Amanda Linette Meder

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4 Tips To Balance Your Intuitive & Physical Life

Photo of the fin of a sea creature in pink and blue waves by pixpoetry on Unsplash

Updated 2022.06.08

Looking into the ethers, having it all figured out, and seeking the answers from the inner realms is helpful for life. 

It can help you blossom, unite with a greater sense of certainty, and enhance your ability to help others do the same. 

The inner worlds and workings of things often change slowly, so it's also important to note that at times, it's okay to take a break from being the God or Goddess of knowledge and step into the now.

Figuring out the mysteries of the soul is only about half the picture. The other half is stepping into the mystery and living it.

Connecting with Spirit for guidance is a feel-good experience; tapping into the infinite wisdom of the soul is also an experience that feels timeless. 

When you're there, the need to rush fades away. Your ability to experience the now comes to the forefront.

Swimming all day in the intuitive realm, it can be a beautiful experience, but stepping back at times, is what creates balance.

If you are always looking into your crystal ball for answers, there's a chance this can deplete the upper chakras and create an imbalance. So occasionally, it's essential to be here now, and give love to the lower chakra bodies.

When tuned into the intuitive realms, it's possible to lose sight of your goals and forget what the original target was.

So when following the intuitive path, know that balancing all the wisdom from the upper and higher realms, with what you've learned from the physical, is good.

The logical and the intuitive are meant to work harmoniously, hand-in-hand and this post is about how to do just that.

I used to tell myself, Amanda, you have to choose. What is it going to be? Are you going to be a psychic or are you going to be the person who crunches numbers?

I never did make that choice, and you don't have to either. 

You are a spiritual body stepped into a physical body, and both work together as a set of gears in a fluid machine.

You have a left brain and a right brain. You have intuition and you have logic. Both are essential for balance. Both are essential for total wellness in your life.

The more time that you spend in the physical world figuring out the best time to go to the post office, the next best product launch, the more time you need to shake it all off, let go, and allow your intuition to expand. 

We need both to be healthy and free.

So, wondering how to balance an intuitive side of yourself in the physical world? Below, we're going to go over four ways to do just that.

Intuitive Life Coaching Tips. 4 Tips To Balance Your Intuitive & Physical Life. Photo of the fin of a sea creature in pink and blue waves by pixpoetry on Unsplash.

#1 Use Your Left Brain And Your Right Brain Each Day

If you've been practicing connecting with Spirit, doing guided meditations, and flexing your intuition by working with crystals, now take a break and dive into some website coding. 

Compare some numbers, build or organize a project. 

Do something spatial like organization, or cooking to balance out all the time you've spent using creativity, imagination, intuition.

Conversely, if you've been planting a garden in the physical world all day, do a guided meditation before you go to bed. 

Listen to some music while you moisturize. Dance a bit. Do something creative to balance the scales.

If you do something left-brained in the day, try to balance it by doing something right-brained even if it's only for a few minutes.

#2 Nourish Both Your Physical And Your Spiritual Body

Whenever one side feels depleted, nourish the other side. Nourishing your spiritual body is just as important as feeding your physical body. 

If you've done something highly intuitive, such as given a class or produced a piece of art or copy, replenish your physical body's reserves with grounding foods.

If you've just done something intensely physical like walking around a warehouse or arena all day, sit back and meditate. Place some crystals on your chest. 

Feed your intuitive body, by feeding your physical body. Return to your intuitive body, after extending your physical body. 

When one half of your chakra system feels spent, feed the other side. 

Spiritual nourishing is also essential for any hard labor you have done, for example, planting food or lifting heavy objects. 

If you have a hard time switching gears to nourish the alternate side, try to use essential oils. 

When opening your intuitive side, use scents for calming and relaxation on your shoulders and behind your ears. When coming back to your physical, place essential oils on your hands and palms, some people like their feet.

#3 Take a single day's designated break from the realm you work in most

Whichever realm makes up the bulk of your day-to-day work, take a designated break from it for a single whole day to recharge the system.

Even if you love it, giving time for your system to reboot helps all processes cleanse, so you can come back to the work that you do with greater joy, enthusiasm, and purpose. 

In other words, with a single day of rest, your manifesting power is greater. So, your ability to change and progress the world through the work you do increases. 

#4 Apply your intuitive abilities in a physical world way

Take any intuition exercises you are doing and apply the insights into the physical world. 

For example, if your intuitive practice is yoga, you want to take the insight learned in yoga and bring it to the physical world, to your everyday life. 

Intentional, focused movement, deciding a destination, and then going there.

Going deeper into work that you are already doing, taking it one step beyond what you are capable of, just one breath at a time. 

Staying where you are longer, but flexing into it more.

If you have a daily meditation practice, ask for a piece of guidance or a guiding message as you end your practice. Then use that message like a mantra, something you say to yourself throughout the day to carry the energy of the meditation with you. 

Both of these take soul body practices and carry them through the physical, giving the physical work you do a deeper, richer meaning. Thus, it becomes an intuitive practice. 

Photo of misty rocks and pebbles on a shoreline by Atik sulianami on Unsplash

to recap, to balance your intuitive and physical life

  • Use outward action and inward intuition both once a day. Take time for both physical activity and intuitive practice, even if it's just five minutes of either every day. 

  • Nourish the opposite of whichever side is being used the most. If your physical self works the most, nourish the spiritual on your off time. If your intuition works the most, nourish the physical on your off time. 

  • Release yourself of the hardest working side one day a week. If your upper chakras are used the most, these govern your decision-making abilities, release your decision-making power one day a week if possible. 

  • Take your intuitive practice with you into your physical day. Slower, deeper movements, a guiding mantra, a philosophical approach, weave it into your daily routine. 

Support yourself with the intuitive in the material, so you feel more spiritually grounded as you tackle life's biggest challenges. 

Think of balancing the intuitive and the physical sides of life like, creating a figure eight. While you may get paid or acknowledged more, for one than the other, they always overlap. 

The more one side feels nourished, the more the other flourishes. Both sides feed into each other.

What's one thing you will do to restore your energy, whichever side is needed most, today?

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