Amanda Linette Meder

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Mediumship Management: How To Turn Down Spiritual Gifts

Photo of misty orange sky with mountains by Reimund Bertrams from Pixabay

Updated 2021.12.06

Need a better way to manage your mediumship abilities? Wondering if there is a way for you to 'turn down' your intuitive gifts to prevent sensory overload? Are you an empath or sensitive who is getting overwhelmed in large crowds? Read on -

Have you ever been to a memorial site as a medium?

Before I was trained on how to use my gifts, memorial sites were an unbearable place.

Due to the inherent energy in mass memorial areas - they tend to be places full of those in Spirit.

Loved ones crossed over, Angels and Spirit Guides assisting in sending love energy and healing to the visitors. . . other Spirits hanging around who are drawn to the energy present.

If you have the gift of hearing, feeling, seeing, or sensing those in Spirit - these abilities are often fully present, all of the time, whether or not a reading is going on.

Thus, to a medium unaware of how to manage their abilities - hanging out in places with many of those in Spirit, such as a memorial site or a historic hotel, can be overwhelming.

Have you ever been overwhelmed or filled with nervousness and energy in a public, sentimental place, and never knew why?

Consider that you may be a medium and sensitive to ambient, sometimes spiritual energies.

Until I learned how to manage my mediumship abilities - these types of environments were pretty rough - I felt nervous, unsettled, and generally like I was crawling in my skin. 

In fact, over the years, to live a regular life, have relationships, run errands, cook dinner, visit friends working in these areas, go to events, or do anything at all - I've learned to tune down my abilities to manage them.

These skills, largely self taught, have made it far easier to handle my abilities in day-to-day life, while maintaining both serenity and peace.

In other words, I've learned how to flow with mediumship abilities - and you can too.

Tired constantly feeling uneasy and like you can't get rest from all the energy activity around?

Not sure when a Spirit is trying to connect with you and when one isn't?

Need help dealing with mediumship gifts in your day to day life?

Having trouble feeling comfortable at places meant for reverence or memories? 

If so, I've come up with a few things to share with you, that helped me, when I was learning how to deal with my mediumship.

4 Ways To Manage Mediumistic Gifts

Photo of four candles, three white, one red in darkness by Henryk Niestrój from Pixabay

1 - Know Most Mediums Sense Spirits First

To start managing mediumistic abilities, identify what this feels like for you.

Whenever a Spirit is present, my heart beats really fast. Suddenly, I feel scattered. I notice pressure on my chest and get butterflies in my stomach.

Because I didn't realize what was happening at first, I thought I just had occasional nervousness.

Many of my clients have also revealed that they, too, sense those in Spirit in this way, even if they couldn't yet figure out how to detect them in any other way.

The presence of Spirit feels different for everyone - 

  • You may feel a heaviness or pressure around you or over your head.

  • A heat in the air or tingly sensation on your arms and back.

  • A sudden extreme chill and coolness.

  • A sudden fastness to your world, as though you are falling on a roller coaster.

If you can determine in which of these above ways that you 'feel' Spirit, keep this thought in your mind and then test it.

Next time you feel this sensation, stop, close your eyes, and listen.

Then, ask - Is someone here? Do you need to connect with me? Do you feel, hear, or simply just know a response? Can you see any energy in your mind's eye

2 - Know You Can Turn Down The Volume On Your Chakras

You are a strong antenna.

Thus, going out in public, to social gatherings, to other people's houses can be hard to handle. For any amount of time, you may pick up on the energy.

Afterward, you may feel more of a need to be alone, to turn down the noise or signal input.

Having your abilities set on strong and set to loud at all times, is like having the living room television on loud, even in the middle of the night - it can be hard to rest.

Waking up at night?

Social outings exhaust you?

Find it difficult to soothe at the end of the day?

Next time you are going out to a public space, take a few deep breaths and ask yourself and your Spirit Guides, to turn down your abilities.

Imagine a knob turning clockwise and envision the volume going down on low.

By and large, it normally isn't the medium's spirits that bother them. It's the influx of information and input from all the other channels that you may wish to streamline.

3 - Identify Your Spiritual Boundaries

I've talked about setting boundaries with those in Spirit on several different occasions.

In this blog of boundaries and in this blog on boundaries, and it's worth mentioning them again. 

Set a time to tune into yourself, spiritually. The more you do this, and you give the energy that wants to speak to you a place to go, the less erratically it will flow in.

Decide when you want to tune in spiritually, then give permission to the energies to contact you then. Setting a framework sometimes promotes a smoother connection, which often feels better.

4 - Tell Spirits To Back Up

Speaking of boundaries, if you are feeling a Spirit around and simply want to get on with it, you deserve to have the complete freedom to live a life of peacefulness, without a constant presence around you.

Many years ago, I believed that the best way to deal with Spirits that I saw was to just ignore them and hope they got the message of my cold shoulder and went away. Usually, energy just hangs around until it is integrated or explicitly removed or told to leave.

How To Turn Down Your Spiritual Gifts text over photo of misty orange sky with mountains by Reimund Bertrams from Pixabay

So either call in energy by setting some time every week to tune in or ask Spiritual energy to back up.

Whenever you sense a Spirit that is too close, or you're off duty, and simply trying to enjoy your day, just tell the Spirit to back off.

Don't worry about hurting anyone's feelings, as you can set your boundaries, and decide when you'll pass a message and when you won't.

Spirits are often reasonable when you request they depart. 

So to recap, managing mediumistic gifts is possible by knowing how the energy comes in, tuning down the volume when needed, setting boundaries, and communicating with it - gifts are manageable.

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