Amanda Linette Meder

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Friday Positive Affirmations

Positive affirmations to end the workweek on. Enjoy these Friday Motivational Quotes - Photo of hot pink be happy sign by Alex Block on Unsplash

Updated 2020.09.07

Even when you work from home, Fridays are one of the best days of the week. When you have a good week, there's a sense of accomplishment and closure, that can make it feel like you do have a few days all to yourself.

When I was first starting this site, I worked round the clock to publish blogs and get clients.

I also desired to get out of the start-up apartment I was living in, which, while at the time was one of the cutest apartments I'd ever moved into, included lots of road noise. 

Backing up a bit, this blog was launched while I was living in a free trailer, but then soon, winter came, and my uninsulated trailer lost its water source.

I then transitioned to an apartment that was given to me for half the market rent, and half the going downpayment.

Standard one-bedroom apartments in my area go for $800-1000 a month with a downpayment of three times the first month's rent, making it around $3,000 to move anywhere.

At the time I needed housing, I only had $900 total to my name, but I prayed and went to look at the apartment anyway. I was able to move in at the half rate down all because my landlord later told me she felt inspired to do it.

My office was in the corner of my bedroom, and my boyfriend was my staff. My only view was the single evergreen tree I could see from my window, the rest was city row houses.

So I did lots of visualizations during those first few years, and it was out of this first business apartment that I wrote over 400 articles and wrote my first eBooks. 

This content has served as the foundation of much of my work today. 

Since that first housing blessing, I later moved into a house out of the city with more views than I could ever imagine, and part of this, I attribute to staying positive during the tough times.

Now, looking back, I think fondly of my first apartment. And I often think about the mantras and affirmations I said as I prayed for a bigger space to record videos and meditations, and expand and grow. 

All that has happened now. None of it would've been possible with the overhead of a much pricer place. As a new writer, I needed all the help and support I could get and continuously send blessings back to those who helped me get here. 

Also, I still say those positive mantras - 

Here are 6 of my favorites to speak at the end of a workweek that'll get you from here to wherever you want to go. 

6 Positive Mantras For Friday Motivation

Affirmations: I am of great worth, I am beautiful inside and out, I make good choices, I have amazing potential, I can do hard things, I know and value who I am. Positive Affirmations.

Give yourself a boost and say a few of these today

I have amazing potential

I make good choices

I can do hard things

I am beautiful inside and out

I am of great worth

I know and value who I am

Motivational Quotes for Fridays, mantras for saying at the end of a work week to keep your productivity up. Photo of hot pink be happy sign by Alex Block on Unsplash with text overlay, Six positive affirmations for your Friday Motivation.

I used to repeat these while walking up the busy street to the convenience store near my apartment on breaks. 

I also said these mantras while taking difficult mathematical and chemical tests in graduate school, as I needed to keep a B average or better to hold onto my funding.

They worked then, too.

How to use these mantras:

Repeating mantras or short positive phrases is a way to hold your brain on the positive, helping you to ignore physical surroundings that would otherwise impede your growth. 

Repetition helps with embedding these positive phrases into your mind, there's even research to support this now. 

And whatever mantras you use, research also shows that holding positive thoughts is in alignment with improved results in anything you do.

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