Amanda Linette Meder

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What To Expect In Your First Few Years As A Psychic Medium

Photo of a river between the autumn leaves by Emre Kuzu from Pexels

Updated 2021.12.06

There is an ebb and flow that is natural in taking a new job as an entrepreneur, no matter what you are doing.

Today I want to talk about what to expect as you get started using your gifts as a business because it can feel like an unfamiliar territory and I know that because I've been there. 

When I first started my spiritual writing and reading business (that is now this website), I never expected to go professional with it. 

My plan was to take readings on the nights and weekends, as a nice gesture for others and as a way for me to become more comfortable with having dead people around me just because, and maybe to write a few blogs or posts on message boards about my experiences to help people like me.

I’ve now written over 900 articles, responded to thousands of social media, message board, and forum comments, and I’ve performed close to 1,500 readings. 

I never expected it to get this far. 

But now we’re here, and now I'm a professional psychic medium. 

As a friend, as someone who has been through the fire, and as someone who helps other people get through the fire of those first few years too, I want to share with you a few things you can expect on your journey as a freelance spirit worker, regardless of what field you practice in. 

My hope is that it can help prepare you for what is to come and give you a sense of peace in knowing what is normal. 

10 things to expect when you start as a professional psychic medium

#1. You’re going to wonder if you did the right thing

If you’re human, it’s been drilled into you since childhood that stability is a good thing and you should seek it, but when you walk away from the 9-to-5 to professionally pursue this life, you also walk away with the guarantee of a promised paycheck every week, two weeks, or month.

Even if you are making more money in a single hour than you did in four at your old job, there are waxes and wanes, and you’re going to wonder if the risk was all worth it.

So speaking of . . .

#2. There will be waxes and wanes

When you start building your professional spirit channeling business, you are going to be basing your days on what your ‘new boss’ wants you to do. In other words, you are going to be guided by Spirit in your work.

Spirit doesn’t always follow the dollar, so there will be days when you hardly make any, but to make up for that, there will be days when you make a ton.

You want to plan for these dry times during the high times, so you can sustain yourself and your business in the long run.

The valleys and the mountains get less extreme and more predictable the longer you go on, so don’t worry - it won’t be like this forever and it does get easier to plan.

#3. You may not fully understand your Spirit Guides guidance until later

Your Spirit Guides may suggest things to push you past your boundaries of what you think is possible.

To do this, they’ll leave out little details of what they tell you here and there, they’ll not say this or that, to get you to do the thing and learn the lesson, they’ll stretch your ability to trust what they say, by cutting things close to the wire.

They mean well and eventually, you'll forgive and get why they did it. 

#4. You might go back to your old life, only to find it isn’t where you are anymore

You might take a job doing nature tours or try working at a health food store, only to find out the hours are awful, and the pay isn’t that good.

So you'll learn you could drum up as much in a week in a single day when hosting a booth at a local event, setting up a reading marathon day, or launching a new channeled healing and have way more fun than you ever did at 'old life.'

#5. You may have challenging, teaching clients

Yes, yes. No one wants to hear me say it, but it’s true.

When you start your work as a professional psychic medium, you will experience clients that help you unfold. With them, you are given insight into running a better business model.

Clients teach you what needs to be on your FAQ page, what isn't in your terms and conditions but should be, and so on. These clients help us grow.

#6. Someone’s feedback is going to open your heart

The benefit of this is that the more often it happens, the more energy management skills you teach yourself and the quicker you recover and the more open your heart becomes.

#7. Someone is going to go out of their way to do something incredibly kind for you

This usually happens right after #6 happens. Gotta love synchronicity.

Someone in your soul group is going to pick up on you needing a spirit hug and reach out to you. You’ll be shocked, awed, and unable to believe the kindness. Things like this will start happening more and more the longer you go on because . . .

#8. Your commitment to Spirit is going to strengthen

You’re going to notice yourself having more and more confidence in your gifts and what the Spirits say as time goes on.

Because of this, you’ll doubt that your earlier readings, earlier healings, and earlier offerings weren’t ‘as good’ as they are now. They were. Everyone meets each other at exactly the perfect time for both of them on their journey of growth. Everything happened as it needed to, but because of this . . .

#9. You’ll start attracting like-minded people to you

As the time goes on, you’ll realize that many of your earlier blogs no one read, because no one was following you then. Reshare them. You’ll see that new people are coming every day. Don’t forget to remind them of your offerings. And you’ll develop more of a following.

And then at some point, you’ll have to really think about how to reframe your boundaries, your email system, and when and how people contact you. In the meantime, don’t worry if you start to feel overwhelmed from all of it, we all do. 

#10. You’ll want to quit

It is not always easy being a speaker of never before spoken truths, the one who brings through the hard conversations and messages that are required to invoke a healing, but not always so easy to absorb the emotions that follow.

You’ll eventually develop ways to energetically protect yourself from all the emotion coming through, but before you do that, you’ll want to quit. This is normal. 

Usually what happens is a reminder to keep going shows up soon after.

This is your purpose and there are ways to go on. 

As a spiritual worker, you can develop income-generating projects in a variety of ways:

  • Private consultations

  • Advertising revenue from those who view your virtual writings or videos

  • Speaking payments from classes you teach or events you host and so on

All of this I talk about in the post, 5 Creative Ways To Make More Money (While Not Giving a Single Reading)

Regardless, developing all these streams of income will take some time.

These are just a few things I realized on my journey. Notice anything familiar? What have you learned on yours so far?

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