they appear, glow. They can be Deceased loved ones, Ascended Masters, Spirit Guides, or Angels. 

They tend to give energy rather than draw energy, so you often feel pleasant and positive and uplifted when they are near.

In this post, we're going to talk about the differences and similarities between the last two groups, Spirit Guides, and Angels. 

Both Spirit Guides and Angels connect with us, to help us raise our energy, transform energy, and reach a Higher more loving space for ourselves.

They can also both provide us with insight, guidance, and wisdom into our life path and soul purpose.

Both groups are free of the restrictions, such as speed, exhaustion, time, travel schedules, or finances. 

You can call on a Spirit Guide or Angel to come to you to assist you with three deep breaths and a minute of inward focus. 

Both of these Spirits are aligned to work with you for the highest and greatest good. 

Though there are slight variations between how they work with you and their roles in your life, and let's talk about that today. 

Starting with Guardian Angels - 

Guardian Angels

Photo crescent moon in dark blue sky by Vinícius Vieira ft from Pexels

Guardian Angels are individuals in Spirit who have primarily resided in The Spirit Realm and often have a similar soul alignment and mission with those on Earth they watch over.

A Guardian Angel's goal is to get the person they watch over to lighten up, enter into a joyful mood, because optimistic thinking is where ideal worlds manifest.

They help create Heavenly Experiences on Earth for their people, and they guide people towards Miracles and magical thinking.

If you are looking for a new solution, the courage to try a new way, or a magical answer, call on a Guardian Angel. 

They often communicate through something called Divine Downloads, meaning, with an open mind.

With that and a willingness to connect, you may have their guidance transmitted to you in a single block or thought or an individual, cohesive vision, delivered all at once. 

Guardian Angels help humans create a new Earth, by reminding us of our connectedness, so they often communicate in bigger picture ideas. 

Since Angels have mostly resided in the Spirit realm, and not on Earth, they can provide an alternative viewpoint.

Their sharing of perspectives that are different from that of those who have lived in the physical world is often what creates inventive change. 

Guardian Angels often use visions, and claircognizant thought drops to communicate. They tend to appear as flashes of light

Angels also do a lot of healing work. 

They can protect, wrap, and surround you with Divine Light for boosting your resiliency, create a positive mood, or soothe the body to give it time to heal. 

Guardian Angels are usually just watching over you. Still, they can communicate with the Angels of those in your soul family to set-up harmonious unions and new relationships. 

Guardian Angels guide with pure light energy, love and wisdom only, so their presence can feel like a beam of light shining down upon or through you.

When they link with you, it can feel as though the light is beaming from your heart chakra. 

Each one of us has 2-3 Guardian Angels that we can call upon at any time.

guardian Angels typically

  • Can appear as colors of light

  • May appear with wings

  • Are genderless

  • Can provide miracles overnight and infusions of light energy at much needed times

Guardian Angels stay by your side for your entire life. At the same time, other Angels may come in as specialists, tutors or assistants.

To start identifying your Guardian Angels when they visit: Did I See An Angel? A Short Guide On How To Spot Your Guardian Angels.

Spirit Guides

Photo of Maneki-Neko cats by Jelleke Vanooteghem on Unsplash

Ranging in all different appearances and possible roles, Spirit Guide specialties and personalities are just as diverse as any person or animal who has ever walked on this Earth.

The types of Spirit Guides available to you are as vast as the ocean is full.

Spirit Guides tend to have taken human bodies before, so they are often empathic, able to vibrate at your level, and because of this, walk with you on day-to-day tasks.

They tend to provide gentle nudges and even clairaudient whispers as their communication methods. 

Spirit Guides are one of the first types of Spiritual Beings that appear when people start developing because they are so close to Earth and so versatile. 

They range from Animal Totems to Ascended Masters

Spirit Guides will often appear to people in meditation with a flash of their image or a symbol that represents them to identify themselves. 

Spirit Guides tend to walk with a person more, so people often feel comfortable with their guides. 

They also tend to communicate clairaudiently and clairsentiently, through feeling, by transmitting to you good sense when something is good and distressing feelings to guide you back to the good. 

Think of the warmer-warmer, cooler-cooler game, but towards feeling good, this is often how our Spirit Guides team transmits messages to how well we are on the path. With alignment down the river feeling the most good.

Pay attention to the little whispers to hear your Spirit Guides.

Guides tend to also specialize in different life areas, so a person tends to have multiple, and they can change through life's seasons. 

However, there is usually one Master Guide, like your Guardian Angel who stays with you throughout life. 

When thinking about what Spirit Guides do, they keep you on your chart, in alignment with your emotional guidance system, and can provide empathy and insight into the human path.

Spirit Guides typically

  • Appear more person-like

  • Appear more person-sized

  • Can appear as animals, fairies or even in cultural clothing

  • Tend you guide you in day-to-day choices and keep you on path

Spirit Guides and Angels are both Spirits in the light who are aligned to assist and support you in achieving your soul purpose. 

Light Spirits - What’s The Difference Between Guardian Angels & Spirit Guides. Photo crescent moon in dark blue sky by Vinícius Vieira ft from Pexels

To recap, the differences and similarities between Guardian Angels and spirit guides

  • They can both come to you at any time, they can both guide you in life, and they are both on your Spirit team to support you. 

  • Angelic energy can often feel more etheric, where Spirit Guide energy can feel more close.

  • To end, if you want to know the reason why something happened, or how to get through it, ask a Spirit Guide. 

  • If you want to know the bigger picture and energy to overcome that something, connect with a Guardian Angel. 

I like to think of Angelic energy as the water that comes after a dam-release. Angelic energy usually feels like a large infusion at once, where Spirit Guides seem to give more of a steady flow of support. 

Both are helpful.

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