Amanda Linette Meder

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Guests And Spiritual Activity: Does It Increase?

Photo of string instrument by wood pallet platform bed and woven basket by Tatiana Syrikova from Pexels

Updated 2020.11.17

Guests staying over and an increase in spiritual activity. Have you ever stayed at a friends house or a hotel, and been unable to sleep? Have you ever had an overnight guest then felt the energy was different after?

Sometimes, this is due to being in a new place and other times, it’s due a rise in paranormal activity - 

New Spirits can clearly see who is a medium. 

If you have the ability to see, hear, feel, sense or even pick up on a deceased person, Angel, Spirit Guide or anything else both intelligent and unseen, The Spirit World already knows about it.

Mediums or spirit sensitives have a certain energetic glow around their spiritual body that often can look very vibrant in readings. All souls have a glow depending on their life path or purpose, so if a person has a dharma, or gift, it is often visible in their aura.

This glow, which often looks like a light channel coming down from above, that can be seen by all of those in Spirit.

To The Spirit World, this often looks like a Light Bulb in the middle of an otherwise dark room. So if you go somewhere new, sometimes, Spirits will gravitate towards the one who can sense them.

For this reason, when you are learning to connect with Spirit, it helps to create boundaries and guidelines as to how those in Spirit can connect with you.

Once you review and write out your boundaries, place them on your fridge, recite them over and over again out loud and address any Spirit who is present - stating they follow them - most people, most Spirits, being respectful individuals, usually do follow them.

Boundaries with those in The Spirit World usually works, except when there are new energies involved, who may not know your energy comfort zone yet.

New Spirits don’t know what your rules are and often guests bring Spiritual beings with them when they visit. Everyone has around 3-9 Spirit Guides on their team, who are watching over them, so this is normal.

If you are staying at a friends house, at a hotel or simply having guests over (who will likely bring their own Spirits along), and you are noticing more spirit activity - try telling the Spirits to leave your space, firmly and loudly, or simply ask them to back up out of your aura. 

It is often easier to sense a new Spirit, one not on your immediate team, when it has entered your space, since it’s unfamiliar, and this can be one reason why Spiritual activity seems to increase with guests visiting. 

Spirit activity often increases when guests are around, sometimes because there may be more Spirits present and because those in Spirit are in the new environment and they may not be aware of the unspoken or spoken preferences you have for being interacted with.

So they will do whatever they normally do and whatever they want to do - unless you tell them otherwise.

In your own home, it’s likely that your own Guides, Angels and deceased Loved Ones know what is allowed and what is not allowed and follow those guidelines accordingly. 

Not so, in a new space or with new people, and their new Spirits, in your space.

Spirits in new spaces often don’t know your boundaries, so you may need to tell them what they are and if you see a rise in spiritual activity when you are:

  • Sleeping at a friend’s house

  • Staying the night with a family member

  • Having friends or family over at your house

  • At a hotel, motel or bed and breakfast

Before you have guests over, enter a hotel room, or knock on your friend’s front door, if you are sensitive to new Spiritual Beings, you can restate your boundaries, clear the energy or reset the frequency of the space with sound healing upon returning to your normal sacred space. 

This typically will reduce the possibility of taking anything home with you, or if anything or anyone is left behind, the frequency is raised upon them leaving, meaning anything that stays is at love and above. 

Most people don’t mind if spiritual beings that are high vibration stick around and bless the space, it’s usually only when a lower energy feels present.

If you believe you are experiencing this, it’s likely an earthbound Spirit and you can cross-them over here: How To Cross Over A Spirit

To end, spiritual activity tends to increase with guests, as people have spirits with them that come along, your ability to sense them as being unfamiliar may feel heightened (newness makes anything feel unique), or they may be acting in a way that is different from your Spirit Team, so you notice them more.

All this can be resolved by resetting the energy, through space clearing, intention setting, or by performing other energy balancing techniques upon returning home.

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